Less than a week after a federal judge granted a Pittsburgh-area Catholic diocese a preliminary injunction from the Obamacare contraceptive mandate, a different federal judge in Philadelphia has denied such an injunction to the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.
In the Philadelphia case, U.S. District Judge Ronald Buckwalter of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania found June 26 the form a religious organization has to fill out to be exempt from covering its workers' contraceptive needs is not a violation of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. The plaintiffs appealed Buckwalter's decision the same day it was issued.
The plaintiffs in Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia v. Burwellargued that filling out EBSA Form 700 was not in and of itself burdensome, but would "'create a vital link in a chain toward the provision of contraceptive services,'" Buckwalter said.