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Showing posts with label Labor Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Labor Day. Show all posts

Monday, September 01, 2014

Labor and the Mob

Organized crime recognized the immense potential of Unions back in the early Days of Chicago Politics.  Headed up by Bathhouse John McLaughlin and Hinky Dink Kenna early political organizations found many of their members in The Italian and Irish thugs that populated the city's taverns.  Since fights were common the participants soon discovered that it was better to rent out their fists for a few bucks.  Orgznized crime was born and married to Chicago Politics in the first decades of the 20th century.

More than a century later the tale continues:




This is a preliminary report on the organized crime influence in the labor unions today in the United States. The picture that it presents is thoroughly frightening. At least four international unions are completely dominated by men who either have strong ties to or are members of the organized crime syndicate. A majority of the locals in most major cities of the United States in the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT), Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union (HRE), Laborers International Union of North America (Laborers), and International Longshoreman's Association (ILA) unions are completely dominated by organized crime. The officials of these unions are firmly entrenched; there is little hope of removing them by a free election process. Convictions for misconduct have been sparse and when one corrupt official is removed another soon takes his place. The result has been a complete domination of certain industries by hoodlums. Management personnel in the companies who must deal with these hoodlums have despaired of getting help from law enforcement authorities. They pay the price of labor peace so that they may survive. The cost is passed on to the consumer.

Labor Racketeering

A profitable and common business of the organized criminal appearing after the start of Prohibition was labor racketeering. This type of crime involved the infiltration of gangsters into legitimate business; commonly workers' unions. The power of gangs such as Capone's, which was achieved from their successes in bootlegging, enabled them to make and back up the violent threats necessary to push their way into legitimate business. Anybody who was confronted by a gangster wanting in on their business knew they must yield in fear of being executed.

A typical example of labor racketeering would be where a gangster poses as a member of a specific union with the intent of taking it over and collecting money from the salaries of the legit members of the union, or by pilfering fractions of the members' monthly dues. The gangster would often hire substitute union members, pay them less than what they would normally be paid for their work, and pocket the difference. Because it was "nearly impossible to differentiate among the partners - the businessman [was] a politician, the politician [was] a gangster, and the gangster [was] a businessman" (Demaris, 3), it was very difficult to detect and prosecute criminals involved in this type of activity. This activity was also difficult to stop because it provided the involved gangster with the front of being a legitimate worker, and served as a plausible explanation for a source of income. Additionally, any opposition - including witnesses planning to testify against gang activities, and enraged union members - was immediately killed by the gangsters.

Just a hint of their power in the unions today is contained below.
This is just from a minutes of investigating. This is just the tip of the iceberg

Union Officials Influenced and Controlled by the Mob in the Teamsters Currently
1.James Glimco-Local 777 IBT President and Trustee of Joint Council 25 of the IBT
Son of Former Outfit Capo Joey Glimco.
2.John Coli- President of Joint Council 25 IBT and Secratary Treasure of Local 727 and  Member of Teamster National Executive Board and Vice President of Central Region IBT. Son of former Chicago LCN Soldier James Coli.
3. Dominick Romanazzi-President IBT Local 330. Confirmed Chicago LCN Associate by The FBI and the Chicago Crime Comission.
4.James M Hogan- President Local 714 IBT. Confirmed associate of the Chicago LCN by the FBI an the Chicago Crime Commission. Uncle of Mob associates James Hogan Jr and Brother of James Hogan Sr.

Thats 4 different current Teamster union presidents. The President and Trustee  of Joint Council 25 which oversees the pension fund of 28 combined Teamster locals and which represent more than 115,000 workers. Last but not least the Vice President of the Central Region of The United States for The Teamsters and a member of The National Executive Board.

The investigation in 2004 and also 2009 both times were stopped by and shut down by James P Hoffa, the son of one of the most Notoriously currupt mobbed up union leaders in history. They probably told Hoffa remember your father smile

Edited by Louiebynochi (08/23/13 07:38 AM)
Patterns of Organized Crime Influence and Racketeering Activities in the Chicago Area

Traditionally, the Chicago Outfit and other organized crime groups have exploited labor unions in a variety of ways. As the Chicago Crime Commission described in its 1997 report, the infiltration of labor unions often begins through the awarding of jobs to friends, associates, and relatives of organized crime members or persons connected to them. Some of these individuals then rise to positions of influence within the union, giving them control over benefit fund monies and access to dues, as well as the power to appoint other "connected" individuals to union positions. Once a union is infiltrated, the organized crime group can benefit in a number of ways, including:

·              Concessions to favored, mob-connected companies allowing them advantages in bidding or allowing them to hire nonunion workers to avoid paying overtime or benefits;

·              Allowing a favored contractor to form a new company with a different name with the understanding that there will be no strikes or organizing campaigns at the new company;

·              Contracts steered to mob-owned businesses;

