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Showing posts with label Federal Law. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Federal Law. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Federal jury finds Jordan’s Arab Bank liable for jihad-martyrdom suicide bombings in Israel

New York: 

photo (33).jpg“Jurors found the bank liable for transferring cash to operatives and handling $5,300 death benefits ​​to families of suicide bombers from a Saudi charity group.” It is good to see the financiers of jihad terror being held to a small measure of accountability.
“Jury finds bank liable for suicide bombings in Israel,” by Selim Algar, New York Post, September 22, 2014:
​In a landmark verdict, a Brooklyn federal jury Monday​ ​found that a Jordanian bank is liable for knowingly supporting terror operations connected to 24 attacks that killed or injured Americans in the Middle East during the early 2000s.
Roughly 300 victims of those terror attacks in Israel and the occupied territories sued Arab Bank for knowingly transacting with members of the Palestinian resistance group Hamas.ihadwa

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