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Showing posts with label Evil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Evil. Show all posts

Friday, November 07, 2014

150 million Christians persecuted by Islam

Christian suffering at the hands of the Moslems is of biblical proportions, according to the Open Doors NGO.

"The number of persecuted Christians in the world is 150 million." There are many other figures, terrifying and dramatic, in the pages of the "Black book of the plight of Christians in the world", a unique initiative of French scholars and coordinated by journalist Samuel Lieven. Snapshots of a global and amorphous war.

In particular, there is a disconcerting statistic: "80 percent of the acts of religious persecution in the world are directed against Christians." How many victims? The Center for the Study of Global Christianity brings the average of one hundred thousand Christians killed each year for their faith throughout the last decade. An average of five Christians every minute.

Yesterday, in Pakistan, two Christians, including a pregnant woman, were burnt alive in the brick kiln where they worked. It was a pogrom with the participation of four hundred Muslims.
Haim Korsia, Chief Rabbi of France, cries out his reaction in the face of the spread of hatred against Christians, and establishes a comparison with the destruction of Eastern Sephardic Jewry:

"Where are the Jewish communities once so rich of Aleppo, Beirut, Alexandria, Cairo or Tripoli? Where are the schools of Nehardea and Pumbedita in Iraq? And where is the flourishing of Judaism in Esfahan and Tehran? In our memory. Driven out, killed, decimated, persecuted and exiled, the Christians of the East are personally experiencing the same plight as the Jews with whom they have lived for so long and have seen leaving those places". 

The NGO Open Doors declared that the persecution in Iraq has reached "biblical proportions". Tuesday, in Rome, the annual report of Aid to the Church in Needwas also presented. It told that of the 20 countries in the world where religious freedom is virtually absent, 14 are Muslim, and the others military or communist dictatorships, such as North Korea.

We are facing what Habib Malik of Stanford University calls "the final phase of the regional decline of Christians."

"I've got a family of Christians who do not want to convert, what do we do?".
Today Mosul appears to have been swallowed up, like Jonah in the belly of the whale. 
"Between 2003 and 2009, nearly 800 Christians were executed [there] in cold blood, not counting the fifty martyrs of the Syrian Catholic cathedral in Baghdad, including two priests, killed on October 31, 2010. To date, we have exceeded one thousand Christians killed, including a bishop and five priests. More than sixty churches were destroyed.

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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Iraq Christians have lost all - will you help?

Catholic Online

Dear Reader,
Christians in Iraq have sacrificed everything for their faith. Restore hope by giving one of these holy items to those in need. 
Donate these holy items to a family that has lost all of theirs.
The Rosary is an important prayer in the Chaldean Rite. Give a Rosary to those who have been robbed of theirs.

Printed in Chaldean Neo-Aramaic, the Bible is a cherished book. Replace each one that has been burned with two alike.
                                                   ACT NOW

Friday, September 12, 2014

Do Muslims Smell?

Left declares body odor a “human right” in 3… 2… 1…
SAN DIEGO – Body odour is among 52 criteria that officials at San Diego International Airport use to judge taxi drivers. Cabbies say that smacks of prejudice and discrimination.
For years, inspectors with the San Diego Regional Airport Authority run down their checklist for each cabbie — proof of insurance, functioning windshield wipers, adequate tire treads, good brakes. Drivers are graded pass, fail or needs fixing. Anyone who flunks the smell test is told to change before picking up another customer.

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Many of the cabbies are from Africa and many are Muslim but the Bad Smell has been found in many and is offensive to clients.

All accounts of Exorcisms, i.e. real contact with Satan tell of an Awful stench, often described as similiar to rotting flesh.


Monday, August 11, 2014

Why Hamas must be Destroyed - Jerusalem Post

anquish the Nazis during WWII, or of the Cold War against communism.

Khaled Mashaal
Khaled Mashaal Photo: REUTERS
As Operation Protective Edge was winding down, I was invited along with a group of journalists to visit the Kerem Shalom border crossing between Israel and the Gaza Strip. There, hundreds of trucks carrying humanitarian goods were being transferred into the Strip – a scene repeated every day during the war, as it is throughout the year – containing hundreds of thousands of tons of food, medical supplies and other basic staples.

With some 2,000 people killed, thousands more wounded, and hundreds of thousands displaced, Israel was affording some much needed relief to Gazans, who undeniably suffered greatly during the conflict.

While widespread criticism has been directed at the Israeli government over said death toll, the Jewish state’s concern for the wellbeing of civilians was apparent when visiting Kerem Shalom – which, perhaps not by coincidence, translates into “vineyard of peace.”
Tbis Jpost piece puts forth the same facts we stated earlier here in IDF Set to Test New Weaponry:
Hamas uses hundreds of Millions for Evil - i.e. they serve the Devil:


Sunday, July 27, 2014

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Muslim Persecution of Christians - why is Obama so silent?

According to recent studies, Christians in all three nations are experiencing the worst form of persecution around the globe:
  • Libya: Ever since U.S.-backed, al-Qaeda-linked terrorists overthrew Gaddafi, Christians—including Americans—have been tortured and killed (including for refusing to convert) and churches bombed. It’s “open season” on Copts, as jihadis issue a reward to Muslims who find and kill Christians. This was not the case under Gaddafi.
  • Syria: Christians have been attacked in indescribable ways—wholesale massacres, bombed and desecrated churches, beheadings, crucifixions, and rampant kidnappings—since the U.S.-sponsored “Arab Spring” reached the Levant.
  • Iraq: After the U.S. toppled Saddam Hussein, Christian minorities were savagely attacked and slaughtered, and dozens of their churches were bombed (see here forgraphic images). In the last decade, Christians have beenterrorized into near-extinction, with well over half of them fleeing Iraq.