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Showing posts with label Persecution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Persecution. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

#TCOT #Christian Students barred from wearing crucifix at Malaysian public school

More from moderate Malaysia — another country that is supposed to show the Western world how tolerant a Muslim country can be.

The fact is that Islam cannot and will not tolerate other religions. It is inherently  totalitarian and supremacist. Islam is submission.
Christian students are being prohibited from wearing the crucifix in a school in Keningau, with those defying the ban risking caning and suspension, the Daily Express reported.
According to the local English daily, the ban imposed by Sekolah Menengah Ken Wah has angered parents and students as well as caused confusion and uneasiness.
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Minnesota imam refuses to denounce the Islamic State (ISIS)

Muslim cleric Ben Ameur has a message for those seeking his view on the ISIS issue: “We don’t need to accuse people of something we don’t know about. We don’t have to jump into judgment.” Got that? “Something we don’t know about” — which is very much in keeping with their strategy. And isn’t that the point of all their attacks on voices of truth who speak candidly about Islam and jihad, to silence us and make sure the American people continue to know nothing about the jihadic doctrine that compels these bloody wars in the cause of Islam?

It’s “complicated.” Beheading hostages, crucifying enemies, terrorizing Christians, selling Yazidi and Christian women as sex...

New Zealand Muslim forms his own Islamic State

From New Zealand to China to Russia to Syria to Nigeria, Kenya, the Philippines … anywhere Muslims immigrate, it’s always the same. Islamic rule, sharia, an Islamic State.

“New Zealand Muslim forms his own Islamic State,” (thanks toJihadwatch, December 1, 2014)
Te Amorangi Kireka-Whaanga was recently named one of the world’s 500 most influential Muslims. He is probably not here setting up a competitor to the Islamic State, as just weeks ago he pledged his support for it. The Islamic State of Aotearoa is likely intended to be a branch of the larger entity. But of course all this is because Te Amorangi Kireka-Whaanga has “gone mad.” How odd that so many Muslims worldwide have “gone mad” in exactly...

ISIS Planned to Attack Israeli Vessels After Commandeering Egyptian Missile Boat

The Islamic State taking on the Israeli navy? Is Obama still calling these devout savages a “JV” team?
And once again, Egypt, the ally Obama alienated and turned on as viciously as he did Israel, are the good guys. Obama consistently sides with the enemy. He has damaged our standing in the world and our ability to defeat our worst enemies. He’s a traitor and a fraud.
“ISIS Planned to Attack Israeli Vessels After Commandeering Egyptian Missile Boat,” Dave Bender Algemeiner, December 1, 2014
Ambassador III class Egyptian missile boat. Photo: Pensacola News Journal.

ISIS terrorists were behind an attempted hijacking of an Egyptian missile boat in the Mediterranean last month, and planned to...

Friday, November 07, 2014

150 million Christians persecuted by Islam

Christian suffering at the hands of the Moslems is of biblical proportions, according to the Open Doors NGO.

"The number of persecuted Christians in the world is 150 million." There are many other figures, terrifying and dramatic, in the pages of the "Black book of the plight of Christians in the world", a unique initiative of French scholars and coordinated by journalist Samuel Lieven. Snapshots of a global and amorphous war.

In particular, there is a disconcerting statistic: "80 percent of the acts of religious persecution in the world are directed against Christians." How many victims? The Center for the Study of Global Christianity brings the average of one hundred thousand Christians killed each year for their faith throughout the last decade. An average of five Christians every minute.

Yesterday, in Pakistan, two Christians, including a pregnant woman, were burnt alive in the brick kiln where they worked. It was a pogrom with the participation of four hundred Muslims.
Haim Korsia, Chief Rabbi of France, cries out his reaction in the face of the spread of hatred against Christians, and establishes a comparison with the destruction of Eastern Sephardic Jewry:

"Where are the Jewish communities once so rich of Aleppo, Beirut, Alexandria, Cairo or Tripoli? Where are the schools of Nehardea and Pumbedita in Iraq? And where is the flourishing of Judaism in Esfahan and Tehran? In our memory. Driven out, killed, decimated, persecuted and exiled, the Christians of the East are personally experiencing the same plight as the Jews with whom they have lived for so long and have seen leaving those places". 

The NGO Open Doors declared that the persecution in Iraq has reached "biblical proportions". Tuesday, in Rome, the annual report of Aid to the Church in Needwas also presented. It told that of the 20 countries in the world where religious freedom is virtually absent, 14 are Muslim, and the others military or communist dictatorships, such as North Korea.

