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Showing posts with label Election. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Election. Show all posts
Friday, November 07, 2014
Patriots - Look at what you've done:
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Ass Kicking,
Tea Party,
Thursday, November 06, 2014
Where Guns Won And Lost In The 2014 Midterm Elections
Posted by Bob Owens on November 6, 2014 at 9:14 am
The pundit class of the mainstream media is apparently still in shock and denial over the results of the 2014 midterm elections, a contest that was so-only sided that it’s hard to put into context. The results of a handful of races are still in doubt thanks to run-off elections and recounts, but the overall outcome is clear. Republicans will have control of up to 54 seats in the U.S. Senate, and up to 250 seats in the House of Representatives. Republicans scored huge gains on the state level as well, winning the governor’s mansions and control of the legislatures in even traditionally “blue” states.
It was—to put it mildly—a historic butt-whooping, and the worst election for Democrats since the 1920s, since before progressives (then more accurately described as communists and socialists) were even part of the party.
Governor’s Races
In Colorado, it appears that Democrat John Hickenlooper, reeling and running from the gun control legislation that he signed, barely retained office in a race that he would have otherwise easily won if he hadn’t inflamed so many gun owners. Future gun control in Colorado is a dead issue… at least for a while.
Connecticut governor Dannel Malloy retained office in his dark blue state due to a weak opponent and a sizable party advantage, and now enters a dangerous second term, where he must figure out how to live with more than 100,000 gun owners who refused to comply with the state’s “assault weapon” registration law. Largely ignored by the national media, Connecticut is a powder keg that could easily erupt into a civil war if Malloy dares to attempt confiscation of hundreds of thousands of firearms and millions of standard capacity magazines that citizens refused to register.
Across the border in neighboring New York Andrew Cuomo coasted to reelection as governor thanks to a massive downstate advantage in New York City, but has even less hope of enforcing the more onerous provisions of NY SAFE than Malloy does, with owners of over a million “assault weapons” in the Empire State refusing to comply.
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2014 Mid-Terms,
Muslime Told to Follow Orders on Voting by D.C. Terror Caucus
The D.C. Muslim Caucus is getting negative press attention for telling Muslims they are required to vote as their leaders tell them to.
A ballot box in Los Angeles (Photo: © Reuters)
The D.C. Muslim Caucus is getting negative press attention for telling Muslims they are required to vote as their leaders tell them to. A spokesperson justified the stance by referencing international Islamists.
A press release issued by the D.C. Muslim Caucus endorses a list of candidates in Washington, D.C. and instructs Muslims to vote against a ballot measure that would legalize small amounts of marijuana for non-medical use.
“According to Islamic tenets, Muslims participating in democratic elections are obligated to vote as a bloc based upon a consensus of the Muslim community,” the October 27 press release states.
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House Republicans eye ‘100-year majority’
By Alexander Bolton
Rep. Greg Walden of Oregon, the chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, proclaimed Wednesday that Republicans may have built a “hundred-year majority” in the House.
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Illinois Governor-Elect Rauner talks with Loser Obama
Posted: Nov 05, 2014 10:50 PM CSTUpdated: Nov 05, 2014 10:51 PM CST
CHICAGO (Associated Press) -
An aide to Illinois Governor-elect Bruce Rauner says the Republican has spoken with President Barack Obama.
Rauner defeated Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn on Tuesday. Obama and first lady Michelle Obama campaigned for Quinn's re-election.
Rauner spokesman Mike Schrimpf says the president called Rauner late Wednesday.
Schrimpf says the president told Rauner he still has a home in Illinois and cares greatly about its future. He says Obama also wished Rauner nothing but the best.
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House Democrats deep in abyss
After a night of punishing losses, House Democrats are deeper in the minority than they’ve been in nearly 80 years — and party strategists say it could take years — possibly until after the next round of political map-drawing in the 2020s — to dig out of the hole.
