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Showing posts with label #FreeSpeech. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #FreeSpeech. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 06, 2015

#CCOT #PJNET “Pamela Geller tested the 1st Amendment and #America failed” @Atlas

Excellent editorial over at Israel National News, read it:

Pamela Geller’s War On Radical Islam And Everybody Else”, By Jack Engelhard, Israel National News, May 5, 2015
Pamela Geller tested the First Amendment and America failed.
Have you hugged a Jihadist today? Everybody else has. Have you trashed Pamela Geller this morning? Welcome to the club.
Pamela Geller Free speech
Pamela Geller made a mistake. She tested the First Amendment and the First Amendment lost.
This fighter for Israel, this battler against Radical Islam can seem to find no friends after what she did.
She tried to prove that America is not France, where 11 were murdered by Islamists for printing Mohammad cartoons, nor are we the Netherlands, where Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s...

AFDI Muhammad Cartoon Winner Bosch Fawstin Goes Unto Hiding

And still the media cowards attack us fiercely (because they know we won’t chop their heads off) and refuses to run the winning cartoon.
“Muhammad Cartoon Contest Winner Retreats Into Hiding,” By Nathan Koppel, Wall Street Journal, May 5, 2015
Man says he faces death threats after winning grand prize for drawing of prophet
bosch fawstin
As authorities continue to investigate an attempted attack on a contest to draw the Prophet Muhammad in Texas on Sunday, the winner of the event has retreated into hiding, saying he faces persistent death threats.Wall Street Journal, May 5, 2015
in Texas on Sunday, the winner of the event has retreated into hiding, saying he faces persistent death threats.
Bosch Fawstin netted $12,500 for...

Monday, May 04, 2015

‘This is a war': #FREESPEECH lovers rally with ‘I am Pamela Geller’ after #garlandshooting !!!

Only when it comes to Islamic terror do liberals try to blame the victims. But conservatives weren’t letting them get away with it on Monday.
In the aftermath of the attack on the Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest in Garland, Texas, that left one guard wounded and two terrorists dead, social media has been on fire with arguments over where the blame should be placed.
Naturally, in an era of bootlickers for Islamist terrorists, there was no shortage of those trying to lay responsibility for the attacks at the feet of the victims, including a hit piece from British tabloid “The Daily Mail” attacking controversial event organizer Pamela Geller.
”New York Times reporter Rukmini Callimachi also asked, “Free speech aside, why would anyone do something as provocative as hosting a ‘Muhammad drawing contest?’”

Astounding that a journalist would ever start a sentence by putting free speech aside.

Read more:

Saturday, May 02, 2015

MTA: We have a right to ban #free #speech, Judge says not so fast !

Screen Shot 2015-05-02 at 4.03.50 PM

We had a victory yesterday in federal court. The MTA filed a motion to dismiss yesterday. The Judge who ruled in our favor was not amused. And just to show just loaded the dice are against us, the judge, the MTA lawyer and libeler Charles Moerdler, the MTA board member who prefaced his remarks with a vicious tirade of abuse against me during the vote ban, are all friends. Good clubby, cigar, 1%,  brandy friends. But the Judge assured us he would be impartial and frankly to date he has been so I will reserve judgement.
Yesterday, the MTA and AFDI lawyer David Yerushalmi argued before Manhattan federal Judge John Koeltl who ruled in our favor. not  a week ago.  MTA lawyer Peter Sistrom insisted yesterday that the ban against our ads was not against us per se but political ads.  Nonsense. They never fought the anti-Jewish ads or anti-Israel ads, they only banned only our ads – ads exposing the ideology behind the jihad against Israel and America.
There is an expression in yiddish, “auf ein gunaf brentz hittle ” or “on the thief the hat burns.” In other words, “you have a guilty conscience”. And the hot hats over at the MTA are on fire.
Judge Koeltl railed against Sistrom for 45 minutes. It was gorgeous.
- See more at:

“New York City MTA Votes to Trash the First Amendment” ! @Atlas

NYC has banned opposition to jihad in the public square. Think of it: 100 years of free speech in the public square — DOA. Sharia became law in New York City on April 29, 2015. Read my piece at Breitbart here.

American Nazi organization rally at Madison Square Garden, 1939
Think of it. The Nazis were allowed to rally at Madison Square Garden in 1939. And ads in defense of freedom are banned in 2015.
Recent news and information about the NYPD’s programs to thwart terrorism and suppress violence.JFK AIRPORT – Four Muslims plotted to detonate the jet-fuel storage tanks and supply lines for John F. Kennedy Airport in order to cause wide-scale destruction and economic disruption in an attack they intended to dwarf 9/11.
Transatlantic PlotTRANSATLANTIC PLOT – In a series of three trials spanning 2008 to 2010, eight men were convicted in Britain of attempting to simultaneously detonate explosives in...

A Britisher’s View: “Brooklyn College gives Muslim students a free pass to mock invited speaker Pamela Geller”

“A Britisher’s view.” Check out this excellent oped piece in The Brooklyn Daily on my talk at Brooklyn College:
“A Britisher’s View: Brooklyn College gives Muslim students a free pass to mock invited speaker Pamela Geller,” By Shavana Abruzzo, Brooklyn Daily, May 1, 2015
 Hitler showed us how quickly a civilized nation could fall to fascism, when universities and colleges — self-professed towers of autonomy — were the first to crumble under the Nazis.
American learning institutions are buckling under a similar deviance in similarly alarming times, as Islamo-tyrants crush free speech on campuses across the nation with impunity, including here in Brooklyn.
Brooklyn College claims to offer an...

Monday, March 16, 2015



Social-media giant Facebook has revised their Community Standards, whose violation can lead to action by the site’s administrations, including the termination of offending pages.  In the course of introducing the updated standards, global policy management chief Monika Bickert and deputy general counsel Chris Sonderby explain that the objective is to help users more clearly understand what they’re not allowed to share on their pages:
We have a set of Community Standards that are designed to help people understand what is acceptable to share on Facebook. These standards are designed to create an environment where people feel motivated and empowered to treat each other with empathy and respect.
Today we are providing more detail and clarity on what is and is not allowed. For example, what exactly do we mean by nudity, or what do we mean by hate speech? While our policies and standards themselves are not changing, we have heard from people that it would be helpful to provide more clarity and examples, so we are doing so with today’s update.
There are also times when we may have to remove or restrict access to content because it violates a law in a particular country, even though it doesn’t violate our Community Standards. We report the number of government requests to restrict content for contravening local law in our Global Government Requests Report, which we are also releasing today. We challenge requests that appear to be unreasonable or overbroad. And if a country requests that we remove content because it is illegal in that country, we will not necessarily remove it from Facebook entirely, but may restrict access to it in the country where it is illegal.
That bit about suppressing content based on complaints from various governments is where the business of content restriction gets stuck, especially when it comes to
“hate speech.”  As a global service of immense popularity, Facebook deals daily with a reality many Americans have not directly experienced: the rest of the world — including the nicer, America-friendly parts — doesn’t understand “freedom of speech” the way we do, or at least the way we used to.  Just about every government on Earth has speech controls that would be deemed unconstitutional here.  Then you’ve got the authoritarian regimes that flagrantly crush every word of speech they don’t like, with a zeal that suggests they perfectly well understand the dangerous power of mass communication to spread doubleplus ungood ideas through the minds of their subjects

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