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Showing posts with label university. Show all posts
Showing posts with label university. Show all posts

Monday, March 31, 2014

Destroying Our Universities by Turning Us Against Ourselves

UniversityThe Enlightenment led to the development of the essential institutions of modern society. Perhaps the most fundamental is constitutional democracy, which is based both on respect for the rule of law and universal suffrage. Government by the people, in turn, is supported by a free press that is truly independent, and which is allowed—indeed expected—to challenge and limit the powers that become concentrated in both government and business. (The very existence of business, of course, is made possible by the government’s establishment of the rule of law.)

The third essential institution of modernity is the university. Rather than relying directly on governments, religious institutions, or for-profit businesses to decide whether and how we will pursue knowledge, modern societies have decided that it is better to create and support places where evidence and logic are prized, where skepticism flourishes, and where challenging authority is supposed to be a way of life.

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