With votes still being counted in more than a dozen congressional districts, Democrats were on track to shed 13 to 16 seats, an outcome that would leave the party with as few as 185 of the chamber’s 435 seats. The last time Democrats had such a small House delegation, Herbert Hoover was president, Charlie Chaplin was making movies, and Alka Seltzer was just hitting the shelves.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2014/11/house-democrats-election-results-2014-112619.html#ixzz3IIYjsPHr
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Krauthammer: Midterms ‘A Nuclear Explosion,’ ‘The Worst Wall-To-Wall Shellacking You Will Ever See’ [VIDEO]
Discussing the midterm elections Wednesday night, syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer told “Special Report” host Bret Baier the Republican victories were “the worst wall-to-wall, national, unmistakable, unequivocal shellacking that you will ever see” and a “nuclear explosion.”
Krauthammer hit President Barack Obama for pretending the election didn’t mean much as he noted during his afternoon press conference that “two-thirds of the electorate didn’t show up.”
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Here's what #RepublicanTakeover Looks Like
At the time of this writing, Republicans have picked up nine seats in the House, pushing them to a muscular 243-seat majority.
For House Speaker John Boehner, that means the bar is set high for legislative accomplishments in the next two years. For the national political landscape, that means a lot of red. Here's the lower chamber of the 114th Congress, in vivid color.
A number of races remain undecided, and the colors for these districts on the map were determined using the majority vote there as it stood at 12 p.m. on Nov. 5 We'll update the map as more results come in.
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Wednesday, November 05, 2014
#RepublicanTakeover - YOU DID IT!
Last night YOU won!
Harry Reid was fired – he will no longer be the Senate Majority Leader. Because of you, we were able to flip enough seats to take the Senate. And, we were able to fire at least three Democrats in Arkansas, Colorado, and North Carolina.
And because of you, the Freedom Caucus grew in the House. Bruce Poliquin, Rod Blum, Mia Love, Ken Buck, and Alex Mooney will be joining Thomas Massie, Tom McClintock, and Justin Amash in Congress. We don’t have all the results yet, and we could still elect two more Freedom Fighters in Maryland and Washington, you made DC listen. Thank you so much for your hard work and support. My staff wants to make sure you know how crucial you were to this amazing victory. That’s why we put together this special card for you. Last night we won the first round. Today, the fight continues as we start pushing a positive agenda that will show every American why freedom works. Thank you so much.
In Liberty,
Matt Kibbe
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#RepublicanTakeover is to Stop Barack Obama, Not to Work with Him
RUSH: What I want to do here is cut to the chase. The result yesterday is exactly what I said it would be. The Republican Party now has one of the most important and unquestionable mandates a political party has ever had at its junction with American history, especially a political party which did not run on a national agenda. The Republican Party purposely stood mute nationally.
Now, if you go into the races, the House and Senate raises all over the country, you will find that many Republican candidates ran specifically against Obamacare, and that is an important note to make and an important thing for you to remember. Individual Republican candidates won, and they won big. They won in a wave landslide running against Obamacare. The national Republican brand or image didn't say a word, which makes the mandate that they have all the more incredible.
How can you govern with a president that disobeys the Constitution? How can you govern with a president that is demonstrably lawless when he thinks he has to be? The Republican Party was not elected to fix a broken system or to make it work. The Republican Party was not elected to compromise. The Republican Party was not elected to sit down and work together with the Democrats. The Republican Party was not elected to slow down the speed the country is headed to the cliff and go over it slowly.
The Republican Party was elected to stop before we get to the cliff. And that's the mandate: to stop Obamacare; to stop amnesty; to stop the open borders policy of Obama and the Democrats; to stop the Big Government assault on the free enterprise economy; to stop national security policies that have allowed terrorist networks all over the world to pop up and fill a vacuum created by the absence of the world's lone superpower on the world stage. That must be stopped.
The Republican Party was elected to stop the run-up of a debt greater than all previous presidents combined have created. The Republican Party was elected to stop efforts by this administration to use the IRS and other agencies of government, in violation of manners and law, in attacking political opponents. The Republican Party was elected to put an end to this incessant and divisive lie that is the War on Women. Yesterday's result cannot in any way mean that voters want Republicans to work with Democrats. And anybody who tells you that and anybody who thinks that could not be more dangerously wrong.
