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Showing posts with label Felons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Felons. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

New Black Panthers threaten to MURDER #Ferguso Police - VIDEO

We saw these terrorists here in Chicago. They plagued our city for years until the Brave Chicago Police blew a few of their "leaders" to the BIG WELFARE OFFICE in the sky. Since Hampton and Clark were blown away, they have left us alone.

The Panthers are fans of Che Guevera, Fidel Castro and the Communist gorillas of South America. They preach a COMMUNIST REVOLUTIONARY IDEOLOGY and are ARMED AND VERY DANGEROUS - the St. Louis and Ferguson PD should blast them ALL into hell while they can.

Hat Tip GatewayPundit

#Ferguson Thugs continue St. Louis Terror - VIDEO

Sunday, October 12, 2014

#Ferguson Gangs try to disrupt Cardinals Game and get a BIG SURPRISE

Police Officer: Trust Me, Ferguson Changed Everything

Demonstrators supporting Ferguson Police officer Darren Wilson hold signs during a rally in St. Louis, Missouri August 23, 2014. REUTERS/Joshua Lott   

I’m a cop.
A few weeks ago, two of my beat partners and I were called to an apartment in a fairly nice complex to help a mother and father with their 16-year-old son.
The son had no criminal history, and by all accounts was a decent kid. But he was having some problems at home — breaking things and making threats with a knife — and the parents needed our help.
When we finally located the son, who is of mixed ethnicity (dad is white, mom is Hispanic), he instantly began cussing and yelling at us. He took a fighting stance and said he was not going to do anything we told him.
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