Real Law Editorial Team
Friday, January 10, 2014
In our digital age, big data is a big deal, especially for big law firms. Are you ready to take the big leap into big data analysis? (P.S. There’s big money involved.)
Law has perhaps always been a data-driven business. A good attorney, librarian, or even judge can be measured by his or her ability to draw from up to thousands of potentially relevant cases and synthesize knowledge and insight from hundreds of years of legal history.
Today, in the digital age, the demands on legal professionals are considerably higher. Law firms are expected to navigate more digital information than even existed a generation ago. As economic realities drive tougher competition, the firms that can recognize and master this new data-rich environment will have a sharper competitive edge. So what are the driving factors?
Read more:!/big-data-is-making-law-bigger-than-ever/lexisnexis#ixzz2rXHASohX