You do not have election results like we had yesterday with the intent being that the voters intend the winners to work with the losers. This election was about stopping the losers, in this case the Democrats. There can be no other correct analysis of what this election was about. They were not elected to "fix a broken system."
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#RepublicanTakeover means Obama era is OVER
Late Tuesday after the majority of the results of Wednesday's midterm elections came in, left-leaning Huffington Post Washington bureau chief Howard Fineman declared this the end for the Obama presidency.
H was asked by host Chris Matthews, “Which party has the spark right now?”
Fineman replied, “Oh, the Republican Party for sure. The Dems have to reinvent themselves all over again. The Obama era is over.”
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#RepublicanTakeOver - WE WON!!! Nov 4, 2014
Yesterday, here on Chi's Far North side (Rogers Park) in our Precint we had to turn away about 10 voters (Our of 200+) - 3 could not vote at all, 3 wrong precint, 3 had to register so were sent downtown. Even the Brain-Dead Democrats could not put up with it all so some went home.
It was a lot worse in Lakeview where some voters were still waiting at 3:00 AM Due to equipment failures and un-qualifed personnel.
It was a lot worse in Lakeview where some voters were still waiting at 3:00 AM Due to equipment failures and un-qualifed personnel.
The PLANNIG was VERY POOR and probably sent even more of those voters home in precints that were worse off.
I'm sure you've heard about the ROBO-CALLS that Illiois Election Judges got on Sat - tellins us we had to attend a special JUDGE TRAINING on the South Side. Judges were confused and some very confused and some quit. I got one but knew that the ONLY TRAINING on Sunday was an OPTIONAL JUDGES TRAINIG at the Loyola Park fieldhouse to ignored it since the number left was wrong or our Ward.
The PPA (Polling Place Administrator - who sets up and dissambles the Electronic equipment) had to come from 79th St here to 7200 N, it was very poor logistics planning. She also had to rely on the manual for every step so assembly and take-down of the Touch Screen was painfully slow. Fortunately we had a pro for the Ballot Scanner and the Election Book so that went well.
Pat Quinn was rejected because he respresented the POLITICAL MACHINE AS IS in ILL and Voters were tired of it all. (Not here in BRAIN-DEAD Far North side CHi, which is SOLID BLUE) but the rest of the state did not buy it any longer. The Traditional Dem 'Ground Game' was missing here on the Far North side of Chicago with fewer than a quarter of registered voters showing up. The number was difficult to guage since other polling places were open onlhy two blocks north and south.
IT WAS LONG DAY Fro 4:00 AM will 9:00 PM BUT
George M Weinert V
Election Judge
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#RepublicanTakeover means it's time to make up so
Bruce Rauner wins Illinois Governor Race.
Republicans win BIG TIME in U.S. Senate.
So its time to kiss and make so...
Republicans win BIG TIME in U.S. Senate.
So its time to kiss and make so...
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Monday, November 03, 2014
Bruce Rauner talks Taxes
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Illinois. Mid-Terms
As has been reported throughout the country, a voter actually recorded a voting machine in illinois changing his vote even though he tries over and over to vote for his preferred Rep candidate.
Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=eaf_1414782542#fe8xrWMAIWZwr3JT.99
MORE CONFIRMED VOTER FRAUD: Another ‘Calibration’ Error'
Machines Flip GOP Votes to Democrats Again Never The Other Way Around.
Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=b08_1414609743#AwYsGGTOMxwFWXZB.99
Sunday, November 02, 2014
#Chicago politics and Crime
Chicago River 1833
In 1833, the year of its founding, Chicago's population numbered only about 300. The majority were soldiers stationed at Fort Dearborn, with a smattering of Settlers and Indians. The male-to-female ratio was far from one, and men with extra time on their hands and no female companionship were ready to pay for it. Houses of Prostitution were ready on Wells Street and booze flowed freely, and horseracing was in vogue. Gambling was popular, and the city's proximity to the Mississippi River brought a wide range of card sharks and confidence men through on a regular basis.
