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Showing posts with label anti-Semitism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anti-Semitism. Show all posts

Thursday, August 07, 2014

Kill the Jews - Heil Hitler!

Australia: Pro-Hamas Jew-haters terrorize bus full of Jewish children, screaming “Kill the Jews” and “Heil Hitler”

AustraliabusThis kind of attack is enabled by the relentless demonization of Israel by the mainstream media and Islamic groups. They are normalizing in Western countries a culture of violence, hatred and anti-Semitism. The Daily Telegraph goes out of its way to emphasize that these men were blond and possibly drunk (although the bus driver, who clearly colluded with them, insisted that they were not drunk), as if to emphasize that they were not Muslims. But the increasingly violent, thuggish and authoritarian Left eagerly does the bidding of Islamic supremacists and jihadists.
“Bondi racist bus attack: Jewish schools on alert after eight men threaten to cut schoolchildren’s throats,” by Ian Walker and Bruce McDougall, The Daily Telegraph, August 7, 2014 (thanks to Pamela Geller):
JEWISH children as young as five were subjected to a terrifying racial attack when thugs stormed their school bus and threatened to slit their throats.

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The Nazis back and they are here

Anti-Semitism has reared its head almost everywhere there are pro-Palestinian street protests.
A heavily Jewish section of Paris was looted and attacked as crowds shouted “Gas the Jews,” in what correctly has been called a pogrom.  Multiple synagogues and Jewish centers in Paris and elsewhere in France were firebombed, and neo-Nazi salutes were center stage.
In Berlin protesters shouted “Jew, cowardly pig, come out and fight.”

In Frankfurt they carried signs such as “The Jews are Beasts” and the Star of David is “The Star of the Devil.”
In the Hague, Netherlands, crowds chanted “death to all Jews.”
In England, particularly London, there have been over 100 anti-Semitic incidents, and anti-Israel protesters pushed The Protocol
The following images have appeared on the web for years but they have been largely ignored. They are VERY REAL and they are ALL MUSLIMS emulating the NAZI SALUTE.  Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Boko Haran the rest all have expressed admiration for the Nazis, the Jew Hatred and the Holocaust, which is only natural since the Arab Nations all were allied with Hitler and the Axis against the Allies, mainly due to their shared hate for Jews. Remember these images and READ THEIR TWEETS - there will be many more to come.

2,000 #Islamists & neo-#Nazis rampage togethr in #Frankfurt, shout 'Allahu Akbar', scrawl F*** the Jews' on synagogue…


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Check it out: Obama hates Jews and LOVES MUSLIM TERROR!

The Colored folks have a long history of Jew Hate. Though both groups have suffered from severe racial discrimination for centuries, there is ONE BIG DIFFERENCE:


There are of course many exceptions to this adage, but generally it holds true. This disparity has led to jealously, which rapidly morphed into Wide-Spread Racial Hate in early 20th Century America. This hatred was passed on from generation to generation and widely taught by Black Preachers, who had to find someone besides just WHITEY to blame for their repeated failures. Remember that Barrack Hussein Obama listened to the VILE HATRED OF the Rev. Wright here in Chicago, and remains close friends with the BLACK MUSLIMS, a vicious group of semi-literate ex-convicts, filled with WHITE AND JEW HATERS.

So HUSSEIN OBAMA HATES JEWS - we've seen this time and time again in the way he deals with Israel, and now he has the rest of the Progressive Terror-Loving Muslim ass kissers on his side. So read on for more of the history of NEGRO JEW HATE in America. 

Anti-Semitism has had a long history among African Americans. In the 1920s, for instance, the “buy-black” campaign of the black-nationalist leader Marcus Garvey was explicitly targeted against Jews, and Garvey later spoke admiringly of Adolf Hitler.

In February 1948 the black writer James Baldwin acknowledged how widespread anti-Semitism was in his community, writing: “Georgia has the Negro and Harlem has the Jew.” Baldwin later succumbed to such views himself when he wrote that while Christians made up America's true power structure, the Jew “is doing their dirty work.” He went on to denigrate Jewish financial support of civil rights organizations as mere “conscience money.”

Malcolm X, too, was a vociferous anti-Semite both publicly and privately. According to author Murray Friedman, when Malcolm met with representatives of the Ku Klux Klan to solicit their support for his project of black separatism, he "assured them" that "it was Jews who were behind the integration movement."

