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Showing posts with label Black Gangs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black Gangs. Show all posts

Saturday, November 15, 2014

#TCOT #PJNET - URGENT: Man Beat, Mugged by Black Gang in St. Louis… Where’s the Media? [VIDEO]

Just yesterday in St. Louis, which is minutes from Ferguson, MO, local news reported on the story of a 32-year-old lawyer who was beaten by a gang of black teens wearing black shirts and khaki pants. The story comes right before the Grand Jury decision is announced regarding the Michael Brown shooting. (H/T Fox2Now)

The lawyer said the teens approached him and first asked for money. When the lawyer told the group that he didn’t have any to give, they immediately turned aggressive and began to assault him, right in the middle of a highly trafficked street in downtown St. Louis, on N. 10th St. between Locust St. and Olive Blvd. The group was comprised of about eight black teens.
After the vicious group of thugs punched and kicked the lawyer, knocking him down and leaving him unconscious, they followed up by taking his wallet and his cell phone, leaving him on the street to die. Luckily, passers-by saw the man bleeding on the ground and called 911 to get help to the scene.