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Showing posts with label #politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #politics. Show all posts

Thursday, May 14, 2015

#Chicago Public Schools Credit Rating Junked ! @CBS

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Chicago Public Schools Headquarters
Chicago Public Schools Headquarters. (Credit: CBS)
John DodgeJohn Dodge
John Dodge is the Executive Producer of CBS Chicago's website. (You...
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The Moody’s Investor Service applied the Ba3 rating to the Chicago Board of Education’s $6.2 billion in debt.
 — One day after the city of Chicago took a big hit to its credit rating, a leading bond-rating agency further downgraded the Chicago Public Schools debt to “junk” status.
Like the city, CPS is facing a huge problem with increasing required contributions to teachers’ pensions.
“The Ba3 rating reflects CPS’s steadily escalating pension contributions and use of reserves to fund those contributions,” Moody’s said. “We believe pension costs will place increasing strain on the district’s precarious financial position absent material revenue growth or expenditure reduction, both of which appear increasingly difficult for the district to achieve.”
The rating means the school system’s ability to pay off its debt is at risk. It also means it will cost more for CPS to borrow in the future.
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Saturday, April 18, 2015

#Illinois, #Indiana should act more neighborly

April 16, 2015 12:00 am  •  
Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner has a lot of surgery to do on his state, which is why it was so surprising to hear him say he wants to "rip the economic guts out of Indiana."
Perhaps he'd like to visit Northwest Indiana and talk to the Illinois transplants here about why they left Illinois. Most cite tax reasons, although they miss their old neighborhoods.
Rauner should also talk to fellow Republican Gov. Mike Pence about ways the two states could collaborate, especially about ways to build the economy throughout the Chicago area, of which Northwest Indiana is a part.
All it takes is a look at commuting patterns to see the work force is very mobile throughout the Chicago area. The state line is not a barrier when it comes to employment.
Rauner's comments came at a time when the Indiana Statehouse was reeling from a foolish decision that made Indiana appear to be unwelcoming toward gays and lesbians. Indiana learned quickly from that mistake, however, and changed the law accordingly.
Illinois has major work ahead. Rauner has his hands full. He should move quickly to rebuild Illinois from within and make it a more competitive state nationally. Illinois has to address the public employee pension crisis, with a solution awaiting Supreme Court review. It also has to bring its tax rates down, and of course spending as well. That will make the state more attractive to economic development.
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Friday, April 17, 2015

#Obama's Wanton Lawlessness Should Disturb All #Americans ! @CBN

April 17, 2015 - 7:44 AM

Saturday, March 28, 2015

#CRUZ Lays out #OBAMACARE Replacement Plan ! @Breitbart #PJNET

Friday in Nashua, NH at the Young America’s Foundation Conference, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), a 2016 candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, laid out his vision to repeal and replace ObamaCare.
Listing “three specific reforms,” Cruz said, “Number one, allow people to buy insurance across state lines.”
He continued, “Number two, we need to expand health saving accounts,” and he concluded with, “Number three, we need to de-link health insurance from employment.”
Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

