Screen Shot 2015-04-28 at 5.24.56 PMThe first thing we need to do is get everything out on the table where it belongs.
America is a country that has lost its way. Morally and ethically we’re further off the rails than the founders would have ever dreamed possible. The constitution is an afterthought for most legislators.
And a growing number of police act well outside of the authority they’ve been given.
This isn’t uniformly true, but under Obama, America has become a police state. And if their power is left unchecked, things could get out of hand (as they already have in some places).
With that being said let’s turn out attention to the riots in Baltimore.
As teenage thugs traipse the streets of Maryland’s largest city we can safely say we’re not seeing a sensible reaction to an injustice.
We are seeing people acting out in total frustration to the failure of Democrat initiatives to act as savior to the people.
Years of Democrat leadership has left Baltimore downtrodden and in disrepair.
The reason rioters are out on the streets right now is indicative of just how poorly they’ve done their jobs at helping the populace.
This is emblematic of what happens when the government pretends they can take care of people better than their own families can.
But before we digress let’s go back to the subject of this story: Freddie Gray.
Gray arrived at the hospital in pretty bad shape. Protesters allege Gray was the victim of excessive force and died from his injuries.
Could be.
But Freddie Gray was no angel.
In fact, once you look at his arrest record you’ll see he was nothing short of a career criminal.

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