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Showing posts with label Election. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Election. Show all posts

Sunday, November 02, 2014

Bruce Rauner - Worth It

Pat Quinn: Worse than Balgojevich

Voting Machines are Rigged for Democrats

Does anyone believe it’s an accidental, or incidental calibration issue?
According to a NewsMax story: A number of voting machines in Maryland and Illinois are electronically switching Republican votes to the Democrats, raising suspicions that fraud could be at the root of the alleged malfunction.

According to, election officials in both states have characterized the problem as a “calibration issue,” but a software developer and expert on touch screens used by U.S. intelligence agencies told Newsmax that the explanation was bogus.

The State Board of Elections today completed an audit of more than 10,000 registered voters with questionable citizenship status. The Agency analyzed data provided by the N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to flag 1,425 currently registered voters who are likely non-citizens.

Then we have this statement from the North Carolina State Board of Elections:

We are working to ensure that no ballot cast by a non-citizen will count in this or any future election,” said Executive Director Kim Westbrook Strach of the State Board of Elections. “Our ongoing partnership with DMV strengthens the integrity of our elections process and security of the voter rolls.”

State Board administrators are preparing guidance instructing elections officials to challenge ballots cast by those identified as non-citizens. The challenge process will provide notice and an opportunity for the voter to present proof of citizenship.

A private organization last week incorrectly announced that 10,000 registered voters were classified under the Deferred Action of Childhood Arrivals (DACA) by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The State Board has confirmed that 109 DACA recipients are presently on the voter rolls, but have not voted in any prior election.

It is a crime for any non-citizen to register or to vote in North Carolina. A county-level breakdown of registrants is available online. As of Saturday, 6,617,536 individuals were registered to vote in North Carolina.

EXPERT CONFIRMS THAT VOTING MACHINES ARE RIGGED FOR DEMOCRATSThis election cycle we have heard of numerous instances where Republican candidates and staff enter the polls only to find their votes switched to the Democrat opponent. Now there’s proof of a massive conspiracy so large that the founding fathers are rolling over in their graves.


Cook County Board of Elections Deputy Communications Director Jim Scalzitti, told the Illinois Watchdog that, “It was a calibration error of the touch-screen on the machine.”
Now, is reporting similar evidence of electronic voter fraud in the State of Maryland, where Diebold voting machines are switching Republican votes to Democrat votes:

“When I first selected my candidate on the electronic machine, it would not put the ‘x’ on the candidate I chose — a Republican — but it would put the ‘x’ on the Democrat candidate above it,” Donna Hamilton said. Read More:



Vote for Freedom

Saturday, November 01, 2014

Desperate Democrats resort to race-baiting

 - The Washington Times - Wednesday, October 29, 2014
The spate of campaign fliers that use images of lynchings, Jim Crow laws and the recent racial unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, to urge blacks to vote in next week’s election somehow failed to grab the attention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
The NAACP headquarters in Washington wasn’t prepared to answer questions about the fliers and mailers circulated in black communities in Georgia, Maryland and North Carolina, despite widespread news coverage of it for the past week.

O'reilly sick of the "Race Card" - VIDEO

Do you want the Dems in Control of the Senate?

Friday, October 31, 2014


'Hope and Change' give way to Fear and Loathing

Blacks to Obama - JUST QUIT!

#Chicago Blacks Against Obama

Blacks turn on Obama

Thursday, October 30, 2014


The chairman of the Maricopa County Republican Committee in Arizona says he used to wonder about whether ballot-box stuffing and other voting offenses actually happened, but no longer.
“America used to be a nation of laws where one person had one vote,” he said in a report in the Arizona Daily Independent. “I’m sad to say not anymore.”
His comments came after he reported witnessing a man stuffing hundreds of ballots in a ballot box during the Aug. 26 primary election in Arizona.
A.J. LaFaro said in the report he had been at the Maricopa County Elections Department for several days as the representative for the Republican Party.
On Aug. 25, workers running early ballots through scanners were caught up with their work and officials decided to allow an extended lunch break from 11:30 a.m. until 1 p.m.
“So I decided to relax and read my Wall Street Journal out in the main foyer area,” he told the newspaper.
Suddenly he heard a thud, and he saw “a person wearing a Citizens for a Better Arizona T-shirt” who had dropped a box of “hundreds of early ballots” and was stuffing them in the ballot box.



