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Showing posts with label Freedom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freedom. Show all posts

Sunday, November 02, 2014

Vote for Freedom

Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Civilized World v. Barbarism - AKA Israel v. Hamas

Much talk has been generated by Israel's War on The Gaza Terrorist Group, Hamas. This conflict has been coming for many years, The assorted skirmishes that have taken place since the Laughable Muslim defeats of 1968 and 1973 are but a symptom of an inescapable ontological reality:

Israel fights this War for the Civilized World while pussilaminous Palestine Terrorists fight for the Barbaric World of Islam.

The Gaza Terrorists have close anologies in Hezbollah, Boko Haram, Al-Qaeda, ISIS and thousands of other Jihad Terrorist groups across Asia and Africa today. They All use the Holy Quran (which is a lot things but "Holy" Is NOT one of them) along with the Hadith (The sayings of Mohamned) and Sunnah (Islamic traditional) as their guide.



Any Good Muslm believes in JIHAD, or Holy War. Robert Spencer of Jihad Jihad Watch offers a Selection at the Top Level Menu Titled ISLAM 101 - you would be well advised to read ita  Mr. Spencer has authored many NY Times Best Sellers on Islam and Jihad and reminds us all that TERRORISM is natural to Islam, and was an essential part of how the "Religion" was spread through the world.  This remains true today.

Look at the Muslim World: It is still primitive and backward - despite the Billions in Oil Money earned by countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iraq, Iran and the GCC States. What did they do with the money?

1.) Leaders kept a lot for their own enjoyment

2.) They used it for Arms and Armies - to fight with everyone close to them; often other Muslims.

3.) They squandered the rest.

So what remains of the Islamic World?

Simple Barbarity for the most part - nearly a Billion people living in the Middle Ages.

Now, look at Israel: You see a society in the 21st Century, full of the modren world things we take for granted. Watching the Videos of the IDF as it fights this War is instructive: They are using ROBOTS, advanced Radar and Night Vision while the Terrorists rely only on bombs and AK-47's.  While much has been made of their 'rockets" they are akin fo the Soviet-Era Scuds that Saddam Hussein used - they have no guidance systems, and can only act as weapons of Terror.

More insights can be gleaned by photos from Gaza: many of these folks are using DONKEY CARTS - huh?


Islamic Terrorists share one thing: 

They are ALL BARBARIANS - even ISIS with their high tech videos display their true nature with the Savage Beheadings and Crucifixions. 



Saturday, July 05, 2014

From Google to Amazon: EU goes to war against power of US digital giants

In Europe there is a growing fear of becoming a 'digital colony' ruled by Silicon Valley, whose giant firms wield huge power over privacy – and like to avoid tax. Now regulators are striking back

An anti-Google protest banner hung outside a developer's conference in San Francisco.
An anti-Google protest banner hung outside a developer's conference in San Francisco. Photograph: Noah Berger/Reuters
Within the salons of the Elysée Palace, along the corridors of the European parliament and under the glass dome of the Reichstag, OldEurope is preparing for a new war. This is not a battle over religion or politics, over land or natural resources. The raw material that Paris, Brussels and Berlin are mobilising to defend is the digital environment of Europe's inhabitants; their enemies are the Silicon Valley corporations that seek to dominate it.
Coal, gas and oil powered the industrial revolution, but in the digital era, data is replacing fossil fuels as the most valuable resource on Earth, and the ability to collect and interrogate it has created organisations with a power that can at times seem beyond the control of nation states. Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google represent, in the words of Germany's economy minister Sigmar Gabriel, "brutal information capitalism", and Europe must act now to protect itself.
"Either we defend our freedom and change our policies, or we become digitally hypnotised subjects of a digital rulership," Gabriel warned in a passionate call to action published by the Frankfurter Allgemeine. "It is the future of democracy in the digital age, and nothing less, that is at stake here, and with it, the freedom, emancipation, participation and self-determination of 500 million people in Europe."
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Monday, June 30, 2014

Faith, Freedom, and Foreign Policy: GOPs Dissect Obama Record

Christie: Obama’s “pulling back of American influence and American ideas across the world is having catastrophic effects.”

WASHINGTON – Republican lawmakers at an evangelical conference this month lambasted the Obama administration’s handling of recent global events, highlighting what they called a lack of leadership.
“All of these things are happening, in my opinion, because of a lack of clarity and principle in American leadership in the statement of who we are,” New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said at the Faith & Freedom Coalition’s “Road to Majority” event.
He said leadership abroad requires making sure “our friends know who our friends are, and that our adversaries know who they are as well.”
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Saturday, May 10, 2014

Saudi blogger Raif Badawi gets 10 year jail sentence

Saudi blogger Raif BadawiMr Badawi's sentence was increased after he appealed against an earlier verdict

