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Showing posts with label Business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business. Show all posts

Thursday, September 18, 2014

38 Tips on #SocialMedia Etiquette for Business

38 Tips on Social Media Etiquette for Business
The problem with common sense is that it isn’t very common.

When you add the global reach of social media the reality is that bad manners, poor behaviour and forgotten etiquette become amplified. So as a business you need to think before hitting publish. If you are new to social media marketing for your business then it all can be a bit daunting.

So what do you do when you have finally finished creating all the social media accounts you didn’t think were necessary to make in the first place? Why Instagram when you have Facebook?. But you’ve made the accounts anyway, and the cross-pollinating posts have begun: a post on Facebook gets shared on all the rest, multiple times a day. Job done.

Turns out, there’s a lot more that goes into making the most use out of your social media platforms. Just because you’ve created the accounts doesn’t necessarily mean the followers will come flocking to you. There’s a lot more work to do, whether your business is trying to target clientele or business travelers stuck in airports or college students lounging around campus, you want to be very cautious about what gets shared on which accounts.


Thursday, July 17, 2014

How The Cloud And Big Data Are Changing Small Business

Rebecca O. Bagley Contributor
I write about strategies that accelerate the pace of innovation.
Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.

Friday, June 27, 2014

If You Want to Be a Big Deal, Never Stop Learning

If You Want to Be a Big Deal, Never Stop Learning

If You Want to Be a Big Deal, Never Stop Learning
To be a successful entrepreneur, particularly in tech, there is one thing you must accept: You need to always be learning.
If you ease up on learning new skills, you are going to get lapped. “The industry keeps moving. What you have to fall in love with is the process of learning and iterating and getting better,” Jason Calacanis told an audience of entrepreneurs last week at AlleyNYC, a startup co-working space in New York City. (Entrepreneur Media, the parent of this website, is a strategic partner with AlleyNYC.)
With enough patience, perseverance and dedication, anybody can have a shot at greatness, he said. “For anybody who is an entrepreneur, this is a magical time."

Sunday, June 15, 2014

7 Hot Apps That Will Skyrocket Your Productivity at Work

by Carly Stec

rocketshipThis post originally appeared on Insiders, a section of Inbound Hub. For more content like this, subscribe to Insiders.
Times they are a-changin’.
Recently I decided it was time to welcome my mom to the future, so I took the initiative and I activated my vintage iPhone 4 under her number. In all its shattered glory, it felt like I was bringing Frankenstein back to life (it’s aliiiive).
She didn't have the phone in her hand for more than 5 minutes before she started rattling off questions like: "What's a push notification?", "Why are the squares shivering like that?", "Can I get a Luke Bryan screensaver on here?"
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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Should You Hire A Social Media Manager for Your Small Business?

If there are two things that small business owners universally need more of, it’s time and money. So when the question of bringing in more helping hands arises, it’s very important to think about your priorities and strike just the right balance.
Today we’re talking about your social media marketing capabilities. We’ll assume that you already know that social media is no longer an optional marketing tool for small businesses. No? Here’s a helpful chart from Hubspot to consider:

Fun Is Good for Business

The people most resistant to fun need it the most. All they need is a little encouragement.
My Park Avenue ladies were the first to hike up their skirts and hop on the back of the Harley-Davidsons when a gang of tattooed guys roared up to crash our company picnic. I knew that surprise always creates more fun and so I planned lots of surprises for our salespeople all the time! One summer I had hot-air balloons waiting to take everyone up for a ride, and the next picnic I rented five-thousand-pound elephants and spitting camels to saddle up. At another summer picnic, 20 thoroughbreds in full regalia raced up and down open hay fields. Everyone had fun.
Our February Sweetheart Party was always a hit. February is the most depressing month of the year and companies don’t typically plan parties then. I got all the best venues in town at half price. Knowing that good themes make good parties, I made dressing up for the party theme a requirement for admission. The more ridiculous the theme, the more fun people have. For our “Glamorous 40s” party atop Rockefeller Plaza, I wore a girdle and pink vintage bra with an ice pack on my head. At our “Stars on Broadway” party in a funky 42 Street theater, I dressed as Carol Channing and entered lip-synching “Hello, Dolly!” Our “Pajamas Only” party in the Waldorf’s grand ballroom was absolutely hysterical, and for our “Dress in Drag” party, every woman and man happily cross-dressed!
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Monday, May 12, 2014

CEOs sound off on Illinois’ business climate

CEOs of major U.S. corporations went on record in Chief Executive Magazine’s “2014 Best and Worst States for Business.” 

Business leaders pulled no punches in their description of Illinois, going so far as to compare doing business in Illinois to doing business in a third-world country.
The publication ranked Illinois at the bottom of the pile, at 48th of the 50 states. But the real highlights come from the CEO comments.

As one CEO pointed out:
“Corruption and union pensions have made Illinois a poor alternative for business. Continually avoiding to address and fix the problems have only exacerbated the situation. More conservative states are easier to work in and with.”

That comment alludes to states such as Texas, which ranked first overall, and Indiana, which ranked sixth overall.  Illinoisans are piling into Texas and Indiana, and those states embrace opportunity, growth and job creation.

And business

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How To Grow Your Business With LinkedIn


3 Ways To Grow Your Business With LinkedIn
Let me ask you a question: Do you ever feel like everyone in your industry is doing the same thing? Everyone’s newsletters look the same. Everyone’s websites are starting to look the same. Same. Same. Same.
Don’t worry, you’re not alone;
I’ve faced this issue many times throughout my business journey. And what I’ve come to learn is that marketing is 10% what you say and 90% how you say it. Now if you’re marketing your company using the same methods as everyone else in your industry not only is it going to be hard to stand out but chances are your business will never be innovative enough to stay ahead of the pack.
And in my opinion there is no marketing tool more powerful in today’s business world than LinkedIn if your business is primarily B2B. With over 300 million users and 49% of those being key decision makers, LinkedIn has ultimately become the most precious marketing resource of the 21st century.


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Saturday, May 10, 2014

Science of Social Media in the Workplace, More Problems

, Corporate Counsel

As the social media universe expands and more users join networks every day, the risks for businesses also appear to be on the rise. A new survey from Proskauer Rose indicates employers are disciplining workers more when it comes to employees’ use of social media.

In the survey, “Social Media in the Workplace Around the World 3.0,” Proskauer reports 71 percent of the more than 110 businesses that responded have had to take disciplinary action against an employee for misusing of social media. This is a tremendous jump from last year’s iteration of the survey, in which only 35 percent reported they had to take this kind of action. The jump in the numbers begs the questions—what are businesses doing, and what can they legally do to make sure social media in the workplace doesn’t become a disaster zone?

Dan Ornstein, a partner at Proskauer and cohead of the firm’s international labor and employment law group, told that the more people use Twitter, Facebook and other social media, the more blurred the distinctions become between personal and professional use—resulting in some problems. “People are caught off guard when they are tweeting or posting because of that blur,” he said.

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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Free Download: Five Infographic Templates in PowerPoint

infographic templatesInfographics are a powerful tool for capturing the attention of your target audiences. In fact, businesses that publish infographics grow their traffic an average of 12% more than those that don’t.
The hard part, of course, is finding the time and resources to create these infographics.