By Will Dabbs, MD, American Handgunner
Photos By Sarah Dabbs
Photos By Sarah Dabbs
Charlie Heizer was raised in Hungary and is old enough to remember life under Nazi oppression. He trained as an engineer and then escaped the Hungarian revolution in 1956 to arrive in the US with nothing more than a toothbrush and a pair of socks. Charlie learned English and went on to form an aerospace company that built parts for the Boeing 747, the C-130 and the space shuttle. Charlie has seen firsthand what results when an entire population is disarmed and finds itself beneath the boot of a despot. Mr. Heizer’s appreciation of the necessity of an armed populace in a free state is not an abstraction. As a result, Charlie is passionate about the guns he designs.
There is a peculiar anomaly within American firearms law allowing gun manufacturers to sell handguns firing .410 shotgun shells. This bit of serendipity arises from the fact.410 shotshells fit perfectly in .45 Colt chambers. Typically any shotgun with a barrel less than 18″ requires a fairly onerous bit of government red tape and expense to establish a citizen’s worthiness to possess such an article. Considering this .410 version transfers like any other handgun it makes the entire regulatory system seem a bit silly. It also imbues the term “Pocket Shotgun” with a certain sexy conspiratorial flavor.
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