Vote Trump 2016 !

Vote Trump 2016 !
Trump 2016
Showing posts with label "War on Terror". Show all posts
Showing posts with label "War on Terror". Show all posts

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Sarah #Palin with #Trump is right - Let's KICK SOME ASS ! #Trump2016 #Obama #HillaryClinton

When Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin yelled, "Let's KICK ISIS's ASS!" at a recent Donald rally the response was overwhelming.

This is what #AMERICANS have been waiting to hear:

Let's KICK #ISIS's ASS !!!

While wimpy  faggots in the media decried the intense rhetoric and sage pundits accused Palin of Junior High School Cheerleading, they miss the point entirely:


Our early history began as we stood up against the most powerful forces in the world and with the masterful strategies of the Patriot Army kicked Red Coat Ass.

The King realized he was beaten so gave up.

In 1803 we had our first encounter with #ISLAMIC #TERROR via the Barbary Pirates - President Jefferson built a real NAVY and MARINE force and proceeded to KICK #MUSLIM ASS - they surrendered.

Though the Civil War was fought to preseve the Union, it gave generals like Sherman & Grant an opportunty to REALLY KICK ASS the DESTROY all that laid in their path - the vanquished Red Coats soon capitulated.

The story was the same with the Red Skins - we met their Stone Age savagery with an even greater savagery to KICK THE HELL out of them all - they were nearly wiped out.

WWI dragged on and finally degenerated into bloddy Trench Warfare - UNTIL the YANKS entered the FRAY!  The Kaiser knew he was about to get his ASS KICKED so gave up.

The Dastardly attacks on Dec 7, 1941 forced a reluctant US to enter a World Wide War against the two greatest military powers on earth.  In four years we defeated both - by mercilessly firebombing their cities and industries to KICK ASS like none ever had.

The NUCLEAR ASS KICKING of Hiroshima and Nagasaki demonstrated to ALL That we Could  and Would KICK ASS on a massive sclale whenever it was needed.

When the US allowed the nascent United Nations to assume Command in Korea the dye was set for failure - Gen. MacArthur really kicked ASS in the famous Inchon Landing but the UN flubbed it all and that War remains a stalemate even today.

After 15 years of fighting the US Stepped into Vietnam and REALLY KICKED VC ASS in the Tet Offensive - but the Peaceniks - led by Jane Fonda and Hanoi JOHN KERRY forced LBJ to withdraw  -


The 1991 Gulf War was the Funniest of ALL - after 30 days of 1200 AIR Strikes per day, the remnants of Saddam's Army threw off their uniforms and RAN as US Forces approached - it was over in a day and  half! 

The USA has been Unique in World History because WE WIN and



It's time to 


To do that we'll have to KICK ASS - not just #ISIS - lots more 

SO Let's Get busy and


#VoteTrump2016 !!!

Friday, September 18, 2015


Islamic Movement mobilizing Arab youth to smuggle weapons to site

Thursday, September 17, 2015

#Muslim teen blames his “BOMB HOAX” on “islamophobia,” #Obama invites him to WH @Atlas

A Muslim teen bought a strange ticking device to his high school that set off alarms and fear. The student was detained for having what resembled a bomb. Officers said the clock and wires inside his Vaultz pencil case looked like a hoax bomb to them. When questioned about the device was, the student, Ahmed Mohamed, wouldn’t answer. Now terror-tied Islamic groups like Hamas-CAIR, their media lapdogs and even President Obama are waging jihad against the school.

This whole thing smells like a set-up. With ISIS in America, and young moderate Muslims are fleeing to Syria to join the terror group, the Irving school’s response was rational and reasonable. I run news stories on a weekly basis of American Muslim teens...

30% of Americans Believe Obama is a Muslim

It’s not a question of “islamophobia” or “racism,” or ignorance, for that matter. You can’t know what’s in a man’s heart, but “by their fruits ye shall know him, and so we know him.”
Obama’s pro-jihad policies and his sharia adherence (“the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam”) tell us more about him than words or agitprop ever could. He rules like a Muslim leader.
Egypt Obama Muslim Brotherhood
His “leading from behind” led to the ouster of secular ruler Qaddafi, leaving behind …
…a human tragedy in Libya.
Backing the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt was an inexplicable choice, and it almost ruined the country.
The United States did not need to hound...

Children on “Palestinian” TV: “We Want To Wage Jihad And Blow Up The Jews”

“Palestinian” — a marketing term for Jew-hatred. Without their hatred of the Jews and their sole objective, the destruction of the Jewish state, “Palestinians” would cease to exist.
Imagine, the jihad ambassador of the terror statelet expects “hundreds of leaders” to attend the raising of the “Palestinian” flag outside U.N. headquarters late this month. The General Assembly last week overwhelmingly approved the Palestinians’ flag-raising proposal, with just eight states opposing.
It’s nothing short of the UN saluting the Nazi flag. Same thing.

On a children’s show on the Hamas-owned Al-Aqsa TV channel, young...

#Obama Pushing for 100K #Muslim Refugees While Deporting #Christian Refugees @Atlas

Obama is set to deport 12 Iraqi Christian refugees while working to import ISIS’s trojan horse.

Nearly half of the 27 Iraqi Christians the Obama administration has been holding for the past six months at an ICE detention center in Otay Mesa, California, are set to be deported in the coming weeks.