In more recent decades, a number of leading black activists -- some immensely popular and influential -- have become vocal exponents of anti-Semitic.. Stoking the fires of racial grievance and victimology, they aim to imbue fellow blacks with contempt for, and envy of, Jews. Some of these anti-Semites serve as Imams or ministers at major mosques across the country. Others work as chaplains in America's prison system. Others have established themselves as leaders of the contemporary civil rights movement.

City College of New York professor Leonard Jeffries, for instance, contends that “rich Jews who financed the development of Europe also financed the slave trade.” He charges that Jews have greatly exaggerated the horrors of the Holocaust, and he once described Jewish academicians who disagreed with his views as “slick and devilish and dirty and dastardly.”

And of course we cannot forget Calypso Louie:

Farrakhan In His Own WordsRULEOn Jews 


On Jews

On 'Jewish Conspiracies'

On the Holocaust

On Jewish Involvement in the Slave Trade

On Israel

On Dialogue with Jews

On Whites

On U.S. Government

On Homosexuals

On 'Mainstream' Blacks

“Now you know I’m going to be lambasted and called anti-Semitic… They’ll say Farrakhan was up to his old canards; he said Jews control Hollywood. Well, they said it themselves! Jews control the media. They said it themselves! Jews and some gentiles control the banking industry, international banks. They do! In Washington right next to the Holocaust Museum is the Federal Reserve where they print the money. Is that an accident?”
Holy Day of Atonement Keynote Address, Part 2, Mosque Maryam, Chicago, Illinois 10/21/12

Farrakhan: How many of you are lawyers? Only have one in the house? No wonder we go to jail so much, brother! But at the top of the law profession, who are the top in law?
Audience: Jews.
Farrakhan: Sorry I didn't hear you.
Audience: Jews!
Farrakhan: Any doctors in the house? Ain't got no doctors? Oh there's one way in the back. At the top of the medical profession, the top in that are members of the Jewish community. Anybody in media? Who's the top in that field?
Audience: Jews.
Farrakhan: Anybody a rapper in the house? There's rappers. You can rap, ain't nothing wrong with that, but at the top of that are those that control the industry. Any of you have Hollywood ambitions, Broadway ambitions? Who's the top of that?
Audience: Jews.
Farrakhan: Same people! They're masters in business. Well I'm not a businessman I'm a banker. Well who's the master of the bankers?
Audience: Jews.
Farrakhan: TALK TO ME!
Audience: Jews!
Farrakhan: You don't discredit them because they're masters, you discredit them by the way they use their mastery.
Audience: [applause]
Farrakhan: Now, I close. 

African-American Anti-Semitism

Black bigots on the Web have often engaged in their own form of fallacious "revisionist" history, most often to claim that Jews controlled the colonial-era Black slave trade. Furthermore, they have supported theories espoused by other anti-Semites: Jews are not the "chosen people" described in the Bible; Jews conspire to control non-Jews; the Nazi Holocaust did not take place as history says it did, and Jewish religious texts such as the Talmud are responsible for anti-Black racism.
For more than a decade, ADL has exposed the racism and anti-Semitism of the Nation of Islam (NOI) and its leader, Louis Farrakhan. Farrakhan has often disparaged Jews and whites, delivering hate-saturated rhetoric to thousands of enthralled listeners. He has also expressed support for notorious tyrants around the world.
Although the contents of the official NOI Home Page are not often openly anti-Semitic, the site contains a prominent link to the Web site for NOI's weekly newspaper The Final Call, which often publishes anti-Semitic articles. For instance, a recent story posted at the paper's Web site contained Farrakhan's accusation that Monica Lewinsky was "introduced" by "Zionists" to punish President Clinton for pressuring Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu "to give up more land" to the Palestinians. Farrakhan further commented that the "desire" of these "Zionists" is "to destroy the Presidency of the United States."43
An article at the Final Call Web site by "Guest Columnist" Ali Baghdadi echoes Farrakhan's claim that a Jewish conspiracy is manipulating American foreign policy. Richard Cohen of The Washington Post, William Safire of The New York Times, and chief United Nations weapons inspector Richard Butler are portrayed by Baghdadi as "Zionist Jews" who pressure Clinton to attack Iraq. According to Baghdadi, "those who are in charge of U.S. policy" want Iraq to submit
An article at the Final Call Web site by 'Guest Columnist' Ali Baghdadi echoes Farrakhan's claim that a Jewish conspiracy is manipulating American foreign policy.
because it has "the potential, if allowed to develop, to threaten the Zionist land grab of Arab Palestine."44
In another article at the Final Call site, Baghdadi compares the Nazi butcher Dr. Josef Mengele to Israeli scientists, who he wrongly believes have been working on an "ethno-bomb" that genetically targets Arabs. Baghdadi declares Israel and Mengele "two faces to the same coin," claiming Mengele is "a source of inspiration and a motivating force that Zionist Jews were urgently seeking!"

