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Showing posts with label Tyranny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tyranny. Show all posts

Friday, April 10, 2015

Menendez Prosecution Endangers #Democracy ! @NewsMax

Friday, 10 Apr 2015 11:42 AM

Whenever a prominent political figure is indicted on charges of alleged corruption, serious questions arise. Is the prosecution part of a growing and dangerous trend toward criminalizing policy differences? Does it endanger the free speech rights of contributors? Will it constrain the legislative branch from serving as a check and balance on the executive? 

These questions now are being raised in the context of the prosecution of New Jersey Sen. Robert Menendez, as they previously were in several other ill-advised prosecutions including those of former agriculture secretary Mike Espy, former presidential candidate John Edwards, the late Sen. Ted Stevens, former Congressman Tom Delay, and former Texas Gov. Rick Perry.

The reason these questions arise is not because there is no corruption in government. It is because the laws distinguishing between constitutionally protected political activities and illegal payments to office holders are vague and indeterminate. These laws give prosecutors enormous discretion to determine whether to prosecute questionable transactions. And the courts refuse to second guess prosecutorial decisions even in cases where selective prosecution based on improper considerations seems evident. 
It is absolutely essential, therefore, that prosecutors take responsibility for assuring that every prosecution of a public figure — most especially of public figures who are in disagreements with the executive branch — is based on hard, incontrovertible evidence that conclusively demonstrates that the elected official deliberately, willfully, and knowingly crossed the line from constitutionally protected activity to felonious criminality. 

Please RT - THANKS!


Thursday, November 13, 2014

Regulating the Internet threatens entrepreneurial freedom

 November 13 at 8:31 AM
Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) is a member of the U.S. Senate.
Never before has it been so easy to take an idea and turn it into a business. With a simple Internet connection, some ingenuity and a lot of hard work, anyone today can create a new service or app or start selling products nationwide.
In the past, such a person would have to know the right people and be able to raise substantial start-up capital to get a brick-and-mortar store running. Not anymore. The Internet is the great equalizer when it comes to jobs and opportunity. We should make a commitment, right now, to keep it that way.
The next generation of Internet-connected devices, apps and services will generate trillions of dollars of global economic growth in the years ahead. And Americans are perfectly poised to take maximum advantage — if the government doesn’t take those opportunities away in the form of crushing taxes, rules and regulations.
Yet the threats from Washington to stifle freedom, entrepreneurship and creativity online have never been greater. Washington politicians want the money, and they want more and more control over our speech.
Four basic principles should guide policymakers, in a bipartisan manner, to preserve America’s leadership role in developing the future of the Internet.
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Monday, October 27, 2014

Dems move to Muzzle Internet

BY PAUL BEDARD | OCTOBER 24, 2014 | 8:26 PM In a surprise move late Friday, a key Democrat on the Federal Election Commission called for burdensome new rules on Internet-based campaigning, prompting the Republican chairman to warn that Democrats want to regulate online political sites and even news media like the Drudge Report. Democratic FEC Vice Chair Ann M. Ravel announced plans to begin the process to win regulations on Internet-based campaigns and videos, currently free from most of the FEC’s rules. “A reexamination of the commission’s approach to the internet and other emerging technologies is long over due,” she said.

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This BLOG is about Social Media Law but for seven years was maintained.HE It went on line immediately after 09/11/2001 and operated for 7 years.  Various groups and communities, called Americanjihad or NEOCONS were ALL shut down by the Muslim Ass Kissers at Yahoo and Microsoft.

The JIHAD TERROR continued to recruit and plan on line and the FBI did nothing about it - and Now OBAMA HAS THESE TERRORISTS in the WHITE HOUSE and PENTAGON!

And Groups like CAIR and the MSA will be SURE TO GET ALL EXPOSING THEM SHUT DOWN - Jihadwatch, Pamela Geller and all groups Anti-Jihad will be the FIRST TO BE SILENCED!

ISIS is making great use of it now, but this has been going on for over 25 years.  HAMAS-LINKED-CAIR is in the White House, the Muslim Student Association is on all major College Campuses and the Terrorists have free reign to plan and execute attacks.

We've seen a few and there are a Lot MORE Coming.

I saw the Beginnigs at USENET then YAHOO GROUPS and Microsoft Commuities, starting in 1995 - and THEY GOT AWAY WITH IT - we saw the ressult on 09/11/2001.

Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Fox News Bombshell: Secret Internment Camps and Obama’s Brown shirts


Earlier today, I posted a story by Mac Slavo that came via Todd Starnes' article from Fox News. I want to post something again because this is so important. America has to wake up and they have to wake up now. There is no more time.

Supreme Court Justice Scalia recently warned of the return of internment camps on U.S. soil.

What are you going to do when the "Brown Shirts" are running your camp and there is nowhere to run and no one to listen?

The time to prepare is now.

Not tomorrow.




Wednesday, June 25, 2014


United Nations hiring 'disarmament, demobilization and reintegration' officers
The United Nations is gearing up for gun confiscation in the event of a societal collapse in numerous countries by hiring “disarmament, demobilization and reintegration” officers who will be trained to seize guns “from the civilian population.”
A posting on the United Nations Career Opportunities page announces a vacancy for the position of “Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Officer” under the UN’s Department of Peacekeeping Operations based out of New York.
The UN’s page on DDR operations explains what role the DDR officer will be expected to undertake;
Disarmament is the collection, documentation, control and disposal of small arms, ammunition, explosives and light and heavy weapons from combatants and often from the civilian population. 

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UN Accelerates Plan For Global Gun Confiscation After Collapse