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Showing posts with label race. Show all posts
Showing posts with label race. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Black Privilege #TCOT #PJNET

As the Race Hustelers prepare for Battle in Ferguson and the MSM Prepare to cover it 24/7 it's a good time to look at REALITY:

1. Because of Black Privilege, you can murder white people and not go to jail if you’re a sports celebrity; OJ SIMPSON
2. You can be an anti-semite and still be hailed as the Greatest Civil Rights Leader of your generation; REV JESSE JACKSON
3. You can be arrested for crack cocaine possession and still finish your term as mayor;
4. You can bash gays and still get a TV show on a cable network that champions LGBT rights; REV AL SHARPTON
5. You can be a communist who believes the U.S. Government attacked its own people on 9/11 and still get appointed to a cabinet position by the President;
6. You can beat your chest about the lack of black women in power and still get the first black female Secretary of State dropped from a commencement speech;
7. You can be the first Representative to be censured by the House in 30 years for tax evasion and illegal campaign financing and still get reelected indefinitely;
8. You can sit in a Church for 20 years where the Pastor preached White Hate and Damned America and still become President of the United States;REV JEREMIAH WRIGHT
9. You can be under investigation for voter registration fraud, have the entire warehouse of evidence be consumed in a mysterious fire, and get the investigation dropped;
10; And last…you can get caught in scandal after scandal, lie after lie, violate the Constitution, and break federal law with impunity without ever having to worry about being impeached; 



The most successful 'group' in the U.S. is Asian Americans.. They out perform all other groups including whites.. Where's the Asian Privilege? Stop the nonsense…

partial source;


Friday, August 15, 2014

Ferguson and the Militarization of Police

The Guns below represent a small fraction of weapons seized by the Chicago Police Department.

As you can see, these are not sporting rifles, nor the "Saturday Night Special" Guns that law enforcement has seen in the past. They are, rather, military grade assault rifles, with large magazines capable of firing many rounds designed to kill an adversary.

These are the guns Chicago gangs are using to kill not only each other (Which is fine with most people) but innocent onlookers. They are some of the deadliest available: CPD reports seeing AK-47's, M-16's and other semi and even fully automatic weapons and a grenade launcher.

This is what Police in Major Urban areas face daily.

Eric Holder, President BO and the Liberal MSM are AGHAST at some of the vehicles and guns being used by the Ferguson Police, but they only mimmick the type of equipment used by Law Enforcement nation-wide.

The Guns that you see above are the Reason: 

POLICE who must face these dangers daiy deserve the best protection that money can buy.  Since the Military has tactics and arms already in place to deal with the tribal orgies of violence that happen in the nations Black areas, this equipment has been employed for some time.

The MSM should stop the hypocrisy and do their job - if they had been they would KNOW what POLICE Face daily and KNOW that the deadly threats faced by Law Enforcement dictate the use of the levels of force that Military Tactics and Weapons provide.

Black Panthers in Chicago

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Are Democrats Waging a ‘War on Whites’? One Alabama Congressman Thinks So

sman Thinks So

 By , August 4, 2014
March For Jobs Protests Illegal Immigration, Lack Of Jobs
On Sunday on Fox, National Journal columnist Ron Fournier commented that the Republican Party’s harsh stance on immigration and other issues have made it increasingly “the party of white people.”
In response, Alabama Representative Mo Brooks shot back on Monday during a conservative broadcast saying that someone had to stand up for white rights. After all the Democratic party was waging an all-out war on the whites in America.
“This is a part of the war on whites that’s being launched by the Democratic Party. And the way in which they’re launching this war is by claiming that whites hate everybody else,” Brooks told conservative radio host Laura Ingraham on Monday.
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Monday, July 14, 2014

Obama is carrying out ethnic replacement

Savage calls it "ethnic replacement."

    I want to talk about ethnic replacement, a term I created.

    We've all heard about ethnic cleansing.

    Ethnic cleansing is carried out by invading armies.

    Obama is too decent for that, of course.

    Instead, he's carrying out ethnic replacement.