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Activist Exposes Brandeis University Anti-Israel Faculty Listserv

Brandeis University / Wikimedia commons
Chloé Valdary
Fellow, Lawfare Project
One may have believed that the revocation of an esteemed award from human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali by Brandeis University was the lowest level the school could stoop in kowtowing to fascist, racist influences among Brandeis faculty. Yet one would be wrong. In an all-new bombshell uncovered by Brandeis student Daniel Mael, an entire listserv used by Brandeis professors and teachers has been leaked to the public.
This email list, entitled “Concerned” contains several exchanges between professors bashing conservatives, Jews, Christians, and anyone who views America as a force for good in this world.
Donald Hindley, professor of comparative politics at the university, has a particular fetish for promoting moral relativism and elevating terrorists on the pedestal of public esteem. In one email, he laments the cutting of ties of the university to the terror affiliated Al-Quds saying, “If significant donors and/or our current campus leaders’ ideology/brain-washing demand that ‘we’ break relations with Al-Quds, surely ‘we’ (Brandeis) must ensure that our campus be free of Quaker Cadburys products. ‘They’ never rest from “their” jihad to pollute our pure selves.”
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Friday, July 04, 2014

VIDEO - Frenzied Muslim mob attacks and beats Jewish protesters

No Muslims were arrested, of course, although at least one of the Jews was: Muslims are a protected class in multicultural Canada. Here is an excerpt from Blogwrath‘s recounting of events:

After that the Arab bullies turned against the Jews with sticks and fists. You can see that confrontation in the movie below (that moment was also covered by Blazingcatfur). After the vicious beating one person was sent to hospital with injuries and another one who came to support JDL-Canada was arrested for no reason (and held for several hours). 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

National and International Media Uproar Over AFDI’s Groundbreaking Islamic Jew-Hatred Campaign

This campaign does so many things. First, it exposes the long-kept secret of the collusion between the the Third Reich and the Muslim world. Second, it exposes the vicious anti-Semitic material in Islamic texts and teachings. Third, it informs people that two-thirds of all U.S. foreign aid goes to Muslim countries.

Friday, May 23, 2014


This week, students at DePaul University are being asked to get involved in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and vote on a non-binding resolution that asks the university to divest from companies that do business in the Jewish State. But for some Jewish students on the Lincoln Park, Chicago campus, the campaign behind the proposed measure has created an atmosphere of intimidation, not free speech.

Rachel (last name withheld), a sophomore at DePaul, explained that the “DePaul Divest” campaign, begun two months ago, has transformed this campus from one that used to be “safe and community-giving.”
“This entire campaign and entire sit-in going on in the SAC (Schmitt Academic Center) is totally unsafe for Jewish students and I have had a lot of Jewish students text me and call me today and tell me they are not comfortable walking through that part of our campus, which is really disheartening.”
Rachel added, “About two months ago when SJP (Students for Justice in Palestine) started the ‘DePaul Divest’ campaign, I no longer felt safe on this campus and I no longer felt I could be a proud Jewish student.”
De Paul U is my alma Mater - Bachelor of Music Composition, De Paul U School of Music, 1976.

It's not surprising to hear about this sort of lunacy at Harvard, Georgetown or the rest of the Ivy League insane assylums, but at De Paul it's a real shock.

I've walked through that  campus many times, on my way to and from the John T. Richardson Library. It was always welcoming and a joy to behold. It's a shame that such miserable individuals can ruin things for all.

I'd also like to hear what the family of the late Dr. Leon Stein, Professor at the School of Music for 50 years and Dean for 35 has to day. Or Professor Herman Shapiro, head of the Music Theory Department.