A Saudi court has imprisoned blogger Raif Badawi for 10 years for "insulting Islam" and setting up a liberal web forum, local media report.
He was also sentenced to 1,000 lashes and ordered to pay a fine of 1 million riyals ($266,000; £133,000).
Amnesty International called the verdict "outrageous" and urged the authorities to quash the verdict.
Mr Badawi, the co-founder of a website called the Liberal Saudi Network, was arrested in 2012.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Euro candidate Paul Weston arrested over Islam remarks

Paul Weston, chairman of the party Liberty GB, being arrested after making a speech quoting from a book by Winston Churchill about Islam in Winchester, HampshirePaul Weston, chairman of the party Liberty GB, was addressing passers-by in the street with a megaphone
A candidate in the South East European elections has been arrested after making a speech quoting from a book by Winston Churchill about Islam.
Paul Weston, chairman of Liberty GB, was making the speech on the steps of Winchester Guildhall in Hampshire on Saturday after a passer-by complained.
He was detained after failing to comply with a request by police to move on under the powers of a dispersal order.
He was further arrested on suspicion of religious or racial harassment.
Mr Weston, 50, from Dorset, had been reading from Churchill's book The River War, written in 1899 while Churchill was a British army officer in Sudan.
A Hampshire police spokesman said: "The dispersal order was issued following complaints from members of the public about the man's behaviour."

Monday, April 28, 2014

Freedom, Taxes, and Forced Labor: A Strange Brew of Libertarianism and Marxism

Tax FormsEvery Spring, as the tax-filing season gets into full swing, a passel of anti-tax lobbying organizations attempts to scare and outrage the public by pointing to our supposedly high and oppressive taxes. Most of those organizations use the April 15 filing deadline as an occasion to inveigh against Leviathan, taking advantage of the press’s reliable desire to find tax-relevant stories for a few weeks in late March and early April.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Salute a Hero: Send a Thank you Card to a Wounded Veteran this Thanksgiving

Thank youThank you 

Please accept this Thank You card as a very small token of the great respect, appreciation, and admiration I have for your service and your sacrifice.
All who love and cherish freedom are deeply in your debt.
I am honored to join with the Coalition to Salute America's Heroes in praying that you and your family enjoy the comfort, peace, and gratitude you deserve.
On behalf of a grateful nation: Thank You.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Freedom of Religion - Muslim Style

Until 7pm this afternoon, the following churches and Coptic-owned institutions in Egypt had been burned at the hands of Islamists. Watani lists them here chronologically:

Three churches and six buildings at the monastery of the Holy Virgin and Anba Abra’am in Dalga, Minya, Upper Egypt
The church of Mar-Mina in the district of Abu-Hilal in the town of Minya
The bishopric church of Mar-Girgis (St George) in Sohag, Upper Egypt
The church of the Holy Virgin in Nazla, Fayoum, Lower Egypt
The Baptist church in Beni-Mazar, Minya
Coptic-owned shops in Gumhouriya Street in Assiut, Upper Egypt
The Good Shepherd School in Suez
The Fransiscan School in Suez
The Holy Bible Society in Fayoum
The church of al-Amir Tawadros (St Theodore) in Fayoum
The church of the Holy Virgin in the district of Abu-Hilal in the town of Minya
The Catholic church of St Mark, Minya
The Jesuit church in Abu-Hilal, Minya
The church of Mar-Morqos (St Mark) and its community centre, Sohag
18 houses of Coptic families in Dalga, Minya, including the home of Father Angaelus Melek of the Holy Virgin and Anba Abra’am’s
The Evangelical church on Nassara Street in Abu-Hilal, Minya
The church of Anba Moussa al-Aswad in Minya
Coptic-owned shops, pharmacies, and a doctor’s clinic in Minya
The Jesuit church in Minya (attacked, not burned)
The St Fatima Basilica in Cairo (attacked, not burned)
St Joseph’s School in Minya (attacked, not burned)
The Nile boat al-Dahabiya, owned by the Evangelical Church in Minya
Coptic-owned shops, pharmacy, and hotels on Karnak Street and Cleopatra Street in Luxor (attacked and looted)
The church of Mar-Girgis (St George) in Wasta (attacked)
The church of St Michael on Nemeis Street in Assiut, Upper Egypt
The Adventist church in Assiut; the pastor and his wife were both kidnapped
The Greek church in Suez
The church of Mar-Girgis in Assiut
Coptic houses on Qulta Street in Assiut attacked
The church of Mar-Girgis (St George) in Arish, North Sinai
The church of St Dimiana and the Evangelical church in the village of Zerbi in Fayoum
The offices of the Evangelical foundation in Minya, and those of Umm al-Nour in Beni-Mazar, Minya
The church of Anba Antonius in Kerdassa, Giza
The bishopric church in Etfeeh, Giza
In addition to the attacks against the Copts, their churches, businesses, and property; Egyptians were aghast at attempts by the Islamists to break into the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) in Alexandria and set it on fire. The BA security and staff confronted the assailants in the courtyard, and there was an exchange of gunfire. According to Khaled Azab, the BA’s media manager, the conference hall was plundered, and a number of acquisitions went missing. The glass façade was shattered.
Filed July 16, 2013.