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Showing posts with label #BALTIMORE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #BALTIMORE. Show all posts

Saturday, May 02, 2015

Sheriff Clarke: Baltimore cops human sacrifices ‘thrown like red meat to an angry mob’ !

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke voiced his disgust Friday at a Baltimore prosecutor’s rush in bringing charges against six police officers in the death ofFreddie Gray.
The prosecutor allowed politics to govern what should have been a purely legal decision, creating “a miscarriage of justice,” Clarke told the host of Fox News’ “Your World with Neil Cavuto.”
“This neophyte prosecutor stood up there and made a political statement, Neil, and I say that because she’s chanting or voicing some of the chants from this angry mob,” Clarke said. “Her job is to tune that out. She said, ‘I hear the voices.’ She is not supposed to hear anything as she reviews this case that is not consistent with the rule of law and our system of justice.”
Clarke said he’d never seen such a rush to judgement.
“There’s no way I have ever gotten a criminal charge within 24 hours after taking over all the reports and evidence to a prosecutor,” he said. “A prosecutor who is thorough needs several days to sift through hundreds of pages of reports. They usually want to interview some of the witnesses themselves in person, and they have to sift through all of the evidence, piece by piece, and they have to wait for some of the forensic evidence to conclude to come back.”
Clarke accused the prosecutor of engaging in “political activism.”
“She just got this case yesterday,” he said, estimating the decision typically would take three to four days.
“This is political activism,” Clarke said. “She’ll never prove this beyond a reasonable doubt, and I’m not going to silently stand by and watch my brother officers offered up as human sacrifices, thrown like red meat to an angry mob, just to appease this angry mob.”

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17 Things About the #BaltimoreRiots the Media Won't Tell You ! @NewsMax

Image: 17 Things About the Baltimore Riots the Media Won't Tell YouProtesters near a CVS pharmacy that was looted and burned by rioters on Monday after the funeral of Freddie Gray, on April 29, 2015 in Baltimore, Maryland. (Andrew Burton/Getty Images)
Thursday, 30 Apr 2015 01:06 PM
By Jim Meyers

Much of the mainstream media coverage of the Baltimore riots has focused on the supposed misdeeds of police in a city with an alleged history of police brutality, but far less attention has been given to a number of complicating factors surrounding the outbreak.

Widespread rioting, looting, and burning erupted on Monday after the funeral of 25-year-old Freddie Gray, who was arrested in Baltimore on April 12 and died a week later from spinal injuries he suffered while in custody. 

Here is a Newsmax look at the 17 things about the Baltimore riots the media won't tell you:

1. Gray had an arrest record. He had been arrested a total of 22 times in Maryland, primarily for possession and distribution of illegal narcotics. Gray had been involved in 20 criminal court cases, five of which were still active at the time of his death.
2. Gray was armed. Police found him carrying a switchblade knife.

3. Police pursued Gray after he made eye contact with officers and fled. That's sufficient cause for pursuit if the fleeing suspect is in a drug-invested area, which Gray was.

4. Police officers reportedly violated policy by not securing Gray with a seatbelt
 inside the police van after he was apprehended. But a policy written in 1997 said seatbelt use was discretionary. However, a new policy requiring their use was communicated to officers on April 9, just three days before Gray was arrested, and the police union president said many officers were not yet aware of the policy changes.

5. A friend of an officer who arrested Gray said the suspect wasn't secured in the van because officers were not able to bring him under control and were afraid he would attack or bite them.

6. Gray may have been intentionally trying to injure himself in the van.Multiple reports claimed Gray was not buckled because officers wanted to dole out extrajudicial treatment by deliberately giving him a rough ride. But another prisoner in the van with Gray told investigators that Gray was banging against the walls of the van and the prisoner believed he was intentionally trying to injure himself.
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7. A call to "purge" circulated on social media among Baltimore students on the morning of the Monday riots. It was a reference to a 2013 movie depicting a 12-hour period when all crimes were legalized, and may have convinced the students that there would be no repercussions for rioting and looting.
8. The looting may have been premeditated, as a number of rioters arrived on the scene carrying crowbars. President Barack Obama said that when people "start opening doors to loot, they're not protesting.

