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Showing posts with label NRA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NRA. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Gun Test: The Heizer PS1 Pocket Shotgun

By Will Dabbs, MD, American Handgunner
Photos By Sarah Dabbs
Charlie Heizer was raised in Hungary and is old enough to remember life under Nazi oppression. He trained as an engineer and then escaped the Hungarian revolution in 1956 to arrive in the US with nothing more than a toothbrush and a pair of socks. Charlie learned English and went on to form an aerospace company that built parts for the Boeing 747, the C-130 and the space shuttle. Charlie has seen firsthand what results when an entire population is disarmed and finds itself beneath the boot of a despot. Mr. Heizer’s appreciation of the necessity of an armed populace in a free state is not an abstraction. As a result, Charlie is passionate about the guns he designs.
There is a peculiar anomaly within American firearms law allowing gun manufacturers to sell handguns firing .410 shotgun shells. This bit of serendipity arises from the fact.410 shotshells fit perfectly in .45 Colt chambers. Typically any shotgun with a barrel less than 18″ requires a fairly onerous bit of government red tape and expense to establish a citizen’s worthiness to possess such an article. Considering this .410 version transfers like any other handgun it makes the entire regulatory system seem a bit silly. It also imbues the term “Pocket Shotgun” with a certain sexy conspiratorial flavor.
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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Tell your Senators to STAND AND FIGHT against the UN Gun Ban

Tell Your Senators to Stand and Fight Against Obama and the U.N. Gun Ban Treaty!

President Barack Obama is publicly allying himself with foreign leaders against YOU and YOUR constitutional freedom.

Obama and the European Union are calling for immediate “disarmament and arms control” under the U.N. Gun Ban Treaty.
They’ve vowed to ensure every nation’s “entry into force of the Arms Trade Treaty in 2014.”
Make no mistake: If the U.S. Senate ratifies this treaty, gun ban extremists in both the Obama administration and the U.N. will use it to take your guns and destroy our national sovereignty and independent right to self-governance.
That’s because the U.N. Gun Ban Treaty would establish a permanent international gun control bureaucracy within the U.N. Office for Disarmament Affairs. 
That’s why YOU need to tell your Senators today that they work for you – NOT Barack Obama and NOT international gun ban zealots. 

So please, sign NRA-ILA’s petition to the U.S. Senate today!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

NRA Wayne LaPierre: Reclaiming America

NRA shirt / WGRZ screenshot

Wayne LaPierre
Executive Vice President, NRA
For any American who is worried about this country, who feels our core values slipping away, who believes something has to be done to change the direction of our nation before all is lost—the NRA is your refuge. It is your place to stand and fight with Americans just like you, for all that is good and right.
Everywhere you look, something has gone wrong. The core values we believe in, the things we care about most are under attack as never before. President Barack Obama, his axis in Congress and his media elite are gnawing at the country’s foundations intent on replacing our hallowed national character with their tyrannical political culture. It’s as if the values we’ve always lived by and counted on no longer matter, no longer make a difference.
I’m talking about values like truth, honesty, kindness, virtue, generosity, humility, mutual respect, plain decency—the bedrock values of our society.
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Monday, July 21, 2014

Bloomberg’s Proxy, Rep. Robin Kelly Of Chicago, Releases Congressional Anti-Gun Manifesto


The name of U.S. Rep. Robin Kelly (D-Ill.) headlines the Kelly Report, a new manifesto identifying a long list of gun control initiatives that anti-gun activists intend to pursue in the near future. However, the document appears to be the handiwork of Michael Bloomberg, whose misleadingly-named Independence USA political action committee contributed $2.1 million to Kelly’s congressional campaign last year. With Bloomberg’s help, Kelly was elected to fill the Chicago-area seat previously held by fellow gun control supporter Jesse Jackson, Jr., who is currently doing time in federal prison.
The Kelly Report consists of essays by gun control supporters, followed by a long list of gun control legislation and other efforts they support. Anti-gun activist groups represented in the “report” include Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns, Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety, the Brady Campaign, the Educational Fund to End Gun Violence, the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, and Americans for Responsible Solutions.
The “report” advocates two gun control restrictions intended to achieve universal gun registration incrementally. They are “universal” background checks, a Bloomberg priority, and repealing the law that limits the amount of time that the FBI can retain records on people who pass background checks to buy guns. Kelly also calls for gun registration outright.

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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Shooting Steel-Cased 7.62x39mm In Ruger Mini Thirtys

Q: I’ve been shooting Russian-made 7.62×39 mm ammunition in my Ruger Mini Thirty. The steel cases are coated in some sort of lacquer for corrosion protection, which I think has been causing rounds to get stuck in the chamber. My brother has had similar issues, and he said the lacquer is causing a residue that is very difficult to remove—even after a thorough cleaning. Anyhow, I believe that this cheap ammunition is a failed product that is being offered and that NRA members should be made aware of the issues.
A: Thank you very much for your question concerning functioning issues of steel-cased ammunition in your Ruger Mini Thirty rifle. This is a sensitive, and sometimes emotional, subject for a number of 7.62×39 mm shooters. Needless to say, proper, efficient, and accurate functioning of firearms, especially autoloaders, requires that the firearm and ammunition “mesh.” In other words, the maker of the firearm and the maker of the ammunition must know and appreciate the dimensional and performance standards of the other party. It would do neither of them any good to design and develop their products in total isolation. That would represent not only bad business practice, but also lack of concern for consumer satisfaction, not to mention consumer safety.
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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Gun Ownership Enough to Attract Police Harassment?

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Before we look at a disturbing story being reported by the Tampa Tribune, I want to point out my deep respect for the men and women of law enforcement. The good guys in blue far outnumber the bad, and it pains me when a bad apple spoils the whole bunch in the eyes of public perception. That said, a recent traffic stop in Baltimore raises some interesting questions about the future of gun ownership in the U.S. of A.
On January 12, the Tribune  ran a column exploring the story of John Filippidis, a Tampa resident who had recently taken a family trip up the Atlantic coast. Licensed to carry in Florida, Filippidis anticipated the problems that could accompany interstate firearms travel and chose to leave his Kel-Tec .380 at home. Instead of being rewarded for his prudence with a hassle-free vacation, Filippidis found himself being pulled over on I-95 just as he passed through the Fort McHenry tunnel in Maryland.
After obtaining Filippidis’s license and registration, the detaining officer went back to his cruiser for some investigation. Finding that Filippidis was a registered gun owner, he ordered him out of the car and into spread-position. “You own a gun,” the officer noted. “Where is it?” Filippidis told the officer his gun was locked away safely at home, but this wasn’t the answer the officer was looking for. He asked the same question of his wife, who was unable to provide him with a better one.
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Monday, June 02, 2014

DOJ accused of targeting gun industry with 'Choke Point' program

 Emily Miller

The Obama administration, after failing to get gun control passed on Capitol Hill, has resorted to using its executive power to try to put some in the firearms industry out of business, House Republican investigators say.
The assertion is included in a report recently released by California GOP Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
Citing internal Justice Department documents, the committee concluded that the administration used a program known as Operation Choke Point to target legal companies that it finds “objectionable.” 
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