Excellent editorial over at Israel National News, read it:
“Pamela Geller’s War On Radical Islam And Everybody Else”, By Jack Engelhard, Israel National News, May 5, 2015Pamela Geller tested the First Amendment and America failed.Have you hugged a Jihadist today? Everybody else has. Have you trashed Pamela Geller this morning? Welcome to the club.Pamela Geller made a mistake. She tested the First Amendment and the First Amendment lost.This fighter for Israel, this battler against Radical Islam can seem to find no friends after what she did.She tried to prove that America is not France, where 11 were murdered by Islamists for printing Mohammad cartoons, nor are we the Netherlands, where Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s...
AFDI Muhammad Cartoon Winner Bosch Fawstin Goes Unto Hiding
And still the media cowards attack us fiercely (because they know we won’t chop their heads off) and refuses to run the winning cartoon.
“Muhammad Cartoon Contest Winner Retreats Into Hiding,” By Nathan Koppel, Wall Street Journal, May 5, 2015
Man says he faces death threats after winning grand prize for drawing of prophetAs authorities continue to investigate an attempted attack on a contest to draw the Prophet Muhammad in Texas on Sunday, the winner of the event has retreated into hiding, saying he faces persistent death threats.Wall Street Journal, May 5, 2015
in Texas on Sunday, the winner of the event has retreated into hiding, saying he faces persistent death threats.Bosch Fawstin netted $12,500 for...