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Friday, May 01, 2015

FREDDY GREY was a DOPE PUSHER and ADDICT - why no word?

Judging from the long RAP SHEET Of Small Time THUG Freddie Grey it's obvious that he was also a USER of DRUGS as well as SMALL TIME PUSHER.

As an ADDICT, his actions can be easily exlpained - folks STONED ON DRUGS do many strange things, often resulting in severe harm to themselves and even death.

Why has there been NO MENTION OF this SCUM BAG's USE or DRUGS?

THE MSM Has been making this worthless piece of SHIT out as some sort of innocent victim - when DOPE DEALERS are in FACT the ones who inflict SEVERE HARM, LIFE LONG SCARS and EVEN DEATH!



1.) Was this SHIT HEAD STONED?


3.) HOW MANY DRUGS had he already sold on the day he was sent to HELL?

The AUTOPSY will reveal how many DRUGS were in his system and more.

But don't expect WOLFIE SHITTER at CNN or the Crackerjack 'REV" at MSLSD to let you know!

So how about some REAL FACTS?!?!!?


On Friday, State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby released her list of charges against all six officers involved in the arrest and death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray, who died seven days after his arrest after his spine was 80 percent severed while in custody.

Mosby’s charges ranged from second degree depraved heart murder for the driver of the van to manslaughter to misconduct in office to false imprisonment. Her account of the events preceding Gray’s death was far from comprehensive: she said that Gray ran from police after making eye contact with them, that Gray was arrested despite the fact that “no crime was committed,” that Gray was not provided a medic. She mentioned multiple times that Gray had not been restrained by a seatbelt. Those are the only facts she related; she then launched into a political statement directed at rioters and protesters, explaining, “I heard your call for ‘no justice, no peace.’ Your peace is sincerely needed.”
Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 3 President Gene Ryan responded by stating, “As tragic as this situation is, none of the officers involved are responsible for the death of Mr. Gray. To the contrary, at all times, each of the officers diligently balanced their obligations to protect Mr. Gray and discharge their duties to protect the public.”

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By Ron Edwards
May 1, 2015

Recently someone asked me a very insightful question. Since black Americans are always complaining about and committing dastardly acts, because of real or imagined problems, how is it that they have become what they have complained about? When I was viewing the ongoing criminal activity of burning, looting and physical violence against reporters who were simply doing their job I became quite angry. It did not matter to me what the angry black men and women were upset about. The brutal demonstrators threw rocks at police cars and set fires to businesses, including liquor stores they raided. Of course they consumed fire water and had a jolly good time giving the ultimate display of how uncivilized people can be. The massive void of common decency and wisdom among the population of criminals was jaw dropping.

I could not help but think about the almost comical irony concerning the Baltimore rioters. On one hand they were cursing capitalism and expressing the need for more jobs. Then preceding to confirm how stupid they are as they commenced to burn businesses up that had been a source of jobs. But the truth is, whether it’s the bully thugs of Baltimore, the Debbie downers of Detroit, the shysters of Chicago or the complainers in Cleveland, there is one common denominator. That is a dangerous philosophical base which includes hatred for America, capitalism, virtue, civility, liberty and self- reliance.

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#Sharpton takes control in #Baltimore, gets physical with Fox News reporter ! @BIZ

May 1, 2015 by  39 Comments

Relax Baltimore, Al Sharpton is now in control.
Unable to resist the glare of the TV cameras, race hustler Al Sharpton made his grand entrance into the chaotic scene in Baltimore, Md., by getting into aphysical confrontation with a Fox News reporter.
Democratic Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake was on her way to a press event sponsored by Sharpton’s National Action Network when Fox News reporter Leland Vittert tried to ask the mayor about officers injured and businesses looted as a result of her reported “stand down” order,  Sharpton intervened.
“We can’t ask questions?” Vittert asked Rawlings-Blake, in response to being told no questions. “You are a public official and we can’t ask questions?”
Acting as a member of the mayor’s security detail, Sharpton assumed total control of when and if the embattled mayor would answer questions — Rawlings-Blake remained silent the entire time.
“You will have the opportunity,” the shakedown artist replied. “At the press conference, we will answer all questions.”
As Vittert persisted in questioning Rawlings-Blake, an unidentified man stepped between them, at which point Sharpton reached out and appeared to shove the reporter backwards.
“Whoa!” Vittert called out.
Sharpton later commented on the incident.
“He’ll be on tonight, like, we hit him or something,” he said of Vittert. “I’ll tell you right now, just watch the circus tonight.”
“Quit playing with matches in Baltimore!” he added.
A touch of irony from a man with a reputation for showing up on the scene of a fire with a can of gasoline.

