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Showing posts with label #Facebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Facebook. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Major #SocialMedia Site Funds Anti-Christian HATE Group !!!

American Family Association Alerts Users of Grant to Freedom From Religion Foundation
TUPELO, Miss.— The social media site, which allows registered users to submit content that is then ‘voted’ up or down by other users to determine the content’s position on the page, has awarded an $82,765.95 grant to the anti-Christian Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), representing one of the largest grants the Wisconsin-based FFRF has ever received.
American Family Association (AFA, www.afa.netis alerting users of the grant and urging them to be aware of what their social media activities are supporting.
“Freedom From Religion Foundation regularly attacks religious liberty as a whole and Christianity in particular with a focused intent of separating all religious reference from public life,” said AFA President Tim Wildmon. “This earned them the distinct dishonor of inclusion on AFA’s recently released anti-Christian bigotry map, which exposes more than 200 organizations that regularly attack the foundation of our nation and wish to destroy religious freedom. It’s likely many users are not aware that their social media activity is aiding and abetting anti-Christian activity, but we hope that users will now think twice before frequenting the social media site.”
According to its website,, which was launched in 2005, claimed more than 151 million unique visitors last month from 212 countries viewing more than 6.6 billion pages.

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The knife of #socialmedia

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Among Juneau schoolchildren, a pervasive culture of verbal violence

Posted: March 8, 2015 - 12:04am

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Bullying of a middle-school girl comes in multiple forms-at school and through the internet.  Michael Penn | Juneau Empire
Michael Penn | Juneau Empire
Bullying of a middle-school girl comes in multiple forms-at school and through the internet.
The rift between Sarah and another classmate at a Juneau elementary school started innocently enough. But by the end, one young girl had turned to self-harm as a means of escape.

“Sarah,” whose full identity is being withheld for her own protection, now attends middle school in the Juneau School District and said bullying has been life-changing.
Sarah and a classmate started competing for friends, and fitting in wasn’t easy. Being popular was one thing, but having a group of allies was another. Sarah said appearances meant everything and the struggle to be liked was akin to survival. The quarrel spiraled into hatred, and the classmates became bitter enemies.
“The school didn’t really do anything about it. They tried to make us make up and I tried my best to and then (the classmate) started acting insane,” Sarah said.
The identities of Sarah’s bullies have also been withheld.

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Thursday, March 05, 2015


 We think we know ever more about social media, but we continue to learn the hard way how it works in our lives, and how little we really understand.
In a tragic, confusing and heartbreaking case involving a pair of teenagers, one of them now dead by suicide, the law will be tested with social media as the context. Lawyers will argue about the line between influence and intent, succor and sociopathy, because a thousand text messages shared between a boy and a girl included some that convinced the District Attorney’s Office to file charges of involuntary manslaughter against the girl, now 18.
Five years ago this month, a 21-year-old Westport man died in a high-speed car crash a mile from his home, and the log of text messages he had been sharing with his waiting girlfriend strongly indicates his hurried state was irrevocably influenced by trying to send a message that he would soon be home. A minute after the 911 call to police reporting the fatal crash, he received a last text message from his girlfriend: “WERE R YOU!!!”
Technology has had a tendency throughout history to get ahead of us. By its nature, modern technology is the product of dozens, hundreds, even thousands of intellectual “parents,” each making contributions, involving thousands and often millions of lines of computer code. It is quite beyond human capacity to understand all of what some software is capable of.

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Monday, January 26, 2015

The Dark Side of #SocialMedia


Terrorists actively use social media networks to spread their propaganda and recruit fighters as well as copycats. Should social media be regulated and, if so, how?
The deadly terrorist attacks on Paris in early January triggered an unprecedented movement of protests throughout the world, from peaceful protests in Paris in support of the victims to more recent counter protests in Arab countries against the new edition of Charlie Hebdo. 2015 has barely started, and social media are already raging. The role of social media behind such movements is not new – their ability to shape social movements has long been recognised; what the recent events have sadly shown is that social media have become a cornerstone of extremist groups’ strategies. Put simply, more than being an ideological battleground, social media now act as the backbone of extremists’ organisations, with the deadly consequences that we know.
How do extremists leverage social media?
If there is one topic all experts invited to comment on the attacks agree about, it is the fact that extremists are really good - significantly better than most businesses or states - in their use of social media. For instance, Islamic State (IS) has become a master at social media communication, from content creation and communication. It publishes four to five videos per week, with content that is easy to understand, often extreme and/or practical, increasing its potential to become viral. It explains its strategy to potential recruits, using new recruits as brand ambassadors. They tweet selfies from the desert in Syria, and post photos of luxuries such as Red Bull with the hashtag #FiveStarJihad. They post threats to their home countries with emoticons and internet acronyms to appeal to the young and restless back home.


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

#Facebook opening a whole new world of search for lawyers

By Kevin O'Keefe on December 30, 2014

Facebook’s new keyword post search, mining one trillion of our posts, is akin to a whole new wing of the Internet, like websites by Google and knowledge by Wikipedia. This from TechCrunch’s Josh Constine (@joshconstine). With a search corpus that’s larger than Google’s you have to agree with him. Facebook represents a heck of a … Continue ReadingTwitter Facebook LinkedIn

Top 10 in Law Blogs: AirAisia Flight 8501, Nike Trade Secrets, 2014 in Business Divorce

By Colin O'Keefe on December 30, 2014

Though it inevitably triggers “oh no, not again” remarks, there are key differences between the disappearance of AirAisia 8501 and Malysian Airlies 370. Attorney Mike Danko takes a look at those key differences in a piece at the top of today’s Top 10. Total posts on the LexBlog Network today: 167. AirAsia Flight QZ 8501 … Continue ReadingTwitter Facebook LinkedIn

Friday, December 26, 2014

#SocialMedia Potential consequences of firing over #Facebook


Bob is a pain in the neck. But can you fire him for complaining over Facebook?

