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Showing posts with label Riots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Riots. Show all posts

Monday, December 01, 2014

#Ferguson - for the Record

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

#FergusonDecision can be ended tonight

The response of the #Fersuson Police and MO National Guard last night was a disgrace.

Many lost their businesses and those not insured lost all.  Law enforcment was put to the test and failed miserably.

Tonight they have another chance, and their response can end this insanity quickly -


Sunday, October 12, 2014

#Ferguson Terrorists Block traffic… Chanting "KILL WHITEY!"

Protesters in St. Louis, Mo., called for the death of Ferguson Police Office Darren Wilson while marching through the historic Shaw neighborhood for the second night in a row.

The demonstrators essentially demanded Wilson’s lynching, chanting, “Who do you want? Darren Wilson! How do you want him? Dead!” according to reporters covering the event.
In addition to the disgraceful chant, they assaulted at least one reporter, burned American flags, blocked traffic, broke a window in at least one apartment home, and reportedly threw a knife at police, according to BizPacReview.

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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rioters threaten terrified motorists ------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------Rioters burn American Flag

Saturday, October 11, 2014

St. Louis Riot as Thugs turn on Police, smash windows, attack reporters

9mm Ruger was recovered from the scene. The gun was stolen.
Protesters on Thursday vandalized a pharmacy on Grand Avenue.
The protesters also torched a stolen US flag near Grand Avenue.

They smashed windows on homes.  A knife was tossed at Police  

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Deys Got Rights! #Ferguson descends into riots once more


Seven arrested, 1 shot as police use tear gas on protesters defying Ferguson curfew

Police Shooting Misso_Cham(6)640081714.jpg
August 16, 2014: Police in riot gear prepare to take up positions as people protest the police shooting death of Michael Brown a week ago in Ferguson, Mo. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)
Police fired smoke and tear gas canisters early Sunday in an effort to disperse several dozen protesters who defied a curfew in a St. Louis suburb where a black teenager was fatally shot by a white police officer last week. 
The Missouri Highway Patrol said that seven people were arrested and one man had been shot at the site of the protest in Ferguson, Mo. Missouri State Highway Patrol Capt. Ron Johnson said that the shooting victim was in critical condition and had been rushed to a hospital by protesters. 
Johnson said the use of tear gas was precipitated by concerns about people who'd broken into a barbecue restaurant and taken position on the roof overlooking approaching police. Another concern involved a man flashing a handgun who appeared in the middle of the street as armored vehicles approached. Johnson says someone fired at a patrol car, but no officers were injured.
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Of couse if  white people throw molotov cocktails, rocks and bottles at Police, break out windows and loot stores and create general havoc we we will get arreassted in a big hurry.
When the Colored do it, they are treated with kid gloves, and the media fawns all over them, forcing us all to suck up to these ignorant thugs in order to discover what their grievances are.

Additionally, Fersuson Police have noted the presence of many thugs that are not Residents, indicating outside agitators.  The presence of Jesse (High) Jack***, Al Sharpie and the Black Panthers has been widely publicized but no one has taken into account the presence of outside gangs.  Since the Bloods have aready been called upon to plot revenge upon Police, it is a sure fire bet that the large gangs unique to this ethnic group also are playing a role, including a large drug sales potential.

We've seen it all before here in Chicago: In 1968 and later, the Black Panthers, the mega gangs coming from New York and as far away as L.A. and of course the "Civil Rights" trouble-makers. The Late Richard J. Daley (the "Boss") had the answer when he instructed the Chicago Police to "Shoot to Kill" Looters.

CNN is alive with Thug Ass-kissing this Sunday morning and the tone of its programming promises even more.  Now that Holder and BO are involved, expect this only to get worse.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Ferguson Riots Michael Brown shooting - Video

Ferguson Swat Fire Gas at Rioters - VIDEO

FBI Confirms NEW BLACK PANTHER LEADER Is in StL Area Encouraging Violence Against Cops

Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, August 13, 2014, 11:58 AM

FOX 2 reporter Roche (pronounced ‘Rocky’) Madden says the FBI has warned local authorities that an African American hate group is in town promoting violence against police officers.


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Ferguson is Chicago 1968 re-visited

The rioting taking place in Missouri reminds us of the Dark Days of 1968 - a year that will live in Infamy here in Chicago.

Chicago Police confront rioters

The city had been experiencing the normal amount of violence from the West and South Sides but the sudden assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King gave the drunken and doped up gang bangers and their syophants a good reason to Burn Baby, Burn.  The slogan had been championed in other disturbances and was a hallmark of the violent Communist-loving Black Panther Party.  Since most membets of the Black Panthers were ex-cons and/or current street gang members and drug dealers the Chicago Police had kept a close watch on this dangeous group so nothing was a surprise.

The rioting began around 1:00 PM and by 4 was going full throttle.  CPD was overwhelmed so Mayor Daley (the Boss) Called in the Illinois National Guard.  