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Thursday, April 30, 2015

'Death to All White Cops' Facebook Post Leads to Quick Arrest ! @CBN


Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke (D) blasted “failed liberal government policies” for miring people in cities like Baltimore in “generational poverty” and argued that change in Baltimore “needs to start in the politics, the failed liberal Democrat policies” on Wednesday’s “Hannity” on the Fox News Channel.
Clarke declared, “with him [President Obama] making that statement about this Congress won’t enact any of his policies, you know, good for them. Because all these failed liberal government policies have done is mired black people in generational poverty, kept their kids in failing schools, chronically unemployed, they can’t find meaningful work, having to live in crime-infested neighborhoods, all under — by the way, I continue to hear the president talk about the economic recovery. Tell that to the people of Baltimore. Tell that to the people in the American ghettos who can’t find work, whose kids have to attend failing schools, who are living in poverty, tell that to them that there’s been — this wonderful economic recovery because they’ve been left behind, Sean.”
Earlier he said, “[Representative] Elijah Cummings (D-MD), as you indicated, he’s been in the Congress for 15 [note: Cummings was elected to Congress 19 years ago] years representing part of the city of Baltimore. Before that, he was in the Maryland House of Delegates for 14 years. Nearly three decades of serving the people of Baltimore, and nothing has gotten better. That windbag stood in that church at Freddie Gray — and God rest his soul, and God bless his family, his surviving family members, but he stood up in that church at the funeral of Freddie Gray and said ‘we need structural change.’ And I looked at the TV set and I said ‘you’ve had three decades to do it and you haven’t done it.’ It might be time for a change in Baltimore, in the Baltimore area, I think it needs to start in the politics, the failed liberal Democrat policies that have kept people mired in misery in the American ghetto.”
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Prisoner said Freddie Gray was ‘trying to injure himself"- HIGH ON DRUGS !!! @WAPO

 April 29 at 9:10 PM  

 A prisoner sharing a police transport van with Freddie Gray told investigators that he could hear Gray “banging against the walls” of the vehicle and believed that he “was intentionally trying to injure himself,” according to a police document obtained by The Washington Post.
The prisoner, who is currently in jail, was separated from Gray by a metal partition and could not see him. His statement is contained in an application for a search warrant, which is sealed by the court. The Post was given the document under the condition that the prisoner not be named because the person who provided it feared for the inmate’s safety.
The document, written by a Baltimore police investigator, offers the first glimpse of what might have happened inside the van. It is not clear whether any additional evidence backs up the prisoner’s version, which is just one piece of a much larger probe.
Gray was found unconscious in the wagon when it arrived at a police station on April 12. The 25-year-old had suffered a spinal injury and died a week later, touching off waves of protests across Baltimore, capped by a riot Monday in which hundreds of angry residents torched buildings, looted stores and pelted police officers with rocks.
Who was Baltimore’s Freddie Gray?(1:27)
The death of 25-year-old Baltimore resident Freddie Gray is sparking demonstrations and riots in the city. Take a look at Gray’s past and the video that shows his arrest just days before his death. (The Washington Post)
Police have said they do not know whether Gray was injured during the arrest or during his 30-minute ride in the van. Local police and the U.S. Justice Department both have launched investigations of Gray’s death.
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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Rand Paul: Baltimore Violence Linked to 'Breakdown of the Family' ! @NEWSMAX

