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Showing posts with label Oil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oil. Show all posts

Monday, July 21, 2014

Banning the Export of American Oil

Oil WellsSince 1974, federal law generally has prohibited the export of American oil. The law bans such exports even though the Export Clause of the U.S. Constitution provides that Congress can impose “No Tax or Duty” “on Articles exported from any State.” (Art. I, §9, cl. 5.) The higher a tariff is, the more it discourages exporting the good. A total ban on oil exports is equivalent to a tax of infinity.
The history of the Export Clause shows that Congress can no longer justify this ban. When the Framers drafted our Constitution in 1787, the South expressed concern that the North would tax the export of cotton, which was the South’s major cash crop.

The South wanted to keep its markets open to the world. James Madison proposed that Congress could impose an export tax, if a super-majority in Congress approved. The South objected that such a restriction was insufficient protection because the more populous North might still be able to impose an export duty. The South did agree that a simple majority could impose a tax on imports but the North had to agree that there must be no tax on exports. While this constitutional restriction in the Export Clause initially favored the South, its principle applies without regard to geographic region. For example, in an effort to make aluminum or steel cheaper, Congress may not impose a tax on their export.

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Sunday, July 06, 2014

China’s Iraq Oil Problem - Giggle, Chortle, Guffaw...

It says so much more than a flag hanging limply above the doorway. Iraq's embassy craves attention in Beijing.Scott Cendrowski—FortuneIraq’s collapse is as much China’s problem as anyone else’s. As violence increases between Sunnis and Shi’ites, its oil interests are on the line.
Thanks to China’s insatiable appetite for oil—last year it passed the U.S. as the world’s largest importer—the country has become Iraq’s top trading partner. After Iraq turned peaceful post-war, China’s state-run oil giants rushed to sign Iraqi contracts. They were largely low-margin, unprofitable deals, but the Chinese need crude and were willing to accept meager deals that other countries weren’t. There are now 10,000 Chinese oil workers in the country.
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Monday, June 23, 2014

Iraq crisis: Key oil refinery 'seized by rebels'

Smoke rises from a oil refinery in Baiji, north of Baghdad. 19 June 2014The refinery at Baiji has been a key objective for the Sunni rebels
Sunni rebels in Iraq say they have fully captured the country's main oil refinery at Baiji, north of Baghdad.
The refinery had been under siege for 10 days with the militant offensive being repulsed several times.
The complex supplies a third of Iraq's refined fuel and the battle has already led to petrol rationing.
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