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Showing posts with label VA Scandal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label VA Scandal. Show all posts

Friday, July 11, 2014



Ruling Class looters: VA salaries inflated by over $24 million

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

VA Scandal Worsens as Obama's Legacy Rots

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If there’s a phrase you can use to easily sum up Barack Obama’s Presidential career, it might be, “He’s as skilled at politics as he is unskilled at leadership.” The first black President of the United States promised “hope and change” at the outset before going on to disappoint even his most fervent supporters with six years of terrible administrating. That he was able to secure re-election after four of those years is a testament to how devastatingly well he plays the game. Make no mistake about it, if the Republicans could find a few politicians with Obama’s charisma and combine it with some sensible, follow-through policies, the Dems wouldn’t see the White House again for two decades.
If there’s anything we can learn from the Veteran Affairs scandals, it’s that Obama’s leadership skills are more than just lackluster; they are downright harmful. Now it turns out that the VA troubles are about more than long wait times. A report on June 24th, 2014 shows that poor healthcare provided by the department has been to blame for the deaths of more than 1,000 veterans while delivering a tax bill of almost $1 billion in malpractice settlements. No American expects the President to be involved at every level of bureaucracy, but this kind of mismanagement is inexcusable under any Chief’s reign.
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Exposed: How the VA red-flags 'disruptive' vets

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

AUDIT: Veteran Waited 8 YEARS for PTSD Treatment From VA

Tuesday, June 24th, 2014 by Kyle Olson
Veterans are losing the war at home, and the loss is coming at the hands of their own government.
A new audit finds the VA didn’t treat a veteran with PTSD for 8 years while another was in the hospital for 7 YEARS before being treated.

VA hospitals cost 1,000 veterans their lives, report says

By Stephen Dinan

The problems at Veterans Affairs extend well beyond long wait lists, with a report Tuesday showing the department is plagued with poor care that has cost up to 1,000 veterans their lives and left taxpayers on the hook for nearly $1 billion in malpractice settlements since the beginning of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Some of the problems detailed in the report by Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma are downright ghoulish. They include the case of a former security chief at a New York Veterans Affairs medical center whom theFBI arrested on charges of plotting to kidnap, rape and murder women and children.

More standard is the nightmarish bureaucratic bungling that shows a department in disarray and a culture more concerned with punishing whistleblowers than with fixing the problems they pointed out, said Mr. Coburn, Senate Republicans’ chief investigator who has earned a reputation as the top waste-watcher in Congress.
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Photo by: Jacquelyn Martin

Monday, June 23, 2014

Illinois Senator Mark Kirk Seeking Criminal Probe Of VA Scandal

(CBS) – U.S. Sen. Mark Kirk said Friday he has evidence the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs falsified wait times for patients at VA hospitals, and he said the matter demands criminal investigation.
Kirk joined retired U.S. Army Pvt. Michael Swan, who said he waited 284 days for an appointment, while VA records showed he waited only five days, and cancelled the rest himself.
“The VA fraudulently put in ‘appointment cancelled by patient,’” Kirk said. “Michael did you cancel those appointments?” Kirk said.
Swan said no.
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Saturday, June 21, 2014


Congress told officials review own work, give bonuses of $2.8 million


Sunday, June 15, 2014

VA patient load outpaced budget, led to latest scandal

PHOENIX — The scandal enveloping the Department of Veterans Affairs was years in the making, as patient-eligibility guidelines expanded without corresponding funding, swamping health centers with sick veterans whom dishonest bureaucrats chose to ignore rather than treat.
Federal reports and interviews suggest that VA administrators falsified wait-time lists because the agency's rolls had swollen and its administrators were under constant pressure to bring wait times down — in fact, their bonuses were contingent on it.
Clinics have to wait even longer than the 27 days the department originally reported. For each facility, the data shows the number of patients on the waiting list as of May 15, the average wait for a general care appointment, and the difference between the earlier reported wait figures and the audit results. Locations marked "flagged for review" indicate that there is at least one facility with wait times under further review by auditors within that medical center's or health care system's network of sites


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

VA scandal: why criminal charges must be filed

Written by Allen West on June 10, 2014
Written by Allen West on June 10, 2014

Clearly the Obama administration wanted to use the Bergdahl release as a way of creating a positive diversion and getting the VA scandal behind them. As usual, they miscalculated, and depended on the liberal media for a bailout – however, that is failing as well. The rabbit hole gets deeper surrounding the Taliban release with Obama and his minions telling more lies to cover the initial lies.
But the VA scandal is also getting worse — a lot worse. Remember the president stated “IF these allegations are true?” Well Mr. President, they sure as heck are, so the ball is in your court. We definitively know veterans lost their lives in Arizona, and now there are reports that supervisors ordered reports to be manipulated. This is no longer an administrative inquiry, it is a criminal


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

VA facilities used alternative wait lists - 70 percent involved

Huge backlog: 70 percent of VA facilities used alternative wait lists

System fostered bonuses for executives, created confusion for scheduling staff

VA audit finds more secret wait lists

An internal audit of the Department of Veterans Affairs released Monday found that 70 percent of facilities had placed patients on a wait list other than the official electronic record.


Should Congress make English the official language of the U.S.?

Tens of thousands of veterans are stuck in backlogs awaiting care at VA facilities, the department said Monday in a report that confirms employees regularly cooked the books, often under pressure from supervisors, to try to hide long wait times.
The audit found that 70 percent of Veterans Affairs facilities surveyed placed patients on alternate wait lists, meaning many of those veterans probably weren’t recorded in the official reports back to headquarters and were used to dole out bonuses to VA executives.

Monday, June 09, 2014

Senators call for DOJ to investigate VA for possible criminal wrongdoing

Nearly two-dozen senators issued a bipartisan call for the Justice Department to lead a criminal probe into the Veterans Affairs scandal, citing mounting evidence of secret waiting lists and other "potential criminal wrongdoing." 
The letter to Attorney General Eric Holder came as the department released an internal review showing more than 57,000 veterans have been waiting for up to three months for medical appointments. An additional 64,000 who enrolled for VA health care over the past decade have never been seen by a doctor, according to the audit. 
The department, as well as the VA inspector general, are reviewing the problems in the sprawling veterans health care system. The Justice Department is being consulted -- but Sens. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., John McCain, R-Ariz., and others want the DOJ to take a "leadership role" in the probe.


Tuesday, June 03, 2014

St. Louis VA: Filth, feces, urine and trash

EXCLUSIVE: Filth, Feces, Urine & Trash – Relative Describes Squalid State of St. Louis VA (Video-Photos)

This past weekend, Evita Simone Allen visited the St. Louis VA medical center at Jefferson Barracks to tend to an ailing uncle.

Here is Vita’s shocking story – along with pictures from her visit:
“As we entered the room, we noticed a foul smell that smelled really bad. As we walked around in the room we noticed food and just a little trash on the floor and we also noticed that the small trash can was full.
STL VA trash on floor logo
The small trash can was overflowing with medical supplies and trash. Trash was on the floor.
“Once we put on gloves to kind of straighten up a little bit, the nurse came in and I asked her how often does housekeeping come in to clean the rooms and take the trash out.
“Now before she came in there, my uncle told us housekeeping had not been in there in at least two days – it could have been more than two days, but at least he was sure it was two days that they had not come in his room at all.
“When I asked the nurse how often they come, (she said) they come every day during the week, but have only two staff during the weekend.
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