The series of six ads is now running on 100 New York City buses. One key new ad points up the uselessness of the distinction between “moderate” and “extremist” Muslims, depicting two photos of Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, a London-based Muslim who pursued a career as a rap artist until he turned to jihad and went to the Islamic State. The first photo shows Abdel Bary as a rapper; the second as a jihadist, holding up a severed head. The ad bears the legend, “Yesterday’s moderate is today’s headline.”
The United States and other Western nations have paid insufficient attention to the fact that Muslim communities in the West have not made any concerted effort to expel supporters of jihad terror from their midst, and have done nothing at all to teach against the jihadist understanding of Islam, even though they ostensibly reject it. This has the effect that we see illustrated by the trajectory of Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary: people taken as “moderate” turn out to be “extremist.”
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