When Congress reconvenes tomorrow, one of the first orders of business will be for the US House of Representatives to choose whose hand the Speaker's gavel will reside. Rep. John Boehner was elected Speaker after the Tea Party tsunami of 2010, having been minority leader previously.
During Boehner's tenure, both the expansion of the Federal government and spending has run rampant with little resistance from the Republican controlled House. It's time for Boehner to step aside or be replaced with someone who will stand up to runaway cronyism and a President bend on destroying a great nation.
Our supporters have been jamming the Congressional phone and email systems demanding that the ineffectual leadership of Boehner and his K Street controlled counterparts are replaced with someone who values the oath of office every member of Congress must swear to honor the Constitution and be a representative of the people, not the Washington lobby.
The message we the voters sent in the last election is simple. We are demanding that politics as usual is replaced with a Congress that will stop the illegal actions of the current President, reduce government spending and return the Federal government to its Constitutional boundaries. Unfortunately, John Boehner does not seem to have what it takes to lead and we are asking you to support our effort to remove him from the Speaker's position.
We need you to CALL your reps and tell them to vote no on Speaker John Boehner retaining the gavel. We have the system all set up for you, it only takes a few moments reach your district rep and tell them to do what they were elected to do, BE YOUR VOICE!
The technology to provide this system is expensive and your contributions will assure that we can continue the fight as the representative of the people. Make your voice heard with a contribution today.
Niger Innis
Executive Director
Niger Innis
Executive Director