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Showing posts with label Victory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Victory. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

#RepublicanTakeover - YOU DID IT!

Last night YOU won!

Harry Reid was fired – he will no longer be the Senate Majority Leader. Because of you, we were able to flip enough seats to take the Senate. And, we were able to fire at least three Democrats in Arkansas, Colorado, and North Carolina.

And because of you, the Freedom Caucus grew in the House. Bruce Poliquin, Rod Blum, Mia Love, Ken Buck, and Alex Mooney will be joining Thomas Massie, Tom McClintock, and Justin Amash in Congress. We don’t have all the results yet, and we could still elect two more Freedom Fighters in Maryland and Washington, you made DC listen. Thank you so much for your hard work and support. My staff wants to make sure you know how crucial you were to this amazing victory. That’s why we put together this special card for you. Last night we won the first round. Today, the fight continues as we start pushing a positive agenda that will show every American why freedom works. Thank you so much.

In Liberty,

Matt Kibbe

#RepublicanTakeover means Obama era is OVER

 5 Nov 2014, 6:32 AM PDT 77POST A COMMENT
Late Tuesday after the majority of the results of Wednesday's midterm elections came in, left-leaning Huffington Post Washington bureau chief Howard Fineman declared this the end for the Obama presidency.
H was asked by host Chris Matthews, “Which party has the spark right now?” 
Fineman replied, “Oh, the Republican Party for sure. The Dems have to reinvent themselves all over again. The Obama era is over.”


#RepublicanTakeOver - WE WON!!! Nov 4, 2014

Yesterday, here on Chi's Far North side (Rogers Park) in our Precint we had to turn away about 10 voters (Our of 200+) - 3 could not vote at all, 3 wrong precint, 3 had to register so were sent downtown. Even the Brain-Dead Democrats could not put up with it all so some went home.

It was a lot worse in Lakeview where some voters were still waiting at 3:00 AM Due to equipment failures and un-qualifed personnel. 

The PLANNIG was VERY POOR and probably sent even more of those voters home in precints that were worse off.

I'm sure you've heard about the ROBO-CALLS that Illiois Election Judges got on Sat - tellins us we had to attend a special JUDGE TRAINING on the South Side. Judges were confused and some very confused and some quit.  I got one but knew that the ONLY TRAINING on Sunday was an OPTIONAL JUDGES TRAINIG at the Loyola Park fieldhouse to ignored it since the number left was wrong or our Ward. 

The PPA (Polling Place Administrator - who sets up and dissambles the Electronic equipment) had to come from 79th St here to 7200 N, it was very poor logistics planning. She also had to rely on the manual for every step so assembly and take-down of the Touch Screen was painfully slow.  Fortunately we had a pro for the Ballot Scanner and the Election Book so that went well. 

Pat Quinn was rejected because he respresented the POLITICAL MACHINE AS IS in ILL and Voters were tired of it all. (Not here in BRAIN-DEAD Far North side CHi, which is SOLID BLUE) but the rest of the state did not buy it any longer. The Traditional Dem 'Ground Game' was missing here on the Far North side of Chicago with fewer than a quarter of registered voters showing up.  The number was difficult to guage since other polling places were open onlhy two blocks north and south. 

IT WAS LONG DAY Fro 4:00 AM will 9:00 PM BUT 


George M Weinert V
Election Judge