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Supreme Court. #SocialMedia. Freedom of Speech. #Facebook.

Freedom of Speech. Facebook.
Freedom of Speech. Facebook.
Since its inception, social media networking services such as Facebook and Twitter offer us an outlet to share our thoughts, concerns, opinions, and everyday lives. But what happens when we cross the line on the Internet and make threats against another individual? Is this simply our freedom of speech or should this be considered a criminal act? Well this is exactly what the Supreme Court plans to rule over in the case of Elonis v. United States.

Supreme Court. Elonis v. United States.

Following the breakup of his marriage in 2010, Anthony Elonis, a 31-year-old former theme park employee from Pennsylvania, started posting violent statements on his Facebook page regarding his ex-wife. One of Mr. Elonis’ posts said, “If I only knew then what I know now, I would have smothered [you] with a pillow, dumped your body in the back seat, dropped you off in Toad Creek, and made it look like a rape and murder.” According to a Los Angeles Times article, when the FBI got involved, Elonis posted that he felt as though he wanted to kill the agent who questioned him as well as to shoot a kindergarten class. Elonis was convicted by a jury for posting such threatening messages and a judge upheld the verdict. Mr. Elonis’ attorney, John Elwood, is appealing citing that his posts are similar to songs such as “Kim” and “Kill You” by rapper Eminem where the artist sings about killing his then-wife and mother of his children.  Ironically, Eminem is now purported to be terrified that his daughter is dating a guy who was raised on Eminem’s music and worships the rapper. Freedom of Speech–how much is too much especially on social media venues?
Furthermore, advocates for freedom of speech are quite concerned about giving the government too much power where people can be punished for rants and offensive language via the Internet. However, Deputy Solicitor Gen. Michael Dreeben said “You’re accountable for the consequences” of your words, and went on to say that it is a federal crime to transmit “any threat to injure” another person over the Internet or telephone. A decision is expected in January or February, so stay tune
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Monday, December 22, 2014

How To Use #Facebook Ads to Promote Your Blog Content


social media how toCould you use more traffic to your blog?
Have you considered Facebook ads?
To get the most out of your Facebook marketing efforts, Facebook ads can help drive quality traffic to your blog content.
In this article you’ll discover how promoting blog content can help maintain your Facebook reach.

use facebook ads to promote blog content
Discover how to use Facebook Ads to promote your blog content.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

How to find old #Facebook posts

Finding old Facebook posts just got a whole lot easier.
Facebook updated its search in a big way Monday that allows you to find your or your friends' posts from months or years past.

Keywords are important

The feature has already begun rolling out to the iPhone app and desktop. The company hasn't said when it will hitAndroid but a Google Play update will likely follow.

Saturday, December 06, 2014

How to Stop Wasting Time on #Facebook

How to Stop Wasting Time on Facebook
I think I have a problem.

I spend too much time on Facebook. I find myself constantly opening a new tab and the first letter I would hit would be “F”. Does that sound familiar to you?

While that may sound okay, it’s not. I was killing tons of productive time that I could have spent getting work done.
Today, I am happy to share the secret of saving time on Facebook.

I’m sure I’m not the only one who’d want to get more results from Facebook and spend less time there.
According to a study by Vertical Response, the following stats are a very insightful.

  • One third of CEOs and business owners want to spend less time on social media.
  • 90% of those are on Facebook
  • 15% of these people log into Facebook several times a day.
How to stop wasting time on Facebook
You can imagine how tough it is to run a business and maintaining an active Facebook presence. How can all of us follow the 80/20 rule and still achieve remarkable results on giant platforms like Facebook?

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Saturday, November 29, 2014

#Facebook Ad Campaign Changes: What Marketers Need to Know

social media researchDo you use Facebook ads to boost your business?
Are you confused by the latest changes?
Recent changes made to Facebook’s ad campaign structure can affect how you set up and test your ads.
In this article you’ll discover how to set up a Facebook ad campaign in the new structure.
facebook ad campaign changes
Find out how recent changes to Facebook ad campaigns affect your marketing.

Campaign Structure Changes

The biggest change is that budget, schedule, bidding, targeting and placement of your ads are all configured at the ad set level. Only the images, copy, call-to-action button and Facebook page are configured at the ad level.
So if you are split testing your ads and changing a variety of things, you may need to set up multiple ad sets, as well as multiple campaigns.

facebook ad setting changes
Facebook changes the ad set settings.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Dealing with #Facebook Friend requests from those not using Facebook

 in Facebook

Facebook friend
It is really hard to accept Facebook Friend requests from people who do not “use” Facebook.
What I mean by “use” is regularly sharing items on Facebook. Whether it’s personal items (pictures of family etc), current affairs, or business related items doesn’t matter. All of these add value to my life.
Use does not include changing your profile picture everything six months or posting to Facebook a few times a year. Nothing wrong with that, if that’s what you choose, it’s just hard for people using Facebook to accept your Friend request.
Personal items enable me and others to get to know you better as a person. Current affairs and business items enable me to learn through reading and engagement with you and commenters

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