Eric Holder, John Kerry and more are stirring up racial hatred in America. This is not surprising since they rose to their current positions via Race hustling. Now that they have been exposed as the incompetent boobs they really are, they will use the only they thing they really know to hold on to their power - RACE HUSTLING!
What is surprising is HOW FAR the Progressives/Liberals are going to instill hatred in Blacks. Watch the following video at YouTube and then visit Prison Planet to find out what is really going on. (and some of this is being paid for with your tax dollars)
Again, we have Dr. Michael Savage to thank for bringing these viral matters to the attention of the nation.
Here is the YOUTUBE VIDEO:
What is surprising is HOW FAR the Progressives/Liberals are going to instill hatred in Blacks. Watch the following video at YouTube and then visit Prison Planet to find out what is really going on. (and some of this is being paid for with your tax dollars)
Again, we have Dr. Michael Savage to thank for bringing these viral matters to the attention of the nation.
Here is the YOUTUBE VIDEO:
Followed by the truth at
No Whites Allowed: Student Booted From Conference Because Of Skin Color
“Because I was white they would feel unsafe?”Earlier this week First Lady Michelle Obama urged schoolchildren to monitor their parents for racially insensitive comments because Federal laws can only go so far in stopping racism.
Image: White Privilege Conference (YouTube).While we don’t have any racially insensitive incidents against African Americans to report at this time, maybe Mrs. Obama can assist us with the insensitive and racist actions taken by organizers of the annual White Privilege Conference held in Madison, Wisconsin.According to Progressives Today, when a white student reporter attempted to enter a workshop being held at the conference he was escorted out of the area because his race was too offensive to other participants, the majority of whom were black.The reason? An organizer told our investigator: “It can feel, for some people of color, unsafe. Not universally – like in your group everybody was fine, but for some people it can feel like, oh, I don’t … ”“Because I was white they would feel unsafe?” our reporter asked as he was led out of the workshop.“Exactly. Exactly,” the organizer said. “And it’s not because you’ve done anything. You seem like a perfectly fine person, but it’s because of experiences they’ve had with others.”
“A recurring theme at the White Privilege conference is the negative effects of European Christian culture. Christianity is presented not as a system of spiritual faith, but as an institutionalized system of social oppression like racism or sexism.”
White Ally: “The longer you are in the Tea Party, the more racist you become.”
…8-year old White Ally: “White privilege is something white people have, meaning they have an advantage in a lot of things.”…“Racism is central to America.”…White Ally: “In our nation… racism… White people do not experience racism. White people can experience discrimination, but not racism.”If someone disagrees with the policies of the Obama administration, or points out the black-on-black crime is much higher than white-on-black crime, they are often branded racists.If you’re not a left leaning democrat and prefer to identify with the ideas of the Tea Party movement, guess what? Yep, you’re a racist.Apparently, even being a Christian in America is now taboo and an instrumental part of America’s systemic racist culture.It’s been a long time since we’ve seen a sign at a private business or gathering that says “Whites Only.”This would, of course, cause a public outrage.But when the tables are turned, and the segregation sign says “Blacks Only,” it is perfectly acceptable.Merriam-Webster defines racism as poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race and racial prejudice or discrimination.Though attendees of the White Privilege Conference claim that white people do not experience racism, the individual who was escorted out of the workshop because of the color of his skin was discriminated against solely because he is white.
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And the 10 Greatest Inventors in History?
1. Archimedes of Syracuse
2. Nikola Tesla
3. Thomas Edison
4. Alexander Graham Bell
5. George Westinghouse
6. Jerome “Jerry” Hal Lemelson
7. Hero of Alexandria
8. Benjamin Franklin
9. Edwin Land
10. Leonardo Da Vinci
But don't forget BASKETBALL!
Guess who invented that?