Tom Wheeler, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), speaking at American Enterprise Institute (AEI) on the topic of Cybersecurity. June 12, 2014. Photo by Diego M. Radzinschi/THE NATIONAL LAW JOURNAL.
Tom Wheeler, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), speaking at American Enterprise Institute (AEI) on the topic of Cybersecurity. June 12, 2014. Photo by Diego M. Radzinschi/THE NATIONAL LAW JOURNAL.
Tom Wheeler of the Federal Communications Commission recently outlined in a speech at the American Enterprise Institute the commission’s approach to cybersecurity and their strategy, which will focus on information sharing, network protection and situational awareness. 
“The FCC’s cybersecurity initiative will be led by the private sector, with the Commission serving as a monitor and backstop in the event that the market-led approach fails,” explained Jameson Dempsey, Dawn Damschen and Steve Augustino, of Kelley Drye & Warren, in a post on the Telecom Law Monitor blog. Here are some things to watch out for with the new initiative:
  • Information sharing: The authors explain the FCC is investigating legal and practical barriers that prevent organizations and companies from sharing invaluable information about cyberthreats and vulnerabilities.