Of course many of these actitities were illegal but they also brought in a lot of money. Where there is law breaking in #Chicago, there's a Crooked Cop who will look the other way for the right bribe. 1833 Chicago was no different. The Late Great Chicago Daily News Writer Mike Royko used to quip that Chicago's Motto should be changed from "City in a Garden" to "Where's Mine?" - relating to our long history of bribing city officials.
The establishment, in 1856, of North's National Amphitheater, one of the city's first commercial venues for amusement, on the north side of Monroe, between Wells and Clark streets was another factor leading to Vice. The Amphitheater played host to traveling circuses, carnivals, and other troupes, and the characters who worked in these events were considered unsavory, and frequently stood accused of drunkenness, vice, and more serious crimes.
With poverty and criminality growing on the street, wealthy residents increasingly moved away from Monroe, lowering property values and attracting even more itinerant and criminal elements, perpetuating a vicious cycle. Cigar stores and houses of prostitution, including most famously Madam Lou Harper's "Mansion" between Wells and Franklin, and Francis Warren's troupe of streetwalkers, who resided between Clark and LaSalle.
The 1850s and 1860s saw masses of poor immigrants, primarily from Ireland, building a shantytown of low, tumble-down buildings centered around Monroe and Wells St., known as "Mrs. Conley's Patch". Longtime alderman and world-renowned dandy "Bathhouse" John Coughlin, was raised there. However, "the Patch" was also notorious in its day, not only for the decrepitude of its dwellings, but also for the depravity and dark crimes of some of its residents. 0.)
The Sands was located on the Chicago River where the Wrigley Building and Tribune Tower stand today. Drunkenness, fighting, robbery, murder, and general misbehavior was the order of the day, every day, in the Sands, and the besotted residents of the district were the bane of the town's respectable population. Annie Stafford was a famous cyprian denizen of a Sands brothel. After decades of debauchery, Mayor Long John Wentworth had the entire area destroyed in one night to appease offended voters.
The 1860 Republican National Convention in Chicago nominated home-state candidate Abraham Lincoln. The tragic years that followed divided the nation and cost many lives but proved to be very good for the City by the Lake. Since it was situated at the apex of the Great Lakes and in the center of the nation, Chicago rapidly grew into a major transit hub.
The large numbers of troops needed by the Union had to be supplied and many of those goods came from Chicago. The Meat Packers were born and grew to large success as did the Major Railroads that were constructed with Chicago as the center.
Where there are large sums of money to be made, there are criminals ready to take it. Such was the case in the Windy City. The Labor Unions that came to power in the 1870's and 80's were dominated by criminal figures who kept their power via bare knuckles and guns when needed.
Politicians saw the advantage of courting the large numbers of votes that a Labor Union or gang could provide so deals were made to provide jobs and money for votes. Since most of the laborers were immigrants and glad to have any job, all was well. Any questions got you a busted nose.
The World's Fair of 1893 marked the International Debut of Chicago as a World Class City:the dazzling shows of the White Ciry (which introduced many to electric lights) were praised nationally and internationally. Chicago had arrived.
Though the Fair was a great success, the national economy was not. Chicago was saddled wih a large population of homeless men. Many of them moved into the World's Fair buildings after it closed and stayed for months until forcibly evicted.
A clever oganizer named Jim MacDunn realized that the talents of these destitute men could make money. He organized them into gangs, which were sent throghouth the yount city to rob houses and reisdents. This created a problem fot the Mayor and aides so they offered to provide jobs for the young ruffians, if they would stop their criminal activities. The young city needed a lot of laborers so it worked out well.
Now, the City had a large army of Criminals working fot them who ALSO could be put to good use when it came time to Get out the Vote.
During this same period (1880-1910) Chicago was home to the Levee, which was located on the South Side, from 18th-22nd and Clark to Wells. The Levee was populated by career criminals and houes or prostitution inluding
Where there's Money, there's a Politician - enter BarhHouse John Coughlin and "Hinky Dink" Kenna:
Hinky Dink” Kenna and “Bathhouse John” Coughlin created in the 1890s a First Ward political machine based on graft and protection money from the saloons, brothels, and gambling halls of the Levee district, just south of the Loop.