Since we had Legal Business that day we drove right through it - the hostile stares and gestures were alarmingit but fortunately no one was injured.  The insanity continued:

The riots resulted in over 125 fires and 210 buildings being damaged, totaling $10 million worth of damages. Power lines and telephone lines all around the city were knocked out. In the first two days of rioting, police reported multiple civilian deaths but were unable to determine whether they were caused by the riots or other crimes. No official death toll was given for the riots, although published accounts say 9 to 11 people died as a result. Almost 300 people were arrested, and a thousand people were left homeless. The destruction was mostly on the west side. However, there was some damage in the south side ghetto and near the north side.
Following the riots, Chicago experienced a food shortage, and the city's needs were barely met by volunteers bringing food to the area. Results of the riots include the increase in pace of the area’s ongoing deindustrialization and public and private disinvestment. Bulldozers moved in to clean up after ticghe rioters, leaving behind vacant lots, many of which remain today. No clashes of this magnitude have happened in the United States since 1968.  1.
The West Side Burns

The end result of this tribal orgy of violence and mayhem was to scare legitimate business away for good.  The financial life of the West and South Sides was devasted for decades.  The Vacant lots where beautiful buliding once stood can still be seen on the West Side of Chicago.  They got just what they deserved.
So if the barbarians of 2014 want to repeat the same mistake, let them. Only it will be different this time:  for, if they do BURN BABY BURN -

Today there are Reports that the Black Panthers are in Missousi and encouraging the same sort of KILL THE PIGS rhetoric they used here in Chicago.  Our Cops knew the danger and blasted a few of their leaders to Hell so let's hope that the Cops in this sistuation do likewise.

After it's over, the damage will be re-built.


1.) 1968 Chicago Riots,,, last visited Aug 12, 2014

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Muslims riot in Berlin

In a video taken at a Pro-Islamist and anti-Israel rally Thursday, scores of protests were heard chanting in German, “Jew, Jew, cowardly pig, come on out and fight on your own” ("Jude, Jude, feiges Schwein, komm heraus und kampf allein").

Germany’s Jewish community condemned the riot-like event, calling it an “explosion of evil and violent hatred of Jews.
Protesters were seen waving Palestinian flags and showcasing signs of former PLO chief Yasser Arafat. The former Palestinian President had strong ideological ties to Nazi Germany, as he was an apprentice of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. The Mufti, which some argue was the first Palestinian leader, had negotiated a truce with former German Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler with the shared goal of trying to wipe the Jews off of the planet.
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Monday, July 14, 2014

Obama is carrying out ethnic replacement

Savage calls it "ethnic replacement."

    I want to talk about ethnic replacement, a term I created.

    We've all heard about ethnic cleansing.

    Ethnic cleansing is carried out by invading armies.

    Obama is too decent for that, of course.

    Instead, he's carrying out ethnic replacement.

    He's following in the footsteps of the liberal rulers who preceded him.

    First there was birth control, aimed primarily at whites, but affecting mainly blacks.

    Hispanics generally ignored this message, for cultural, religious and linguistic reasons.

    Then there was the flooding of drugs and the normalization of orgiastic sex without children. Hispanics generally ignored that, too.

    Then, under President Clinton, came the denial of green cards to Europeans who wanted to emigrate, and the massive issuance of green cards to non-Europeans.

    Finally, there is the invasion of the United States by an army of young fertile Hispanics to replace the white European American.

    This is ethnic replacement as being practiced by Obama, Holder and their gang.
Visit the Michael Savage website here. 

Monday, July 07, 2014


Sunday, July 06, 2014

ISRAEL gripped by nationwide Arab riots

Bedouins throw firebombs at southern Jewish community, rioters in Shfaram set fire to trash bins, while police outpost in northern Arab village burned by protestors.
Hassan Shaalan
Latest Update: 07.06.14, 22:43 / Israel News

Arab protesters rioted Sunday in East Jerusalem and a number of neighborhoods in the capital after a tense day which saw security forces arrested six men for the murder of the Palestinian teen Mohammed Abu Khdeir. Some 15 silent protests took place in Arab communites across Israel without incident.
A number of right-wing Jews demanding revenge for the death of the three Israeli teens also rioted in the capital.

In the Shuafat neighborhood, from which Abu Khdeir originated and was scene to the kidnapping itself, over 100 Arab youths, some who were wearing masks, pelted police forces with stones. Similar scenes were reported from the Abu Tur neighborhood. Police forces were present at both areas.

Saturday, July 05, 2014

Following night of violent clashes, Doped-up Muslims continue to Attack Jews

In Qalansawe, rioters are burning tires while in Tayibe, hundreds demonstrate near the main road.
Raanan Ben-Zur, Hassan Shaalan
Latest Update: 07.05.14, 18:55 / Israel News

After a night of violent clashes in the Triangle area, during which Jewish civilians were attacked by Arab protesters in Qalansawe, masked demonstrators returned to the streets on Saturday afternoon, burning tires in the entrance to the Arab city.
Dozens of Qalansawe residents were dispersed after rioting and pelting a Yasam force stationed some 300 meters away with stones. One protester was arrested for stone-throwing. Earlier, Qalansawe Mayor Abdel Baset Salame urged residents not to go out on the streets and to refrain from disrupting the peace.

Clashes continue in Tayibe (Photo: Hassan Shaalan)
Clashes continue in Tayibe (Photo: Hassan Shaalan)

In Tayibe, some 400 people were protesting near the main road. Protesters clashed with police, throwing stones at the Yasam force at the scene. Police used stun grenades and a truck of sewage water to disperse the protesters.,7340,L-4538152,00.html

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Friday, May 02, 2014

Social Media? Riot At Annual Seattle May Day Rally for Marxism (Video)

Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, May 2, 2014, 8:59 AM

The Marxists celebrated May Day yesterday in Seattle.
What started as a non-violent ‘peaceful’protest turned into mass rioting.
damage seattle
Smashed window on King County Metro Transit Bus. From SPD. (FOX13)
The protesters handed out flyers saying, “The only good cop is a bad cop.”
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