We are facing what Habib Malik of Stanford University calls "the final phase of the regional decline of Christians."

"I've got a family of Christians who do not want to convert, what do we do?".
Today Mosul appears to have been swallowed up, like Jonah in the belly of the whale. 
"Between 2003 and 2009, nearly 800 Christians were executed [there] in cold blood, not counting the fifty martyrs of the Syrian Catholic cathedral in Baghdad, including two priests, killed on October 31, 2010. To date, we have exceeded one thousand Christians killed, including a bishop and five priests. More than sixty churches were destroyed.

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Friday, October 24, 2014

Map of 50 Countries MOST DANGEROUS for Christians

In the globalized world even persecution can escape the logic of boundaries and rules. The persecution of Christians in the world, shows a drama that involves all corners of the planet, with outbreaks almost anywhere, and entire regions in the hands of Islamic terrorists, totalitarianism, and forces inimical to peaceful coexistence. The following map illustrates the fifty countries in the world where being Christian is an act of courage, which involves hardship and persecution daily drama too often ignored by world public opinion, and that claims millions of victims every year.

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Monday, October 06, 2014

In which Countries are Christians most Persecuted?

There are countries where being Christian is an act of courage that can cost you your life. Here is a ranking of the world’s more difficult for the Christian people, in countries where imprisonment, persecution, and even murder, are elements of dramatic everyday life for all Christians.

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Thursday, October 02, 2014



The Islamic State's goal of eradicating Christianity from its ancient home in northern Iraq is nearly complete, report Christian officials remaining in the area. According to one Vicar, last week marked the first time in millennia that Christians did not receive Holy Communion in Nineveh, northern Iraq.

As the Telegraph reports, Canon Andrew White, the only Anglican Vicar remaining in Iraq, reported that Communion did not take place in Nineveh this year. "All [churches] are closed, all their people have run away." Canon White noted that the few Iraqis remaining in the region are there due to poverty or immobility, and that those remaining fear for their lives constantly.
He added that many in the area expressed concern over the possibility of airstrikes on the region, citing the possibility of civilian casualties. “From the Iraqi point of view, the only way we can gain some kind of real safety and real removal of the Islamic State, as they call themselves, would be by having troops on the ground," he noted. President Obama hascategorically refused to entertain the option of ground troops in Iraq during this operation.
Canon White has been warning of the potential for a complete ethnic cleansing of Iraqi Christians from the region for months. In July, he told BBC Radio 4 that "the end could very well be near" for Christianity in Iraq, noting the squalor in which the Islamic State had left thousands of Christians: “We have had people massacred, their heads chopped off. The Christians are in grave danger. There are literally Christians living in the desert and on the street. They have nowhere to go."

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Thursday, August 07, 2014

Israeli Christians Take to the Streets

Israeli Christians take to the streets to rally for Israel, against Hamas and Muslim persecution of Christians

IsraeliChristiansThis is a most positive development. Although Jews and Christians face the same fate under Islamic law — subjugation as dhimmis and denial of basic rights — the unhappy history of Christian anti-Semitism and the near-universal denial of the reality of the Islamic jihad, among innumerable other factors, have prevented the formation of any large-scale cooperative efforts. The Arab nationalist movement, which is now nearly moribund but was the dominant ideology in the Middle East just a few years ago, also co-opted Arabic-speaking Christians into parroting the Islamic supremacist agenda, out of a “shared Arab identity.” Freedom lovers may hope that the noxious idea that the oppressor and the oppressed have common interests will be forever consigned to the dustbin of history, and that rallies like this one will be the beginning of much more Jewish/Christian cooperation in defense of freedom.
“Israeli-Arab Christians take to the streets of Haifa for an unusual protest,” TLV1, August 5, 2014:
A group of Israeli-Arab Christians marched in Haifa last night against the persecution of Christian Arabs in the world, against radical Islamic organizations such as Hamas, and in favor of Israel’s military operation. TLV1′s Lissy Kaufmann was there.

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Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Muslims force Christian to Accept Islam and then Behead him.