Coughlin began his working life as a scrubber in Loop bathhouses acnd opened the first bathhouse of his own in 1882. He prospered through connections with politicians, gamblers, and horse-racing enthusiasts, who stimulated in him a lifelong habit of sartorial flamboyance.
Kenna, a small, quiet, discreet man, ran a saloon called the Workingman's Exchange, where he served generous quantities of beer along with free lunches. Unlike Coughlin he was personally frugal, and became quite wealthy through the business of politics
Before redistricting in 1923, each Chicago ward was represented by two aldermen. Coughlin was first elected to the city council in 1892, and Kenna joined him in 1897. Coughlin served as the sole First Ward alderman from 1923 until his death in 1938, with Kenna succeeding him until his own death in 1946. 1.)
The Levee District is also notorious for the Everleigh Sisters Brothel on 22nd, which, along with hundreds of others, operated with no fear of legal interference due to this happy marriage with Chicago Politics.
From about 1902 until his death in 1920, "Big Jim" Colosimo lead the strongest gang that would come to be known as the Chicago Outfit . Johnny Torrio, an enforcer Colosimo imported in 1909 from New York followed him and seized control after his death. Alfonso Capone, a Torrio henchman, allegedly was directly involved in the murder.
Again, the Politicos in City Hall stood silently as the criminal gangs divided the city up into various turfs. Chicago Mayor "Big Bill" (we have a lot of "Bigs" here in Chicago) looked the other way, as did his mostly Irish Police Force as prohibition flourished. Most residents did not care about the occassional killings, and also visited clandestine nightclubs so enjoyed the entire show. Politics continued to enjoy this odd relationship with crime.
The Public at large was not effected by the gang shootings and did not care - there was NO Street crime as we know of it today. Additionally, the public often patronized "Speak Easys" run by the Chicago BootLeg Heads so were implicit as well. Musicians who worked in these clubs reported that the conditions were ideal, they were paid well and there was never any trouble.
The Public at large was not effected by the gang shootings and did not care - there was NO Street crime as we know of it today. Additionally, the public often patronized "Speak Easys" run by the Chicago BootLeg Heads so were implicit as well. Musicians who worked in these clubs reported that the conditions were ideal, they were paid well and there was never any trouble.
By the time Prohibition ended the marriage between Organized Crime, Labor and Politics was well established. Through varying mayors it ebbed and flowed until the long reign of the "Boss" Richard J. Daley once more solidified this long happy union.
Throughout Daley's long years as Chicago Boss, the same 1st Ward that had been home to Bathhouse John, Capone and the Outfit was diligently represented by Alderman John D'Arco, who was an acknowledged representative of the "Outfit".
Labor Unions have also enoyed the same benefits of this Deal with the Devil, and the Chicago Elevators Operators and even the Teamsters have long been known for strong ties to the Outfit and the Mob. (In Chicago it's the Outfit, while the "Mob" is New York)
As the turbulent sixties raged on, this same influence was augmented by large Urban Mega-Gangs like the Black P Stones, Gangster Disciples and the Vice Lords. Aldermen in the South and West side Wards where they do business made the same deals they had made with the Outfit.
The Outfit's influence is waning now and based in Burbank and Chicago Heights while the Latin Kings and Spanish Disciples enjoy a happy union with the Latino Block in City Hall. Rep Juan Guittierez was championed by the Latin Kings of Humboldt Park who still do political work for him at Election Time.
The Outfit and City Hall continue to enjoy a happy relationship as new Crime Kingpins enjoy all the privileges that Capone once did.
Prohibition Raid
1.) Era of "Hinky Dink" and "Bathhouse John", Douglas Knox, Encyclopedia of Chicago, http://www.encyclopedia.chicagohistory.org/pages/2408.html, Last visited, Nov 2, 2014
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