Giuseppe Macri
Thursday marks the 48th World Day for Social Communications, and as a prominent world leader Pope Francis has a message: the Internet is a “gift from God,” and that the church needs to “boldly become citizens of the digital world.”
“Developments in travel and communications
are bringing us closer together and making us more connected, even as globalization makes us increasingly interdependent,” the Pope
said in a statement remarking on the message of the day. “The Internet, in particular, offers immense possibilities for encounter and solidarity. This is something truly good, a gift from God.”
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As a life long Roman Catholic, this new pontiff is a big dissapointment. Sadly, Francis has chosen to align himself with the left-leaning elements within the Church that view Communist Revolutionaries like Che Guevera and Castro as heroes.
This is somewhat understandable, for Francis of Assissi did adhere to what would today be considered a Socialist ideology. Unfortunately for the Church, the crimes of the Communists and the long string of atrocities of the Marxists world wide are ignored as the evils of capitalism are emphasized.
Simply put, Francis is far closer to this murderous ideology than he is to being a Catholic.