Gangs appear to have grown more politically emboldened this past year, as protests have sprouted in response to police shootings of young black males. Gangs organizing with local politicians are not new, as some will point to New York’sTammany Hall corruption in the early 20th century. Only two years ago, Chicago Magazine wrote about the “unholy alliance” between the city’s local pols and violent street gangs.
New York City Councilman Jumaane Williams, a Brooklyn Democrat, tweeted that he was approached by members of the local Bloods gang about getting involved with recent protests relating to the death of Eric Garner, a black man who died after being restrained by NYPD officer Daniel Pantaleo during an attempted arrest last July. This information has surfaced in the wake of an NYPD confidential informant
learning that the Black Guerrilla Family is targeting uniformed NYPD officers.
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