Speaking to Arab clerics in their own language, rabbis of the Derech Emunah (“Way of Faith”)
organization on Wednesday dispatched a letter in Arabic to about 50 Muslim clerics, heads of mosques and universities in major Arab towns and villages.
"As Islamic leaders, you know that you have much influence over your followers. Everyone has heard about the incitement that takes place in mosques on Fridays. Those who preach this incitement are directly responsible for the murders of Israelis," declared the letter.
“But those who do not mend their ways and continue to seek our destruction must realize that G-d will take His revenge against them. The first ones to be judged will be the religious leaders and educators who should have known better,” the letter added. “Not only will G-d take revenge on you, but so will His agent, the IDF, which will continue to operate in Judea and Samaria. We call on you, in the name of G-d, to repent – stop the incitement, turn away from evil.”
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