Treading more lightly than he had a year ago, when unrest gripped the small Missouri city of Ferguson, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul added his voice to those of Republican presidential hopefuls weighing in on the riots in Baltimore by identifying the breakdown of morals and families. 
"You know, I don't know if there is an answer from the federal government," said Paul, in a morning interview with radio host Laura Ingraham, when asked what President Barack Obama could have done to quell violence. "It obviously is a local problem, primarily. But you do have to have enough show of security, enough of show of a police force, to deter the kind of action. Once that happens, it sort of spirals out of control. It's depressing. It's sad. It's scary. I came through Baltimore on the train yesterday. I'm glad the train didn't stop."
Paul, who criticized police militarization after Ferguson and petty criminalization following the death of Eric Garner in Staten Island, N.Y., did not evoke any of that in reacting to Baltimore. "It's something we talk about not in the immediate aftermath, but over time," Paul said. "The breakdown of the family structure, the lack of fathers, the lack of sort of a moral code in our society. This isn't just a racial thing. It goes across racial boundaries. But we do have problems in our country, and you see that we're close to the tipping point–closer to the tipping point than many thing."
Ben Carson, a potential Republican presidential candidate and retired Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon, also cited Baltimore's families, calling on them to restrain rioters and protect children.

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Baltimore Riots Are All Pre-Planed Anti-White Cop Haters ! @Shoebat

Ushering In The Era Of Lawlessness In America

By Theodore and Walid Shoebat
If you think that lawlessness is only restricted to Syria and Iraq think again as you watch Baltimore burn. We obtained the most crucial scenes to prove that this is not about “Black Lives Matter”, but simply that “White Lives, Especially Cops, Do Not Matter”. Evil always presents the reverse of the truth while the truth sayers are the ones who get accused of racism. Lawless mobs always accuse the other side of the very thing they are guilty of. One criminal is hurt while carrying out his crimes and cops have to pay the price to keep the peace.
So lets see, first we have the Mayor of Baltimore who says that the city Provided “Safe Spaces” For Protesters to destroy if they “chose to”.  In agreement with this mentality is Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s Supreme Leader which the Black community’s struggle against police brutality in the U.S. has received support from that powerful source. Perhaps the rioters should move to Iran where they would be welcomed by Ayatollah including this evil mayor who allowed “safe spaces” for “protesters” to destroy:


As rioters rushed through the streets of Baltimore, torching police vehicles, looting local stores, and attacking police officers and reporters alike, some intrepid leftists justified the activity.

Marc Lamont Hill stated on MSNBC, “There shouldn’t be calm tonight. I think there can be resistance to oppression, and when resistance occurs, you can’t circumscribe resistance.” He added that the riots should be called “uprisings. The city is not burning because of those protesters. The city is burning because the police killed Freddie Gray.” Sally Kohn of CNN tweeted, “Looting is a real shame. But FAR MORE shameful is pattern of police violence against black community! Perspective, people. #BaltimoreRising.”
Baltimore’s riots have prompted a state of emergency in the city, as well as the calling of the National Guard. But the riots should also demonstrate conclusively that leftist myths about what drives race riots are just that: myths. It turns out that all the excuses given for the riots in Ferguson simply do not apply to the situation in Baltimore.
The “White Police” Myth. As rioters tore up Ferguson last year in the aftermath of the justifiable shooting of Michael Brown by Officer Darren Wilson, media members rushed to explain that the disproportionate whiteness of the police force was to blame. Media outletafter media outlet after media outlet after media outlet blamed the unrest on the failure of the police department to reflect the community. But as of 2010, “Half of the sworn command staff are minorities,” according to the Baltimore SunAnd in Baltimore County, 55 percent of new applicants to the police department are minority, a number the police department has been attempting to boost. Racially reflecting the community, in other words, doesn’t seem to be helping.
The “Evil Police Chief” Myth. In Ferguson, the media targeted as its chosen villain Chief Thomas Jackson, who is white. After the Department of Justice found that the Ferguson Police Department had serious racial problems thanks in part to its disproportionate whiteness, Jackson stepped down. Media found Jackson particularly galling because Jackson released footage of Michael Brown strong-arm robbing a convenience store minutes before his confrontation with Wilson. It is difficult to blame the riots in Baltimore on similar circumstances. The police chief, Anthony Batts, who is black, said in February that crime should be addressed “through social justice as a whole,” and added that “Leadership should be focused not just on crime-fighting, but tackling racism.”He then stated, “When I go to Baltimore, on the East Coast, I’m dealing with 1950s-level black-and-white racism.”