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Wednesday, March 18, 2015


On Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu won re-election according to the latest vote counts, defeating not just his domestic leftist opposition, but the President of the United States in a public stand-off that had the President sending emissaries to Israel to try and oust Netanyahu. The victory represented a stunning turnaround for Netanyahu, whose Likud Party trailed significantly in the polls in the days leading up to the election.
How Netanyahu shifted the narrative in Israel makes for a compelling political case study in principle over prevarication. Netanyahu overcame a highly-publicized domestic scandal involving allegedly ordering some $2,700 worth of ice cream to the official residence, and exceeding his household budget by approximately a million shekel. He overcame inflation against the dollar that jacked up prices of goods in the weeks leading up to the election, and inflated real estate prices over the course of the last six years. He overcame foreign money injected into the campaign.
How? He employed five key tactics — tactics from which American conservatives could learn:
Build Around a Personality. Netanyahu’s speech before Congress was the latest indicator that he was a world leader ready to face down the most powerful people in the world, including Iran and its new friends in the Obama administration. While many Israelis said they didn’t want Netanyahu as prime minister, they preferred him over his rivals in every poll for months before the election by a wide margin. In the late days of the campaign, Netanyahu campaigned openly on the idea that conservatives ought to vote for his party in order to elevate him personally. By positioning himself as a major international presence, Netanyahu placed himself in admirable political position. There is danger to this strategy: it allows the opposition to focus on you personally. But voters vote for people, not for ideas.
Don’t Back Down From A Fight. Netanyahu’s U.S. ambassador, Ron Dermer, knew that Netanyahu was dramatically at odds with President Obama over Obama’s pending nuclear arms deal with Iran. When Dermer negotiated an appearance by Netanyahu before a joint session of Congress with Speaker of the House John Boehner, and Obama retaliated by refusing to see Netanyahu, Netanyahu did not apologize or back down. Instead, he silently embraced the face-off with President Obama, who foolishly elevated Netanyahu by using the media to slam Netanyahu repeatedly. Netanyahu, meanwhile, steadfastly stated that he would use any opportunity, particularly one before the most powerful legislature in the world, to lay out the case against a “bad deal” with Iran. The American media went berserk; the Israeli left media went insane, suggesting that Netanyahu had permanently damaged Israeli-American relations. The polls stated that the speech could actually hurt Netanyahu domestically. Netanyahu went anyway. The result: aboost in the polls and a decline for Zionist Union leader Isaac Herzog.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


AP Photo/M. Spencer Green,File

Rahm Emanuel, Chicago’s mayor and President Barack Obama’s chief of staff, failed to win re-election on Tuesday in the Democratic primary—and will head to a runoff—a major embarrassment and defeat for the cutthroat Democrat and for Obama himself.

“Despite a multi-million-dollar ad campaign and a last-minute boost from President Barack Obama, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel fell short of an outright win in his reelection bid Tuesday, emerging ahead of a five-candidate field but without the majority support he needed to avoid an April 7 runoff against Cook County Commissioner Jesus ‘Chuy’ Garcia,” Politico wrote in a breaking news alert late Tuesday night. “The Associated Press projected that Emanuel, Obama’s former White House chief of staff, will not win a majority of the vote. He currently leads Garcia, 45 percent to 34 percent, with 84 percent of precincts reporting.”
Garcia forcing this race into a runoff is a massive indictment of the president’s standing in the biggest city of the state he represented in the U.S. Senate. It is also the latest breakdown of the Chicago political machine, coming after Republican Bruce Rauner won the governor’s race in Illinois this past fall.
“This win proves that a movement of people like you can beat a political machine backed by billion-dollar corporations. On to April 7th,” Garcia, the Democrat who forced Emanuel into the runoff, tweeted on Tuesday night.
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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Hate Speech, #Social #Media And The 2015 Election


What then is hate speech? To find out about this, I will stay with the website author I earlier mentioned and he has this to say; “Hate speech is communication that denigrates a particular person or a group on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, or other characteristic. It can be in the form of any speech, gesture or conduct, writing, or display and usually marks incitement, violence or prejudice against an individual or a group. The recommendation of the committee of ministers of 
the Council of Europe issued in 1997 covers the internationally accepted definition of the term. Accordingly, the term “hate speech” shall be understood as covering all forms of expression which spread, incite, promote or justify racial hatred, xenophobia, anti-semitism or other forms of hatred based on intolerance. As a result it generates stigmas, stereotypes, prejudices and discriminatory practices against those who are constructed as being different.
He reasoned that “international law and national legal frameworks both prohibit such speech. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) states that any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law. The United Nations, Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD), Article 4 also provides for states to declare an offence punishable by law “all dissemination of ideas based on racial superiority or hatred, incitement to racial discrimination acts of violence or incitement to such acts against any race or group of persons of another colour or ethnic origin”.
According to this scholarly site, the laws of individual countries most often regulate Internet content. Some countries have imposed codes of conduct on Internet service providers (ISPs), and some service providers have willingly agreed to create their own. Traditionally, content on the Internet was provided by the person or group that created a website, and user contribution was limited. Social media is more dynamic as users provide most of the content and therefore they share its responsibility along with the service provider or the host of the website.
“Most countries have sufficient laws to prohibit hate speech on the Internet and social media but governments rarely intervene except for matters that concern them politically. Hate speech, especially racism on the social media is an often ignored phenomenon. However, the problem is not the law but its implementation”.

