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Showing posts with label #2016Election. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #2016Election. Show all posts

Monday, October 26, 2015


After a week of polls showing the American people reacted to the Umpqua Community College (UCC) shooting with stronger support for gun rights than gun control, a Washington Post-ABC News poll released October 26 shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans also believe Congressional focus ought to be on fixing our mental health system instead of talking about more gun laws.

According to The Washington Post, the poll shows that 63 percent of Americans believe mass public attacks like the one at UCC “reflect problems identifying and treating people with mental health problems rather than inadequate gun control laws.” Only 23 percent of Americans believe such attacks show the need for more gun control.
And if we break down poll responses by political parties we see the continuation of a similar pattern–namely, that Second Amendment support is coming from Republicans and independents while the driving force behind gun control is the Democrat Party. For example, in the Washington Post-ABC News Poll 82 percent of Republicans and 65 percent of Independents says mass public attacks show the focus should be on mental health rather than the passage of more gun control laws. Only 46 percent of Democrats agree with the Republicans and independents on this.
Moreover, when asked about gun rights versus gun control, the Washington Post-ABC Poll showed that seven out of 10 Republicans say the focus should be on gun rights while seven out of 10 Democrats want more gun control.
Breitbart News previously reported that the responses to a recent Gallup poll show a similar breakdown among political parties regarding concealed carry in America. Gallup showed that 56 percent of Americans believe more concealed carry would make America safer while 41 percent of Americans believe more concealed carry would make America less safe. The pro-concealed carry position was driven by Republicans and independents; eighty-two percent of Republicans believe more concealed carry would make the U.S. safer and 56 percent of independents agree. The anti-concealed position was driven by Democrats, 67 percent of whom believe more concealed carry permit holders will make America less safe.
Follow AWR Hawkins on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at

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Thursday, September 24, 2015

Good Gun Handling Habits !|

Posted by  on September 22, 2015 at 6:39 pm

What Reid Henrichs says here seems dead simple… so why do we see so many people fail in these very basic weapon manipulations in firearms courses and in the real world?
The simple fact of the matter is that many people don’t bother to master the basics, thinking, “I’ve got this.” What they soon discover—hopefully at the range, and not in the real world—is that knowing how something should be done on an intellectual level in a stress-free environment is a far cry from being able to smoothly execute under even moderate amounts of stress in less than perfect conditions.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Ted #CRUZ leads Presidental Pack in use of #SOCIALMEDIA @CBS

roy_melony 300Melony Roy
Melony Roy is the Social Media editor for KYW Newsradio 1060,...
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By social media editor Melony Roy
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — US senator Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) was the first to formally announce his presidential run.  And instead of a ballroom and podium, he opted for another platform: Twitter.
His simple tweet read, “I’m running for President and I hope to earn your support!”  It was accompanied by a campaign video.

(Image from Twitter account of Ted Cruz)
(Image from Twitter account of Ted Cruz)
Valerie Caras, digital strategy manager for Ceisler Media, based in Philadelphia, thinks the social media stratagem makes sense.
“I think it shows that they are not only getting their message out there, but they are really looking for a way to engage with folks and sway opinions in that way,” she tells KYW Newsradio.
She notes that Cruz can now have his digital team monitoring the conversation in real time for both positive and negative feedback.

Ted #CRUZ to #HANNITY - it's NOW or NEVER !!! @NewsMax

Saying "it's now or never," Sen. Ted Cruz told Fox News Channel's Sean Hannity on Monday that he made the official announcement of his presidential run because "it's time to start making the case. "

Cruz gave his first interview as an official candidate to Hannity, and touched on his key issues of repealing and replacing Obamacare, cutting spending and instituting a "simple flat tax."
"We've got to change what we're doing," Cruz said. "You know, I think there is an urgency to what we're facing in politics that's unlike anything you or I have ever seen before … I don't think we've reached the point of no return yet, but we are close."

On foreign policy, Cruz said the fight against the Islamic State (ISIS) should include arming the Kurds as the primary "boots on the ground." He also favors arming Ukraine and keeping U.S. treaty commitments rather than getting into a "shooting war" with Russia.
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Aware that not everyone is happy with his candidacy, Cruz said that "when The New York Times says that the Washington elites despise me, my only question is: Do I have to disclose that as an in-kind donation?"

The mainstream media paints Republicans as either stupid or evil, Cruz said, but for him, they've "invented a third caricature: they do anything they can to paint me as a wild-eyed lunatic."