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Showing posts with label #aliens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #aliens. Show all posts

Thursday, November 12, 2015


The Fifth Circuit removes the lynchpin to the president's work-permit giveaway.

Monday’s decision from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals to affirm the halting of the President’s DAPA amnesty program was a mighty big win for immigration patriots around the country. But the ramifications of the court’s decision may actually be bigger than most appreciate. The recently leaked revelations that the President has other, grander plans besides DAPA to hand out work permits en masse means that his wider immigration agenda may also now be in flux. The same goes for previously enacted work permit giveaways, including the 2012 DACA amnesty as well as other equally unlawful programs aimed at appeasing the President, the Hispanic extremist lobbies, and the Big Business. In his final year in office, we may just see the toppling of Obama’s entire immigration legacy.
Unlike the previous court decisions in the States’ case against amnesty, which have focused more on the deportation-deferral portion of DAPA, the Fifth Circuit’s decision on Monday targeted the President’s purported employment authorization powers. As the court described Obama’s attorneys’ position on this issue, “[t]he interpretation of those provisions that the Secretary advances would allow him to grant lawful presence and work authorization to any illegal alien in the United States” (emphasis mine). This they called, “an untenable position in light of the INA's intricate system of immigration classifications and employment eligibility.” For a close discussion of that “intricate system” see here. The majority further stated “the INA flatly does not permit the reclassification of millions of illegal aliens as lawfully present and thereby make them newly eligible for a host of federal and state benefits, including work authorization.” (emphasis mine). This was a big hit to a central part of the Obama team’s argument. 
The key provision advanced by the Obama administration to support its supposedly limitless work authorization powers, 8 U.S.C. §1324a(h)(3), had for decades up until the DACA amnesty simply been understood as defining the term “unauthorized alien” for purposes of the INA’s employer prohibition on hiring illegal aliens. The definition excludes those aliens to whom Congress has instructed the DHS secretary to grant work authorization and those aliens to whom Congress has instructed the DHS secretary to exercise discretion as to whether to grant work authorization under specified criteria. Since DACA, DHS has been using their “newfound” powers under the provision to create several work permit giveaways, including to spouses of H-1B visa holders and to foreign STEM-graduates. Dependent spouses of H-1B visa recipients obtain so-called "H-4" visas, a program that’s been in place since the H-1B was created under the Immigration Act of 1990. It was only this year, however, that the administration decided it actually had the authority to provide such spouses with work authorizations. Implemented last spring, the DHS move has led to tens of thousands of open-market work permits going to those who went from having no work permits for decades to now having more job market flexibility than their H-1B dependents, who are tied to their employers for the duration of their visas. The Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI), whom I work for, is challenging the move in federal court. 
The other program involves the expansion of the Optional Practical Training program, which DHS has expanded, again based on this once dormant provision, to extend “job training” to foreign STEM graduates from American schools for as long as 3 year after they’ve completed their studies. Combine President Obama’s motivation to turn America into a “hodge-podge” nation with the financial might of the IT and University Lobbies and it’s amazing what previously unthinkable legal interpretations DHS attorneys can come up with.


Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D., warns of viral risks continually coming over border

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Ex-judges bolt legal journal ban 'illegal alien' - call 'em WET BACKS !!! @FOX

A pair of veteran immigration judges have left a widely read legal journal over its ban on the term "illegal alien," calling the decision a case of the "political correctness word police" taking control of the immigration debate.
Retired U.S. Immigration Court judges Mahlon "Mick" Hanson and Elizabeth Hacker, who wrote opinion articles for Law360's "expert analysis" section since the beginning of this year, say they used the term "illegal alien" without issue. But when they submitted an article in July on sanctuary cities, the editors of the publication declined to publish it unless certain changes were made, including the removal of the term illegal alien.
"Language must conform to Law360 style, avoiding what is perceived to be derogatory reference to 'illegal aliens,'" Christian Lewis, assistant managing editor of Law360, wrote in a July 30 email to Dale Wilcox of the Immigration Reform Law Institute, who was submitting the piece on behalf of the judges because they are IRLI board members.
"The only legally correct term is 'illegal alien.'"
- Retired US Immigration Judge Mahlon Hanson
"I understand based on the authors' June 10 article that they believe this is a semantic argument, however our publication does follow the rule that 'illegal' applies to actions, not individuals," Lewis wrote.
Law360 -- a subscription, legal news source which boasts a readership of 400,000 and is operated by the Portfolio Media company, a subsidiary of LexisNexis -- first suggested the judges change the language to "undocumented alien" and then "unauthorized alien." In addition, Lewis questioned the sources used by the seasoned immigration jurists in writing their piece, which roundly criticized sanctuary cities following the July 1 murder of 32-year-old Kathryn Steinle. Francisco Sanchez, an illegal alien, is accused of killing Steinle, who was shot while walking with her father in San Francisco. Sanctuary cities are communities that have an official policy of not cooperating with federal authorities in the detention of illegal immigrants or handing them over for deportation.