·              Mob-connected employers paying off union officials to avoid signing a collective bargaining agreement;

·              Organized crime figures, with the help of compliant union officials and workers, slowing down work or delivery of supplies to extort money from disfavored contractors;

·              Organized crime members and associates, or their relatives, being put on union payrolls without having to work;

·              Pension and health and welfare fund trustees being influenced to favor mob interests;
·             Mob-controlled unions making campaign contributions to ingratiate themselves with politicians; and
·             Mob-controlled unions using construction and other work sites to promote illegal gambling and loansharking activities.53

Labor Unions still enmeshed with Organized Crime

Adam F. Hutton  | Monday, Oct 23, 2006
The Association for Union Democracy’s conference on combating corruption in labor unions was proven especially timely with the arrest of a major labor figure last week. Even as reformers, lawyers and scholars gathered at the CUNY Graduate Center on Oct. 14 to speak to the rank and file about strategies the labor movement and law enforcement can use to break the cycle of graft in unions, the government was preparing to indict Assemblyman Brian McLaughlin (D-Queens), president of the million-member New York City Central Labor Council. McLaughlin was arrested Oct. 17 on 43 racketeering charges.
Honest labor leaders have been working with the federal government for decades to break the hold organized crime has on unions. Experts on organized crime’s exploitation of the labor movement came together for the “Confronting Corruption” conference organized by the AUD. The experts, including labor leaders, a former member of Mario Cuomo’s Organized Crime Task Force (OCTF), and the government trustee who took over Anthony Provenzano’s notorious Teamsters local, clashed on some issues surrounding criminal elements’ relationship to labor. But they all agreed that organized crime still has some unions in certain industries such as construction and trucking, from locals on up, firmly in its grasp. They also agreed that such corruption is just one branch in a matrix of dishonesty in labor unions that need to be addressed.

Organized Labor, Organized Crime 
The link between unions and the mob is far from broken. 

With its arrest of more than 100 alleged mobsters in New York, New Jersey, and Rhode Island on Thursday, the FBI made it crystal clear that the Mafia, while a shadow of its former self, is still a significant force in much of the country. The grand-jury indictments — which read like aSopranos episode, with nicknames like “Lumpy” and strip clubs called the Satin Doll and the Cadillac Lounge — accuse the arrestees of crimes ranging from murder to selling untaxed cigarettes, going back several decades.
And just as organized crime hasn’t disappeared since the days of On the Waterfront, organized labor hasn’t managed to sever its ties with the Mafia. The indictments allege that the mob corrupted Cement and Concrete Workers Union Local 6A (which is headquartered in Flushing, Queens), taking from its honest members “labor union positions, money paid as wages and other economic benefits,” as well as the right “to free speech and [a] democratic process in the affairs of their labor organization.” Named in the indictments is Ralph Scopo Jr., a former head of the union. His father ran the organization’s district council and was convicted of racketeering in the 1980s, and his son (who was not indicted) runs the union now.

Chicago remains a Union town.  As long as there are Unions there will be Organized Crime groups attached
to them; the money and power are far too great to be ignored.

As the Italian and Irish influence waned, the Black and Latino gangs learned from their former rivals and adopted their habits.

Even the notorious "Reverend" Jesse (High) Jack*** was a member of a MOB-Controlled Union - you can
see the lessons he learned about thuggery in the way he has operated his Operation PUSH (which means you PUSH WHITEY AROUND!)

Labor Day and Chicago Unions

Since the days following the Pullman 
Strike, Labor unions have played an
important role in Chicago and its politics.

The potential for organizing great
political power that labor organizing
offered was recognized in the early part of 
the 20 th century.

Joseph “Bathhouse” Coughlin and Michael “Hinky Dink” Kenna—Aldermen 
of turn-of-the-century Chicago’s South Side vice district, the 
Levee—held election day parties in which they rewarded supporters 
with cash, booze and prostitutes.  At the city-wide level, however, 
professional politicians built their political success more on 
personal charm (and sometimes outlandish antics) than on the 
organizational strength of a political machine.

Politicians and labor organizers soon found that
by joining forces they could amass great power.

This deal with the Devil offered many benefits 
and the Unions served many purposes: 

  • They offered politicians a ready pool of voters who could ensure that elections were won

  • They offered a loyal group of voters who could be counted on in subsequent elections

  • They provided a large pool of men that could be counted on to take care of matters

  • They often joined with organized crime to ensure that any political foes were kept in line

  • They offered powerful links to unions in other
  • cities which brought about a national power

Through many decades this powerful partnership was developed and maintained and it was 
brought to its zenith under the leadership of
Mayor Richard J. Daley (The "Boss").

Unions continue to play an important role in 
Chicago. Here are a few:

Local Union Websites

The Unions are still very strong here with the Chicago Teachers Union often in the news.  Their Massive Political
Clout continues as it has for over a century.