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Dems on FEC move to regulate #Internet campaigns, #blogs, Drudge

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Thursday, February 05, 2015


ear Friend,

As I listened to Gov. Rauner’s State of the State address at the Statehouse yesterday, I was struck by the contrast with past tones and past policy priorities. He discussed making government more responsive to taxpayers, freezing property taxes, reigning in government unions, empowering local communities, making pro-business reforms and expanding school choice—all priorities that AFP-Illinois, and likely many of you, applauds. Please contact your legislators and tell them you support Governor Rauner's pro-growth agenda!

But I was also struck by what a difference our collective efforts have made.  Last year, due to your efforts and those of AFP- Illinois, Gov. Quinn and the legislative leaders were unable to pass their top legislative priority laid out in then-Governor Governor Quinn’s address, another income tax hike.  Because of you, they were unable to pass the progressive tax or the Millionaire’s Tax.  And because of our efforts, we were able to listen to an Illinois governor propose a property tax freeze and a real plan for empowering the state’s economy, rather than another tax hike on hard-working Illinoisans so government can continue its over-spending.

Your efforts helped make yesterday’s speech possible.  Now, we need your help to make the priorities in that speech a reality.  We need you to tell your legislators to support Governor Rauner’s pro-growth Illinois Turnaround Agenda.  Click here to send your state legislators a message asking them to stand with the Governor.

Because of you, there is renewed hope in the Land of Lincoln that our state can realize its potential and again be the economic engine of the Midwest.  Please join us in making that hope a reality by clicking here and sending a message to your legislators urging them to support the governor's agenda.

For Freedom,

David From
AFP Illinois State Director

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Funniest HEADLINE of the YEAR!!! @CNN

Cable MEDIA certainly comes up with DUMB headlines and even DUMBER stories - but this from CNN is in 1st PLACE -

Malaysia officially declares MH370 passengers and crew 'presumed dead'


#POLITICS #PJNET “I Shot Her Anyway” #Senior Will Not Be Charged In Killing

Posted by  on January 28, 2015 at 7:45 am

Tom Greer shot and killed a woman that was part of a couple that was robbing his home.
Tom Greer shot and killed Andrea Miller, a woman who was part of a couple that was robbing his home. Miller’s accomplice Gus Adams was charged with her murder under California’s implementation of the felony murder rule, which holds criminals responsible for any death resulting from felony activity.
Bearing Arms reported yesterday on the story of Tom Greer, the 80-year-old Long Beach man attacked by burglars in his home. Greer unwisely told a media outlet how he shot and killed one of the two retreating burglars:
“I come back and they see me with a gun, and they run,” he said.
The man escaped, but the woman fell after being struck by Greer’s gunfire in an alley behind the house.
“She says, ‘Don’t shoot me, I’m pregnant! I’m going to have a baby!’ And I shot her anyway,” Greer said.
When asked what he saw happen to the woman after he fired shots, Greer responded: “She was dead. I shot her twice, she best be dead … (The man) had run off and left her.”
“I’ve never in my life shot anybody, killed anybody,” Greer said.

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Friday, June 27, 2014


Matt Dietrich

Thursday, April 24, 2014


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Calling the level of patronage in state government “inconceivable,” Chicago attorney Mike Shakman filed a court motion Tuesday that seeks to severely limit clout hiring under Gov. Pat Quinn and any successors.
The filing was prompted by a months-long Better Government Association investigation in 2013 that found hundreds of Illinois Department of Transportation employees may have been wrongly hired based on clout – in other words, political or personal connections – rather than qualifications.
The motion, which was filed in federal court, seeks to remove hundreds of questionable hires from their jobs, and would require the jobs “be filled through appropriate, non-political processes.” It’s a motion within the long-standing 1972 court case that produced the “Shakman Decree,” which limits clout hiring, firing and promotions in Chicago and Cook County governments.