President Obama's Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently proposed adopting rules that will end Net Neutrality and kill the Internet as we know it. With the fate of the Internet at stake, we can’t let President Obama sit on the sidelines. Make a call today.
In response to Chairman Wheeler's proposed rules that would kill Net Neutrality, the White House issued a weak statement distancing the president from the FCC’s decision-making and stating that: “[The White House] will be watching closely as the process moves forward in hopes that the final rule stays true to the spirit of Net Neutrality.”
Sitting back and hoping everything turns out is not nearly good enough. This is President Obama’s chairman and the president's FCC. When he campaigned for the presidency he promised to protect a free and open Internet. And that promise is now being undermined by an FCC Chair he appointed -- someone who now seems more interested in doing the bidding of a few large corporations than working in the public interest.
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