"Wet Back" Is Also Legally Correct -

Most wade across the Rio Grande

River so it fits quite well - 

Please RT - 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

What part of #ILLEGAL is it you don't you Understand?

Our language is a fascinating thing - a living, brearhing beast. The American version of the English language is a unique dialect shaped by factors that are unique.

Since REAL Immigrants poured into this Great Nation in the early 20th  century, words and phrases from scores or European languages lent unique flavor to our Mother Tongue.  When the Drugged up Beatniks and Hippies adopted the trash tongue of the Ghetto and Prison scum even the phraseology of Low Life Thrash became common.

The Great Media Explosions of Radio and soon thereafter, television contributed immensely to the continuing explosion of words and the language.

The Internet Explosion that began in the 1980's added a true International element to this essentially American cultural Phenomena.

When MEDIA decides to USE a WORD to be PC or to shove their sick liberalism down our throats, reality and life part ways.

IMMIGRANT has Replaced:






The constant use of the PC 'Immigrant' is such a DISGUSTING EXAMPLE:

My Grandparents on my mothers side were IMMIGRANTS - the real thing - German and Austrian - both spent time on Ellis Island as they were Processed.

My GrandParents on my fathers side were also 19th Century IMMIGRANTS - they literally walked across the USA to find Gold in the Great California Gold Rush - then came back to FOUND the COMMUNITY of Buffalo Grove, ILL - their NAME WAS RAUPP - you can find the tale at the Buffalo Grove, ILL RAUPP MUSEUM Historical Society.

They SPOKE GERMAN - but they all learned ENGLISH - as Americans.

They WORKED HARD from early morning till late at night - a Bricklayer on one side and Farmers on the other - VERY HARD

There was NO WELFARE, NO FOOD STAMPS NO 'Safety Net' - if you did NOT WORK you did NOT EAT.


When you BREAK THE LAW -


So what part of 'Illegal' is it that you don't UNDERSTAND?

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Advocates for mass-migration are using skewed financial claims to smear Donald Trump’s popular border proposals, which actually would help revive the near-bankrupt Social Security and Medicare programs.

For every illegal migrant household that leaves the United States under Trump’s plan, Americans would recoup nearly three-quarters of a million dollars ($719,350), according to 2010 data collected by Heritage scholar Robert Rector.
The lifetime savings accrued from one deported illegal household would provide funds for 125 low-income inner city students to receive the maximum Pell Grant award in 2015-2016 ($5,775); it could cover the cost of pre-kindergarten for 90 at-risk children (around $8,000 per child); or it could cover the one year cost of Medicaid for 124 enrollees ($5,790 based on FY2011 data).
But business interests want the migrants to stay. That’s because migrants help lower the cost of Americans’ wages, but also because the migrants spend their wages — plus taxpayer aid — at retail stories and rental agencies.
Please RT - THANKS

Sunday, August 23, 2015

#Trump calls to end ANCHOR BABY Abuse Divides #GOP @FOX

 Joseph Weber

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Levin: 'Completely False' That Children Born to Illegals Have Constitutional Right to Citizenship

By Michael Morris

Nationally syndicated radio show host Mark Levin explained on Tuesday why children born in the United States to illegal alien parents do not have a constitutional right to U.S. citizenship.
“I had to watch on TV, while I was in California, some so-called experts tell us--and former Bush appointees, and a former superior court judge in New Jersey tell us--that the Constitution embraces birthright citizenship, and there’s not a damn thing we can do about it," said Levin. "Well that, of course, is completely false.”