    He's following in the footsteps of the liberal rulers who preceded him.

    First there was birth control, aimed primarily at whites, but affecting mainly blacks.

    Hispanics generally ignored this message, for cultural, religious and linguistic reasons.

    Then there was the flooding of drugs and the normalization of orgiastic sex without children. Hispanics generally ignored that, too.

    Then, under President Clinton, came the denial of green cards to Europeans who wanted to emigrate, and the massive issuance of green cards to non-Europeans.

    Finally, there is the invasion of the United States by an army of young fertile Hispanics to replace the white European American.

    This is ethnic replacement as being practiced by Obama, Holder and their gang.
Visit the Michael Savage website here. 

Friday, May 23, 2014

Ready for Obama's Race War?

It seems as if Obama and his minions, in the form of wife Michele, \

Eric Holder, John Kerry and more are stirring up racial hatred in America. This is not surprising since they rose to their current positions via Race hustling. Now that they have been exposed as the incompetent boobs they really are, they will use the only they think they really know to hold on to their power - RACE HUSTLING!

What is surprising is HOW FAR the Liberals are going to instill hatred in Blacks. Watch the following video at YouTube and then visit Prison Planet to find out what is really going on.  (and some of this is being paid for with your tax dollars)

Again, we have Dr. Michael Savage to thank for bringing these viral matters to the attention of the nation.

Here is the YOUTUBE VIDEO:

White Privilege Conference 2014 Part 4 of 4:

Followed by the truth at

No Whites Allowed: Student Booted From Conference Because Of Skin Color

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“Because I was white they would feel unsafe?”
Mac Slavo
May 21, 2014
Earlier this week First Lady Michelle Obama urged schoolchildren to monitor their parents for racially insensitive comments because Federal laws can only go so far in stopping racism.
No Whites Allowed: Student Booted From Conference Because Of Skin Color 210514white
Image: White Privilege Conference (YouTube).
While we don’t have any racially insensitive incidents against African Americans to report at this time, maybe Mrs. Obama can assist us with the insensitive and racist actions taken by organizers of the annual White Privilege Conference held in Madison, Wisconsin.
According to Progressives Today, when a white student reporter attempted to enter a workshop being held at the conference he was escorted out of the area because his race was too offensive to other participants, the majority of whom were black.
The reason? An organizer told our investigator: “It can feel, for some people of color, unsafe. Not universally – like in your group everybody was fine, but for some people it can feel like, oh, I don’t … ”
“Because I was white they would feel unsafe?” our reporter asked as he was led out of the workshop.
“Exactly. Exactly,” the organizer said. “And it’s not because you’ve done anything. You seem like a perfectly fine person, but it’s because of experiences they’ve had with others.” 
“A recurring theme at the White Privilege conference is the negative effects of European Christian culture. Christianity is presented not as a system of spiritual faith, but as an institutionalized system of social oppression like racism or sexism.”
White Ally: “The longer you are in the Tea Party, the more racist you become.”
8-year old White Ally: “White privilege is something white people have, meaning they have an advantage in a lot of things.”
“Racism is central to America.”
White Ally: “In our nation… racism… White people do not experience racism. White people can experience discrimination, but not racism.”
If someone disagrees with the policies of the Obama administration, or points out the black-on-black crime is much higher than white-on-black crime, they are often branded racists.
If you’re not a left leaning democrat and prefer to identify with the ideas of the Tea Party movement, guess what? Yep, you’re a racist.
Apparently, even being a Christian in America is now taboo and an instrumental part of America’s systemic racist culture.
It’s been a long time since we’ve seen a sign at a private business or gathering that says “Whites Only.”
This would, of course, cause a public outrage.
But when the tables are turned, and the segregation sign says “Blacks Only,” it is perfectly acceptable.
No Whites Allowed: Student Booted From Conference Because Of Skin Color blacks only
Merriam-Webster defines racism as poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race and racial prejudice or discrimination.
Though attendees of the White Privilege Conference claim that white people do not experience racism, the individual who was escorted out of the workshop because of the color of his skin was discriminated against solely because he is white.

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