Criminal aliens go free with an invitation to pillage and plunder again
The Obama administration’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has a new “catch and release” program. The Center for Immigration Studies this week put the lie to the administration claim that by sharply curtailing deportation of so-called “Dreamers,” it could redeploy ICE resources to crack down harder on illegal aliens with criminal records.
The center shows how immigration agents tried to deport only a few more than a quarter of the illegals they encountered, filing charges against fewer than 193,500 of the 720,000 aliens eligible for deportation last year. Of those let go, more than 67,800 had criminal convictions on their records. So much for upholding the rule of law in the Obama era.
“ICE is releasing more illegal aliens and more criminal aliens than they’re trying to remove,” says Jessica Vaughn, author of the report, and adds that ICE has even been releasing illegals convicted of identity theft. “The preponderance of the evidence demonstrates that immigration enforcement in America has collapsed,” says Sen. Jeff Sessions, Alabama Republican, one of the harshest and most faithful critics of the comprehensive immigration-reform bill offered by the Senate’s “Gang of Eight.”