Is it any wonder that close to a third of Americans think Obama is a Muslim? Christian and religious minorities are thrown under the bus in Obama’s immigration jihad.
“Feds already raising Muslim refugee numbers,” By Leo Hohmann, WND, September 16,2015
Report says 85,000 suggested for 2016, 100,000 for fiscal 2017
As millions of Syrians flee ISIS tyranny and violence, the Obama administration already is pushing...

Live-tweeting the #GOP Debate

Just a heads up — I’ll be live-tweeting the GOP debate tonight at8pm Eastern time.
Follow me on twitter here.
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VIDEO: STATE OF EMERGENCY, Rioting Migrants Chanting “Allahu Akbar” Trying to Break Through Hungarian Border, Police Fire Tear Gas

This is no humanitarian crisis, this is an invasion.
The real humanitarian crisis is the slaughter of Christian and non-Muslim minorities in Syria and Iraq. We called for action in late 2011. Nothing was done. We were called islamophobes and racists for trying to save lives.
We called for action before the genocide. Now the Europeans are importing the perpetrators of that genocide.
Migration is part of the doctrine of jihad. Migration is so important that the Islamic calendar is based upon the Hijra, Mohammed’s...

#Obama Half-Clocked Tale of #Islamophobia @JihadwatchRS


In PJ Media today I discuss how, as usual, Obama has assumed that Americans are bigots before the contrary facts were in about Ahmed Mohamed’s suspicious-looking device and uncooperative behavior.
Ahmed Mohamed clock
Ahmed Mohamed, 14, a freshman at MacArthur High School in Irving, Texas, had a mind for gadgetry and a great idea: he would build his own working clock and take it to school on Monday to show an engineering teacher. “It was the first time,” he said, “I brought an invention to school to show a teacher.” But everything went terribly, terribly wrong: Islamophobic teachers took his innocuous clock for a bomb and went so far as to have him arrested. All is well now, however, as the civil rights group CAIR and Barack Obama have stepped in, Ahmed’s persecutors have egg on their racist faces, and Ahmed has been invited to the White House.
That’s the narrative that was everywhere Wednesday (Vox’s headline was typical of the spin: “Muslim ninth grader arrested for bringing an electronics project to school”), but as with so many such stories, it is full of holes.
His clock, a busy gadget of circuits and wires without either a conventional clock face or a digital display, looked more like a bomb than like a clock. Irving police said that Ahmed carried his homemade clock to school in a briefcase; once there, he plugged it in during English class, and it began making noise.
If he took it in to school to show it to an engineering teacher, why did he plug it in during English class? What kind of clock makes noise, other than ticking?
(Pictured: Mohamed’s not-at-all suspicious, appropriate-for-English-class device)
The principal, the school resource officer, and police questioned him, according to WFAA:
[O]fficers said Ahmed was being “passive aggressive” in his answers to their questions, and didn’t have a “reasonable answer” as to what he was doing with the case. Investigators said the student told them that it was just a clock that he was messing around with.
Irving police officer James McLellan remarked:
We attempted to question the juvenile about what it was and he would simply only say it was a clock. He didn’t offer any explanation as to what it was for, why he created this device, why he brought it to school.
Why this reticence? Why didn’t Ahmed tell McLellan what he so readily told the international media: that he loved building things and had brought the clock to school to show to an engineering teacher?
In any case, he didn’t. After he was arrested (and released without charge), the Islamic victimhood machine kicked into high gear. Ahmed’s father, Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed, lamented:
He just wants to invent good things for mankind. But because his name is Mohamed and because of Sept. 11, I think my son got mistreated.
Alia Salem, executive director of the North Texas chapter of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations, declared:
This all raises a red flag for us: how Irving’s government entities are operating in the current climate.
Barack Obama himself got into the act, tweeting to Ahmed:
Cool clock, Ahmed. Want to bring it to the White House? We should inspire more kids like you to like science. It’s what makes America great.

Please RT - THANKS 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Teenager Murdered Her Mother After Watching #ISIS Videos !@Atlas

‘This murder was cold blooded, ice cold and committed in a bestial manner.’
Lisa Borch became obsessed with Islam after falling in love with an unnamed Muslim man. She watched endless repeats of the beheadings of the two Britons, both of whom had gone to Syria on humanitarian missions. Her mother opposed her daughter’s relationship with the jihadist.
So they slaughtered her.
Borch had planned to flee to Syria with her jihadi boyfriend to fight alongside ISIS. If the Islamic State is not Islamic, what is it? How did this misunderstanding of Islam become so widespread? Why are so many Muslims in Europe, the US and around the world joining the Islamic State?
And while “moderate” Muslims condemn the...

FGM trial in Australia: “I told you this is a big secret”

Female genital mutilation (FGM) or clitoridectomy is an Islamic tradition, rampant in the Muslim world. Over 96% of the women in Egypt have been clitoridectomized. Back in 2008, devout members of the Egyptian parliament have made female genital mutilation (circumcision) legal again in Egypt. With the advent of increased Muslim immigration, this has become a pressing issue here in America.
But the denial is all-pervasive: this woman was a member of the Dawoodi Bohra Shia Muslim community, and she told her daughters after they spoke to police: “OK, you told them everything … now we are in trouble … I told you this is a big secret.” And the head of her Muslim community “was also allegedly recorded telling...