Blockbuster study backs claim illegal ballots behind Obama's 2008 victory


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Jay Carney: ‘Democrats Are Going To Have A Bad Election No Matter How You Slice It’ [VIDEO]

With just one week until the midterm elections, things are not shaking out too well for for Democrats no matter “how you slice it.”
You know it’s bad when the person saying that is former Obama spokesman Jay Carney.
According to Carney, now a political analyst for CNN, Democrats are in for a tough midterm election, telling CNN host Jake Tapper and fellow analyst Bill Kristol, “Democrats are going to have a bad election day, no matter how you slice it."


Control of the U.S. Senate is up for grabs on November 4, and illegal voters may tip the balance. Estimates are that more than 14 percent of non-citizens were registered to vote in the elections of 2008 and 2010, and that could now easily exceed the margin of victory in many tight Senate races.

Democrats typically win more than 80 percent of the votes cast by non-citizens, so votes cast by non-citizens produce a net bonanza of additional votes for Democrats. Democrat Al Franken won a Republican U.S. Senate seat in Minnesota by a margin of only 312 votes in 2008, and with the immense power of incumbency he is expected to cruise to reelection this time.
New non-partisan research by professors at Old Dominion University uncovered the shocking amount of voting by non-citizens, as published by the Washington Post last Friday. Their work did not choose sides in the debate over whether non-citizens should be allowed to vote, which Congress has already answered in the negative by sensibly limiting voting in federal elections to only American citizens. 

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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Blacks turn on Obama: Chicago Activists Unchained

Obamas Leadership Sucks

America is so over Obama. In 2008, the media and a majority of the voters were head-over-heels in love with the man who told them that “yes, we can” overcome war and recession.
By 2012, the amour had cooled but they were willing to give four more years to the guy who was – if nothing else – way hotter than Mitt Romney. TweetMe Please

6-Year Bitch

By Gary Langer
Oct 28, 2014 7:00am
ap voting mt 141027 16x9 608 Economic, Political Discontent Make for a Midterm Double Punch
Kent D. Johnson/Atlanta Journal-Constitution/AP Photo
A double punch of economic and political dissatisfaction marks public attitudes in the closing week of the 2014 midterm campaign – a dynamic that reflects poorly on the president’s performance, bolstering his Republican oppone
The discontent in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll is palpable. Despite its fitful gains, seven in 10 Americans rate the nation’s economy negatively and just 28 percent say it’s getting better. In a now-customary result, 68 percent say the country’s seriously off on the wrong track.
There’s no respite politically. Six in 10 express little or no trust in the federal government to do what’s right. Fifty-three percent think its ability to deal with the country’s problems has worsened in the last few years; among likely voters that rises to 63 percent.
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Republicans Vow to Stop Obama's Amnesty

Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC), says it’s “un-American" for President Barack Obama to consider implementing an executive amnesty for millions of illegal aliens across the country. “It’s unconstitutional, illegal, and we don’t support it,” Priebus replied when a Tea Party activist asked him about the president’s plans for an executive amnesty on a conference call hosted by on Monday evening. “I don’t support it. It is wrong,” Priebus said. "It is un-American for a president to try and do such a thing. I want to make it clear: There is no part of me, there is not a molecule in my body that agrees with the president on executive amnesty.” Priebus promised the hundreds of activists on the call that the Republican Party, if it takes the Senate on Nov. 4 in the upcoming midterm elections, will do everything in its power to stop Obama from proceeding on the executive amnesty. Priebus even boldly predicted that Republicans can and will succeed in stopping Obama if elected on Nov. 4. TweetMe Please

Obama Hiding Radical Post-Election Plan

 - - Monday, October 27, 2014
Before Americans vote next week they deserve to know what President Obama has in store for them. The administration’s near-term plans on health care, the environment, immigration, nominees for high office and other issues are shrouded in mystery. It doesn’t take much of a crystal ball to guess what lies just ahead, but the people should hear it from the source. Mr. Obama isn’t talking. He says his policies are on the ballot, and he knows that the less the voters know, the better for Democratic candidates.
The White House wants no repeat of the “shellacking” it took in the 2010 midterm election that gave Republicans six more seats in the Senate and 63 more in the House. The scariest Halloween trick on any Democratic campaign between now and Friday would have Mr. Obama show up unannounced with an offer to help. Since he’s poison on the campaign trail, Mr. Obama spent Saturday on the links at Fort Belvoir, playing his 201st round of golf as president. His golf score is a secret, too, but the informed word is that he hasn’t broken par yet.
All bad news is put on hold until after the elections. Health-insurance premium rates on the Obamacare website won’t be announced until Nov. 15. By some estimates they’ll go up as much as 14 percent, which would be a public relations disaster the administration postponed by extending the open-enrollment period by six weeks. If the public understood how “affordable” health care became under a law enacted with only Democratic votes, the anger would be explosiv

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