Syria: Muslims force Christian to accept Islam, then behead him

Beheading, Islamic ritual slaughter. Why would these devout Muslims behead the man after he converted to Islam? The vicious, bloodthirsty savages most likely wanted to humiliate him, break him and then kill him, but not before they stripped him of his faith, his pride, his G-d.
Apparently the Obama administration was too preoccupied with condemning Israel for Hamas-staged “attacks” to comment on the relentless genocide of religious minorities under Muslim rule.
“Syria: Muslims force Christian to accept Islam, then behead him,” (thanks to Jihadwatch)
He will be beheaded because he is Kaffir, non-Muslim, sided [with] the government and was not praying at all. Everyone like him will have the same end, beheading

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Catholic League slams Obama: ‘Do Christian lives mean so little to you?’

** FILE ** Pope Francis and President Barack Obama smile as they exchange gifts, at the Vatican Thursday, March 27, 2014. (AP Photo/Gabriel Bouys, Pool)** FILE ** Pope Francis and President Barack Obama smile as they exchange gifts, at the Vatican Thursday, March 27, 2014. (AP Photo/Gabriel Bouys, Pool)

The head of the Catholic League issued a scathing criticism at 

PresidentObama, posting on his group’s website an essay that pointed to all the Christians being beheaded by Muslim terrorists and asking: Doesn’t that matter to you?

“Christians are being beheaded all over the Middle East because they are Christians, and those carrying out this mass murder are doing so in the name of Islam,” Bill Donohue wrote on his group’s website, Newsmax reported. “Yet you continue to say and do absolutely nothing about these unspeakable crimes. Do Christians mean so little to you?”
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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Isissy Terrorists 'seize Iraq monastery and expel monks'

Mar Behnam monastery near Mosul, IraqThe Mar Behnam monastery is a place of Christian pilgrimage

Local residents said monks at the Mar Behnam monastery were allowed to take only the clothes they were wearing.
The monastery, which dates from the 4th Century, is a major Christian landmark and a place of pilgrimage.

Christians have fled Mosul after the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis) told them to convert to Islam, pay a tax or face death.
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Sending AID TO #HAMAS!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Muslim Persecution of Christians - why is Obama so silent?

According to recent studies, Christians in all three nations are experiencing the worst form of persecution around the globe:
  • Libya: Ever since U.S.-backed, al-Qaeda-linked terrorists overthrew Gaddafi, Christians—including Americans—have been tortured and killed (including for refusing to convert) and churches bombed. It’s “open season” on Copts, as jihadis issue a reward to Muslims who find and kill Christians. This was not the case under Gaddafi.
  • Syria: Christians have been attacked in indescribable ways—wholesale massacres, bombed and desecrated churches, beheadings, crucifixions, and rampant kidnappings—since the U.S.-sponsored “Arab Spring” reached the Levant.
  • Iraq: After the U.S. toppled Saddam Hussein, Christian minorities were savagely attacked and slaughtered, and dozens of their churches were bombed (see here forgraphic images). In the last decade, Christians have beenterrorized into near-extinction, with well over half of them fleeing Iraq.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Persecuted Christians flee Iran, find hope and homes in Germany

Iranian-born Muslims who converted to Christianity are breathing new spiritual life into communities across Germany, where they are fleeing to in increasing numbers to escape persecution back home.

Men and women, who have been sentenced to the lash or worse for apostasy - converting from Islam - are forming a thriving community of Christian ex-pats in German cities and towns. The Iranian immigrants seek asylum, or simply pay up to $30,000 to enter the country illegally with a fake passport, a new name and plans to start their lives over in new churches.
“Nothing illustrates the contrast between the Muslim world and the West than Christians fleeing Iranian persecution."
- Richard Landes, Center of Millennial Studies at Boston University.
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Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Christians persecuted at alarming rate in Arab (Muslim) world, US report says

Christians are under siege in the Middle East, and the Obama administration is not doing enough to stop religious persecution by its allies, according to a new report from a bipartisan federal commission.
The report, from the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, faulted usual suspects Iran, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, as well as North Korea, and noted that the number of Christians in the Middle East has plunged to just 10 percent of the overall population from more than 25 percent in 2011. The commission, which monitors religious freedoms and makes policy recommendations to the Executive and Legislative branches, faulted the Obama administration for not tying human rights issues to ongoing negotiations and diplomatic ties to several of the countries, especially Iran.States should not be confronting such a scenario in the first place."
"While the Obama administration should continue to shine a spotlight on abuses through public statements, it also should impose targeted sanctions to demonstrate that there are consequences, too," Dwight Bashir, the commission's deputy director of policy and research, told "By not utilizing an existing legislative tool, the United States risks sending the message that it prefers a nuclear deal to standing up for the rights of the Iranian people. The United States should not be confronting such a scenario in the first place."
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